Fish salad. Salad with fish for the winter very tasty and simple recipes A simple recipe for blue whiting fish to make a salad

The health of the body and normal well-being depends on many factors - on the characteristics of lifestyle, on the presence and severity of physical and mental stress, as well as on the individual characteristics of a person. Proper and balanced nutrition plays an extremely important role. So nutritionists strongly recommend that all people eat fish at least a couple of times a week. And blue whiting fish will be an excellent find for such an expansion of the diet. Let's talk about what blue whiting is, the benefits and harms of its consumption, what can be, and also answer the question, what can be prepared from blue whiting?

The benefits and harms of whiting fish

Blue whiting is a medium-sized fish that belongs to cod. It can be purchased both fresh and frozen.
Blue whiting is the most useful marine fish, which has in its composition a lot of vitamin and mineral substances, represented by provitamin A and cobalt, phosphorus, sulfur and fluorine.

By including blue whiting in your diet, you can stabilize fat and cholesterol metabolism. Also, such an additive to the menu effectively improves immunity, optimizes water balance indicators and helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

Vitamin A has a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system. Such a substance increases working capacity, improves vision by an order of magnitude and rejuvenates the skin. In addition, provitamin A is able to stimulate wound healing.

The retinol in blue whiting benefits hair and nail health. And iodine from such a fish adds energy, prevents diseases of the thyroid system and activates mental activity.

Vitamin D in its composition promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, it is extremely important for the strengthening and formation of the bone apparatus.

Quite often blue whiting is used to obtain fish oil. And he, in turn, copes with exhaustion and overwork, prevents diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and helps to resist the aggressive effects of the external environment. Thanks to fish oil, blue whiting helps prevent atherosclerosis and some types of cancer (especially of the breast and intestines). She is advised to eat for psoriasis, arthritis and. In addition, such an additive in the diet will help improve brain activity, improving memory and attention.

What is the harm to the body from blue whiting?

Such a fish can practically not harm health. It is extremely rare that such a product causes allergic reactions, their appearance is a contraindication to its further consumption.
Of course, blue whiting, which was not properly stored or prepared, or grew in polluted waters, can also harm.

You should not eat fish if you suffer from serious ailments of the digestive tract and intestinal disorders.

What can be prepared from blue whiting fish?

Blue whiting recipes will appeal to those people who care about their health and their figure. This low-fat bony fish is usually used for frying and baking whole, minced meat for fish cakes is prepared from its fillet. It is also often boiled, for example, for making soups. There are also recipes for making zrazy and cabbage rolls with blue whiting. It is advised to stew in sour cream and add to an omelette.
The only drawback of such a fish is a significant number of bones.

Recipe for delicious blue whiting fish cakes

Defrost the fish, rinse it well in cold water. Cut off the heads and remove the skin from the carcasses. Remove the fins with scissors and separate the meat from the bones and backbone. Pass the resulting fillet through a meat grinder or process with a blender. Then pour a little boiling milk or water over the bread and wait until it swells well. Next, finely chop the onion. Bread crush with a fork to get a homogeneous slurry.
Grate the carrot on a small grater. Mix the prepared ingredients together, if desired, turn them in a blender until smooth. Beat the egg into the resulting mass, add salt, pepper and mix well. Form cutlets from the prepared minced meat, put them on a baking sheet, greased with a small amount of vegetable oil. Brush the top of the cutlets with sour cream and sprinkle with paprika (optional). Send the baking sheet to the oven, preheated to two hundred degrees, and bake for twenty minutes. It will be very tasty! If you liked it, then write down this recipe for blue whiting fish cakes in your culinary collection.

Blue whiting fish in the oven in foil

To prepare such delicious and fragrant dish you need to prepare about half a kilogram of blue whiting, a large orange, one medium carrot and onion, a couple of tablespoons of tomato sauce. Also use spices to taste.

Defrost, wash and dry some blue whiting. Salt it, sprinkle with seasonings for fish and leave for half an hour. During this time, prepare the fried onions and carrots. Place the fish on a baking sheet lined with foil. Top with orange rings, onion-carrot fry and tomato sauce. Cover with a second sheet of foil and seal the edges. Send the baking sheet to the oven, preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees, and bake for forty minutes. Sprinkle the finished fish with zest and leave in a hot oven for five minutes.

Blue whiting salad with carrots and onions

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare blue whiting fish - about half a kilogram, two hundred and fifty grams of carrots, the same amount of onions, a little vegetable oil and mayonnaise. Also use some large and greens (for decoration), spices (salt and pepper), a couple, five to six peas of black pepper and a little leaf lettuce.

Boil the fish until tender, adding bay leaves and black peppercorns to it. Then separate the meat from the bones and disassemble it into small pieces. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, and chop the onion into small cubes. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden, then add carrots to it and fry until soft. Next, combine vegetables with fish, season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.
Fill the silicone molds with the resulting mass, sealing well with a spoon. Soak for an hour in the refrigerator, then serve. In this case, the contents of the mold can be laid out on a lettuce leaf.

Blue whiting is a budgetary and very healthy fish that can be found in any diet.

Traditional medicine recipes

Many components that are used to prepare blue whiting dishes have medicinal qualities. Traditional medicine specialists widely use them for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

So quite often healers use different spices, including black pepper.

There is evidence that black pepper is excellent for raising blood pressure. So with hypotension, high-quality black pepper should be added daily to dishes. Even to improve well-being with a decrease in pressure, you can put a grain of black pepper in your mouth. Hold for half an hour.

For an irritating and dry cough, mix a couple of pinches of black pepper with four tablespoons of quality honey and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Dissolve this mixture several times a day.

For rheumatism, mix black pepper with vodka. Use this mixture to rub into the affected areas twice or thrice a day.

If you suffer from flatulence, take one medium bay leaf and grind it with a black peppercorn to a powder. Eat it and drink warm tea.

Traditional medicine experts say that black pepper will help increase the tone of the body and. To this end, its powder must be combined with honey, observing an equal ratio. Dissolve half a teaspoon of the mixture in a glass of milk and drink. Take this mixture once a day.

An excellent effect is the use of black pepper in therapy, aches, pains with sciatica, osteochondrosis and joint pain. To prepare the medicine, you must combine a tablespoon of black pepper powder with a glass of olive oil. Heat this mixture over low heat for five to ten minutes. Then cool the oil, strain and use for rubbing. Such procedures will be useful for osteochondrosis.

Blue whiting is a wonderful fish for preparing a delicious lunch or dinner. And the components that are used to create such dishes also have a lot of medicinal qualities.


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The unremarkable taste characteristics of blue whiting can be skillfully turned into masterpieces and enjoy a budget, but tasty dish!

Thanks to the properties of this type of fish, blue whiting baked in the oven is not only tasty and nutritious, but also dietary and low-calorie. To preserve the value of the product, you need to arrange it correctly, and for this, follow some simple rules:
Fish are pre-thawed, cleaned, getting rid of fins, heads, entrails and black film, rinsed and dried.
If time permits, the product is marinated with spices for about half an hour. The fishy smell, if desired, is neutralized by adding lemon juice to the marinade. You can simply bake the fish until tender or supplement them with onions, other vegetables and an appropriate sauce of your choice, keeping them in the oven for no more than half an hour.

Blue whiting in the oven with potatoes

Moderately spicy, nutritious and fragrant blue whiting baked in the oven with potatoes according to the following recipe is obtained. If desired, mayonnaise can be replaced with a mixture of sour cream, salt, pepper and grated garlic. The resulting dish is a great option for a homemade lunch or dinner, the preparation of 4 servings of which will take no more than 50 minutes.
blue whiting - 500 g;
potatoes - 500 g;
onion - 100 g;

mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. spoons;
salt, pepper, oil.
Fish are prepared, rubbed with seasonings.
Potatoes are peeled, cut into circles and placed in an oiled form.
Fish and chopped onions are placed on top, everything is covered with mayonnaise.
Blue whiting is baked in the oven with potatoes for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

Blue whiting in the oven in foil

Blue whiting in foil in the oven is especially juicy, soft and rich. If desired, the sheets can be turned away 5 minutes before the completion of the baking process, thereby drying the dish and browning it a little. The recipe, if desired, can be varied by adding vegetables: onions, grated carrots, tomatoes or bell pepper, cutting the components not large and laying them on top of the carcasses or on the sides.
blue whiting - 500 g;
ground coriander and Provence herbs - 1 teaspoon each;
salt, pepper, oil.
The fish are properly processed, rubbed with seasonings and salt. After 15 minutes, the product is placed on oiled sheets of foil and wrapped. Blue whiting is cooked in foil in the oven for 25 minutes at 185 degrees.

Blue whiting in the sleeve

This recipe for blue whiting in the oven is similar to the previous one, but instead of foil, a baking sleeve is used, which will preserve the juiciness of the product. Only 40-50 minutes of wasted time - and on your table a delicious treat for four. The dish is served with boiled rice or potatoes, if desired, supplemented with fresh cut vegetables or pickles.
blue whiting - 500 g;
lemon juice - 15 ml;
onion - 100 g;
tomatoes - 200 g;
spices for fish - ½ teaspoon;
salt, pepper, parsley, oil.
Prepared fish are sprinkled with lemon juice, rubbed with a spicy mixture. After about ten minutes, the carcasses are placed in a sleeve oiled inside, onion rings and circles of tomatoes are placed on top. Blue whiting with vegetables is baked in the oven for 25 minutes at 185 degrees.

Blue whiting cutlets

Blue whiting cutlets in the oven are not only surprisingly tasty, but also incredibly healthy and diet dish containing a minimum of fat and a maximum of nutritional and valuable properties. Training fish fillet It will take some time, but the result is definitely worth the effort. From the indicated amount of products, 4-5 servings will be obtained.
blue whiting - 600 g;
onions, carrots - 70 g each;
egg - 1 pc.;
white bread - 1-2 slices;
milk - 50 ml;
sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
salt, pepper, paprika.
Prepared fish get rid of skins and bones, twist the pulp in a meat grinder or in a blender along with vegetables and bread soaked in milk. Add an egg, salt, pepper, paprika to the base, mix. Make cutlets, put them on an oiled baking sheet, grease with sour cream and bake 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Blue whiting in batter

For a change, you can decorate blue whiting in the oven in batter. In this design, the fish retains its juiciness inside and, thanks to breading, at the same time manages to be crispy on the outside. It is very tasty to serve a sauce made from homemade mayonnaise with the addition of horseradish, chopped onion, lemon juice and mustard to the dish. The resulting portion of food is enough to feed four.
blue whiting fillet - 800 g;
egg - 1-2 pcs.;
flour - 1-2 tablespoons;
breadcrumbs - 2 cups;
olive oil - 40 ml;
salt, pepper, seasonings for fish, sauce for serving.
Beat the egg, season to taste, stir in the flour. The fish fillet is seasoned, dipped in the egg mixture, and then generously in breadcrumbs. Blue whiting is baked in the oven at 190 degrees for 20 minutes.

Blue whiting marinated with carrots and onions

A surprisingly tasty dish, ideally complementing a side dish of rice, potatoes, will be blue whiting in the oven with carrots and onions. The fish is soaked with a tomato-vegetable mixture, filled with spicy flavors and it turns out appetizing and spicy. You can use both prepared whole fish, cut into portions, and fillets.
blue whiting - 600 g;
onions, carrots - 150 g each;
tomato sauce - 300 g;
laurel - 1 pc.;
vegetable oil - 50 ml;
garlic - 2 cloves;

The prepared fish is sprinkled with lemon juice, seasoned, placed in a mold. Vegetables are sauteed in oil, tomato, laurel, seasonings, garlic are added, simmered for 5 minutes and the fish is poured with the resulting mixture. Blue whiting with sauce is baked in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Blue whiting in sour cream

By cooking blue whiting in sour cream in the oven, you will appreciate the taste characteristics of this seemingly unremarkable fish and will cook it more and more often. The nutritional properties of the food allow it to be included in the diet menu, or served with any everyday meal as an addition to the side dish, without fear of harming the figure. 4 servings will be ready in 40 minutes.
blue whiting - 600 g;
onion - 250 g;
sour cream with a minimum fat content - 300 g;
vegetable oil - 20 ml;
salt, pepper, lemon juice, spices.
The fish is prepared, sprinkled with lemon juice, flavored with spices, placed in an oiled form interspersed with onion rings. Cooking blue whiting in the oven at 200 degrees is continued. After 20 minutes, cover the dish with seasoned sour cream and bake for another 10-15 minutes.

Blue whiting casserole

Next, you will learn how to cook blue whiting in the oven in the form of a delicious and mouth-watering casserole. Potatoes in the recipe can be replaced with slices of zucchini or eggplant, and you can also add a layer of bell peppers or other vegetables. Making the dish will take no more than one hour, and as a result, there will be an unusual delicacy on the table, a portion of which is designed for 4 people.
blue whiting - 600 g;
potatoes - 300 g;
onion - 150 g;
egg - 1 pc.;
sour cream - 200 g;
bread crumbs - 1 cup;
garlic - 2 cloves;
salt, pepper, spices, cheese.
The fish are prepared, the bones are removed. The fillets are seasoned and left for 10 minutes. Thinly peeled potatoes, onions, greens are cut. Potatoes, then fish, onions are placed on the bottom of the oiled form, sprinkled with herbs and crumbs. Pour the components with a mixture of sour cream with egg, garlic , seasonings and bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees, sprinkled with cheese at the end.

Delicious salads for the winter are our Russian tradition. And salads with fish and vegetables may well replace a full dinner or are served. I collected recipes for such salads for many years, when I still lived on Sakhalin, in the fish land.

For such salads, they usually use small fish, herring, sprat, sprat, sometimes herring. For such tasty treats, it’s easy to cook for every housewife.

I always close several cans of herring, mackerel or sprat for the winter, homemade is always tastier, and sometimes you want to surprise guests. Still, such salads are less often prepared for the winter than just vegetable ones.

How to cook fish salads for the winter - the choice of products

The most preferred winter salads from fish with tomatoes. Probably the most common recipe will be sprat or capelin in tomato sauce. This is not only because we are accustomed to them by our trade, but it is always delicious, you can open such a jar for potatoes, and simply as a separate snack.

To make our salads really tasty, the fish in them does not fall apart, but keeps its shape, you need to choose it correctly. And it’s good if you live somewhere near the sea, where it’s not a problem to buy fresh fish. Not everyone is so lucky, therefore, I will tell you how to choose fish for winter salads.

Fresh-frozen fish is preferable in such cases, because our retail chains have now begun to sell chilled frozen products, that is, initially frozen fish is thawed for sale, the leftovers that are not sold on time are frozen again, and so on several times. When buying chilled fish, you can notice an unpleasant dark yellow color on the cut of the abdomen from constant frosts. Such fish will be very dry and will quickly “spread” during heat treatment.

Small fresh-frozen small fish, usually with shiny light backs, with a head and tail, not gutted, that's exactly the kind of fish we need.

Winter salad with herring and tomatoes

From the products to prepare:

  • Four kilos of freshly frozen herring
  • Half a kilo of onions
  • Four kilos of red tomatoes
  • Two kilos of carrot roots
  • Half a liter of refined sunflower oil
  • One tablespoon of 9% vinegar
  • Fifteen table spoons of sugar
  • Three heaping tablespoons of table salt

Cooking process:

Do not defrost the fish completely, so it is more convenient to cut it. Gut, cut off the head and tail, cut along the ridge and separate the fillet, which is cut into pieces.

Grind the tomatoes in a blender or meat grinder and rub through a sieve so that the skin does not come across. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a regular grater.

Pour half of the vegetable oil into a saucepan, where we pour the tomato and put the pieces of herring, put on fire.

In the second half of the oil, fry the carrots and onions in a pan. When the fish with tomato is stewed for half an hour, you need to salt, add sugar and lay out the frying. Leave to simmer for another half an hour. At the end of the time, add vinegar. We pack the salad hot in sterile jars, close it under the lids and wrap it in heat for slow cooling.

Fish salad for the winter with vegetables

We use the following products:

  • Half a kilo of capelin or herring
  • Three onions
  • Three medium carrots
  • Six large fleshy tomatoes
  • One medium beetroot
  • Two tablespoons of 9% vinegar
  • Tablespoon of salt
  • Two tablespoons of sugar
  • sunflower oil

How to cook fish salad:

We clean all the vegetables, cut the onion into half rings, carrots, three beets on a regular grater, chop the tomatoes in a blender and drive through a sieve to remove the skins and seeds.

We fry each product separately and put it in a common container, at the end we pour the tomato and put it on the stove to stew. We stew for twenty minutes, but for now we’ll take care of the fish, it needs to be cleaned, cut off the heads and rinsed.

We lay the fish with vegetables, salt, add sugar and leave to stew for another half an hour., at the end, do not forget to add vinegar and pack the finished salad in sterile jars. We roll under the lids and leave to cool upside down. Store jars of salad only in the refrigerator or cellar.

Salad for the winter with mackerel

We will need:

  • One fresh frozen medium
  • One onion
  • One small carrot
  • five small tomatoes
  • Tablespoon of regular table salt
  • A quarter cup of sunflower oil
  • Three tablespoons of granulated sugar without a slide
  • One and a half tablespoons of 9% vinegar
  • Five peas of black pepper
  • Three laurel leaves

Cooking process:

We defrost the fish, clean the insides, remove the tail and head and put it in a saucepan with water to boil for twenty minutes.

Finely chop the onion, rub the carrot on a grater. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for a couple of minutes to remove the skin, and then chop in any convenient way. We combine all the vegetables in a cast-iron or thick-walled saucepan and set to stew for twenty minutes, do not forget to add sugar and salt.

We will take apart the boiled fish into pieces and dip them into vegetables, add the remaining spices and stew for another twenty minutes, add vinegar and roll them into jars.

Fish salad is a great alternative to boring meat side dishes, suitable for the court both for a celebration and during a family everyday meal.

To determine the degree of freshness and safety of the product, lightly press the flesh with your finger. With good raw materials, the flesh will elastically return to its shape. If the fish is spoiled, a dent will remain.

Greens, various cereals and legumes will perfectly play along with the fish. Vegetables are also quite popular - tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and carrots are part of every second fish salad. As you can see, to assemble a simple salad, having in your arsenal fish in any format and a couple of simple ingredients- it's a simple matter. Any hostess who has opted for a fish salad will surprise her guests.

How to cook fish salad - 15 varieties

Here is a classic fish salad. Bright layers, tenderness and airiness will ensure success on your table.

The great thing is that you can choose a fish exclusively according to your priority and wallet! Pink salmon, and saury, and sardine, and sardinella will do.


  • Canned fish any - 1 bank
  • Rice boiled 230 grams (1 cup)
  • Hard boiled eggs 4 pieces
  • Boiled carrots 2 pieces
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Greens
  • mayonnaise for the eye


Open the preservation, drain the oil and mash it smaller, remove the skeleton. Remove yolks from eggs.

Take a glass container (or lettuce ring) and stack the layers in this order: rice; mayonnaise mesh; layer of fish, chopped onion, mayonnaise, layer of grated carrots, grated proteins, mayonnaise layer. The final stage is ground yolks. Decorate with greenery of your choice.

Put in a cold place for 2-3 hours.

Enjoy your meal!

The symphony of the delicate taste of salmon to the accompaniment of practical and satisfying potatoes will be the highlight of your feast.

The unpretentiousness of preparation will save your time, and the result will amaze any gourmet. The delicate taste of salmon will win over not only fans of seafood, but also meat-eaters.


  • Salmon 250 grams
  • Hard boiled eggs 2 pieces
  • Boiled potatoes 200 grams
  • Boiled carrots 1 piece
  • Green onions 3-4 bunches
  • mayonnaise for the eye


We cut the salmon into fractional cubes, cut the onion into rings, chop the eggs. We rub the vegetables on a fine grater. Mix eggs and mayonnaise in another bowl.

Set the portioned ring and lay out the layers in the recipe order: cover grated potatoes with mayonnaise, salmon, mayonnaise, green onions, egg-mayonnaise mixture, carrots, mayonnaise. Decorate with a green bow. Roll the strip of fish into a rosette and top the salad.

Cool down.

Enjoy your meal!

If you are a risky enough person to taste orthodox herring salad in non-standard packaging - this option is for you!

Assembling the dish, form it in the form of a fox or a fox tail. Replace champignons, for example, with mushrooms.


  • Lightly salted herring 1 piece
  • Boiled potatoes 2 pieces
  • Boiled carrots 2 pieces
  • Pickled champignons 1 bank
  • Onion 2 pieces
  • Boiled eggs 3 pieces
  • mayonnaise for the eye


Peeled and chopped onions with carrots are allowed to cook for a couple of minutes over high heat. We clean the herring, take out the ridge, cut into cubes. We wash the mushrooms, if they are whole, then chop.

We layer the salad in the following sequence: grated potatoes on large teeth; mayonnaise mesh; slices of herring, then full norms of fried onions with carrots, mushrooms, mayonnaise. Grated eggs on top, the rest of the vegetables, mayonnaise.

In a cold place for a couple of hours. Bon appetit!

Herring under a fur coat is the notorious hero of the Russian feast, this dish actually became one of the stereotypes about the Slavs, along with the balalaika and earflaps. To bring a touch of novelty to traditional recipe often include some background component that does not change the key taste, but gives freshness. In this case, it's an apple.

Fruity sourness will pleasantly surprise lovers of the classics.


  • Boiled beets 1 piece
  • Lightly salted herring 1 piece
  • Boiled potatoes 6-8 pieces
  • Boiled carrots 2 pieces
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Unsweetened apple 1 piece
  • mayonnaise for the eye


Thoroughly clean the herring from scales, bones and ridge, cut into small slices. Chop the onion.

We form layers: fish fillet, onion, three apples on large teeth, then potatoes, cover with mayonnaise, three carrots, mayonnaise, three beets, mayonnaise.

For aesthetics, wipe the edges of the salad bowl from mayonnaise residues and vegetables.

Let the salad rest in the cold for 2-3 hours.

If "Olivier" is an obligatory element of your holiday menus, but the usual list of ingredients is a little boring, then be sure to test the herring "Olivier"!

The salty taste of herring will pleasantly transform the usual recipe.

Instead of mayonnaise, try a sour cream sauce with mustard or store-bought flavored sauce.


  • Lightly salted herring 1 piece
  • Boiled carrots 2 pieces
  • Boiled potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Hard boiled eggs 2 pieces
  • Fresh cucumber 1 piece
  • mayonnaise for the eye


Chop vegetables: carrots, potatoes, cucumbers - cubes, onions - half rings. Finely cut the eggs. Peel the herring, remove the bones, cut into pieces. Mix, flavor with mayonnaise.

Let the salad stand in the cold for 1-2 hours.

Eat for health!

Your inner gourmet will love this stunning combination of corn and peas, pickles and seafood. This riot of colors will remind you of all your favorite salads at once and at the same time reveal something new. Tender squids will not yield to eggs in softness, and cucumbers playfully set off the overall flavor ensemble.


  • Crab sticks 200 grams
  • Frozen squid 300 grams
  • Canned corn 200 grams
  • Green peas 200 grams
  • Carrots boiled 1 piece
  • Boiled potatoes - 4 pieces
  • Green onion 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumbers 1-2 pieces
  • mayonnaise for the eye
  • Greens


Cut boiled vegetables into cubes. Defrost squids, wash, clean from films. Boil them no longer than 3-4 minutes! Otherwise, they will become tasteless and rubbery. After cooking, cut the squid into strips. Open the preservation, drain the marinade. Chop crabs, onions, cucumbers. Mix in the selected container, dilute with mayonnaise, sprinkle with herbs.

Let it cool for an hour.

Salad with salted salmon and rice will perfectly shade holiday menu, the combination of salmon with cheese is full of subtle charms. It is better to eat such a dish in small portions in order to fully appreciate its delicate zest.

Choosing salmon salad, you will make it the star of the evening, because salmon is not only super healthy, but also an elite, delicacy product.


  • Lightly salted salmon 300 grams
  • Rice 100 grams
  • Cheese 100 grams
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Fresh cucumber 1 piece
  • Egg 2 pieces
  • Mayonnaise 1 pack
  • Greens


Pre-cook rice, better round-grain, it is softer. Boil the eggs until hard. Cut the salmon and cucumber into cubes, chop the onion fractionally. Coarsely grate cheese and eggs. Mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise, bring beauty to the greenery. It can be served both in a salad vase, and personally, using a salad ring.

Put to cool.

Enjoy your meal!

"Tuscan salad", invented among the poor population of Italy, will conquer you with a specific Italian flair. In Russia, the interweaving of Mediterranean tuna and legumes is still a curiosity.


  • White beans, canned 1 can
  • Onion 1 piece
  • Canned tuna 1 can
  • Green onions 5-6 pieces
  • Olive oil
  • Greens


We place the beans in a container, decanting the juice in advance, season with oil, pepper and salt. We chop the onion, send it to the bowl along with the tuna. We cut green onions into rings. We mix. We decorate the finished dish with herbs.

Eat to your health!

Dilute your daily dinners with a juicy and bright salad, decorate a solemn feast with the colors of summer!

Tomatoes visually harmonize with bean beads, and the taste of sardines sets off the freshness and lightness of tomatoes.

If available, add pomegranate seeds to the garnish, it will add sourness to the dish.


  • Red kidney beans 1 tin
  • Tomatoes 2-3 pieces
  • Canned sardines 1 can
  • Lemon juice
  • Onion, red 1 pc.
  • Olive oil
  • lettuce leaves
  • Greens


Cut the tomatoes into cubes, chop the onion. Open a can of sardines, mash the contents. Put the products in one bowl, add the beans (squeezing the marinade). Tear the lettuce into pieces by hand and add to the rest of the ingredients. Mix, pour olive oil sprinkle with lemon juice. Decorate with greenery.

All elements of this economy salad are delicious both individually and in alliance. Due to the cheapness of all components, such a salad will help you out if it is not possible to cook an expensive complex dish. A side dish with sprats and peas will add coziness to any home-cooked dinner.


  • Hard boiled eggs 2 pieces
  • Boiled potatoes 2 pieces
  • Green peas 1 can
  • Sprats in oil 1 can
  • Processed cheese 100 grams
  • Fresh cucumber 1 piece
  • green onion
  • Greens
  • mayonnaise by eye


Chilled and cleaned potato tubers cut into cubes, pour into a salad bowl, there - chopped onion. We cut the cucumber into strips. Top three on large teeth processed cheese. We take out sprats from the jar, select the ridges, without kneading much, let large pieces of fish remain. We cut eggs. We mix the products, put peas and greens there. Flavor with mayonnaise.

Can be served loose or wrapped in a salad ring.

It is advisable to refrigerate.

Enjoy your meal!

The Flying Dutchman is an excellent alternative to the popular Mimosa. Mayonnaise, covering each layer, gives the salad an airiness that melts in your mouth. The combination of cheesy flavor and spicy fish gives this delicacy a nutritious and creamy bouquet.

A green apple gives the salad a fresh sourness.


  • Canned saury 1 can
  • Boiled eggs 4 pieces
  • Hard cheese 100 grams
  • Green apple 1 piece
  • mayonnaise for the eye


Open the preservation, drain the oil, knead, put a layer in a salad bowl. Apply mayonnaise. Three large eggs, smear with mayonnaise. Three apples, cover with mayonnaise. Three cheese on a fine grater, a layer of mayonnaise. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.

Refrigerate before use.

Eat for health!

Few people can resist smoked red fish flavored with lemon. The citrus motif plays with a spring note in a harmonious fish and vegetable orchestra. The smoke of smoked meat smoothly envelops the entire salad and leaves a melting taste of a fire on the tongue.


  • Lemon 1 piece
  • Smoked pink salmon (salmon, chum salmon) 200 grams
  • Fresh cucumber 1 piece
  • Greens (parsley, dill)
  • Boiled egg 3 pieces
  • Green peas 3 tablespoons
  • mayonnaise for the eye


We peel the lemon, remove the seeds and interstitial films, cut the lemon smaller.

Remove skin from cucumber and cut into cubes. We chop parsley and dill. Cut the smoked fish into slices. We crumble the eggs. We mix all the ingredients in a bowl, add peas, season with mayonnaise. You can apply.

Enjoy your meal!

Blue whiting vinaigrette is an everyday salad garnish. You can, without fear of being unfounded, say that this is the most popular salad in Russia. By adding boiled fish, you will add a slight zest to the salad idea. If you are a vinaigrette lover, feel free to experiment with the composition.

Instead of blue whiting, try other marine fish.


  • Boiled beets 1 piece
  • Blue whiting 300 grams
  • Boiled potatoes in their skins 3 pieces
  • Green peas 1 bank
  • Boiled carrots 1 piece
  • Pickled cucumbers 1 piece
  • Pickled mushrooms 130 grams
  • Onion 2 pieces
  • Greens (parsley)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Black pepper


Boil the fish in salted water for 15-20 minutes. It will be more convenient and easier to clean blue whiting from bones after cooking. We cut the boiled vegetables and cucumbers into proportional cubes. We chop the mushrooms.

We take a capacious bowl, mix the elements, add peas. We stratify the cooled and boneless fish into thin slices, add to the container. Don't forget to season with vegetable oil.

In the final, you can sprinkle the finished salad with lemon.

Put in a cool place.

"Kremlin" - a delicious salad. Rice as part of the side dish quickly saturates the stomach, and cabbage, in contrast, gives it lightness. Beads of caviar, like cherries on a cake, crown the taste complex of the salad. The saltiness and spiciness of caviar saturates the dish with a unique characteristic sea flavor. Decorate your table with this dish and you won't regret it!


  • Salmon, fillet 100 grams
  • Chinese cabbage fresh 150 grams
  • Boiled eggs 2 pieces
  • Rice, round grain, half cup
  • Red caviar half a can
  • mayonnaise for the eye


Chop fresh cabbage, lightly mash. Divide into 3 parts. Cut salmon into cubes. Take a salad ring. We layer the salad as follows: 1/3 of cabbage, half of boiled rice, mayonnaise, half of crumbled eggs, mayonnaise, half of chopped fish, mayonnaise. Then repeat the layers. Lubricate the last layer with mayonnaise, sprinkle with cabbage, decorate with red caviar.

Place in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Bon appetit!

This fish and vegetable simple and light salad is suitable for lovers of a healthy diet. It will fit perfectly on a summer veranda or a picnic. And the presence of sardines in the recipe will bring an unexpected twist.


  • Boiled sardine 7 pieces
  • Fresh radish 4 pieces
  • Fresh cucumbers 2 pieces
  • Green onions 2 bunches
  • Olive oil


Rinse the vegetables, peel the sardines, remove the bones and giblets, boil the fish in salted and peppered water. Chop the cucumbers, radishes and onions and place in a bowl. Cut the fish into small pieces and add to the dish. Season with oil, stir.