Tiger prawns with pineapple serving. Fried rice with pineapple and shrimp

Shrimp, mussels and squid are among the most popular seafood. They are distinguished by a low caloric content (110 kcal per 100 g) and a high content of easily digestible protein, filling the body's daily need for it by almost 50%. Shrimps contain a large number of B vitamins, as well as A, C and D. There are a lot of seafood and minerals, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids that are very important for humans, in particular omega-3. You can eat shrimp by simply boiling in salted water. However, in combination with other products, they are much tastier. Below we present recipes for salads with shrimp and pineapple. There are several options for preparing such a dish to choose from.

Delicious shrimp salad

The recipe below makes a complete main course even though it is served cold. Shrimp with pineapple and corn, which is part of the ingredients, acquire interesting flavors. Rice, which is also very useful, gives satiety to the dish. Thus, in one dish, both a side dish and seafood, which are a valuable source of protein, are combined.

The salad is prepared step by step in the following order:

  1. Long rice (150 g) is washed several times, after which it is boiled in salted water until tender. Cool well before adding to other ingredients.
  2. Shrimps (200 g) are peeled and dipped in boiling salted water for 3 minutes. The cooled seafood is cut into cubes.
  3. Canned pineapples from a can (500 g) are crushed in exactly the same way.
  4. Cooled rice, shrimp, pineapple and corn are combined in a deep bowl.
  5. The salad is dressed with mayonnaise. It must be refrigerated for at least 1 hour before serving.

Crab salad with shrimp and pineapple

The preparation of such a dish takes no more than 20 minutes. At the same time, the salad with shrimp and pineapple turns out to be so tasty that it can even be served at the festive table. It contains a sufficient amount of protein, so the feeling of hunger after eating it will leave you for a long time.

To prepare a salad, you need to follow only a few steps:

  1. Canned pineapples and crab sticks (100 g each) are cut into cubes.
  2. Thawed king prawns (7 pieces) are peeled and fried in vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) on both sides for 6 minutes.
  3. Cheese (60 g) is cut into cubes or grated.
  4. In addition to the ingredients, garlic is squeezed out through a press. It will add a spicy touch to the dish.
  5. Mayonnaise (50 g) is taken as a salad dressing. The finished dish is served on lettuce leaves.

The name of the dish is very pleasant, conducive to the meal. This is Tenderness salad with shrimps and pineapple. His taste is refined and memorable. If you follow the step-by-step instructions, there should not be any difficulties in the process of preparing a delicious salad with shrimp and pineapple:

  1. Mushrooms (500 g) are cut into cubes and sautéed in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil for 10 minutes.
  2. Eggs (4 pcs.) Are boiled hard, peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater. One yolk is recommended to save to decorate the salad.
  3. Peeled shrimp (250 g) are boiled in salted water until tender.
  4. Canned pineapples (200 g) cut into cubes.
  5. Prepared ingredients are laid out in layers: cooled champignons, eggs, shrimp and pineapples. Each layer of ingredients is covered with mayonnaise.
  6. The dish is sprinkled with grated cheese (80 g) on ​​top and decorated with egg yolk and herbs.

Salad with shrimp, cucumber, avocado and pineapple

This dish is tasty and beautiful at the same time. Tomatoes, cucumbers, pineapple and avocado shrimp are great in color and flavor, and the interesting dressing adds some savory flavor.

Step-by-step preparation of salad consists in the following steps:

  1. Large king prawns (10 pieces) are peeled and fried in garlic oil for 5 minutes on both sides. In order for the oil to acquire a more piquant aroma, a crushed clove of garlic is first sautéed on it for a minute.
  2. Then all the ingredients are cut into large pieces: cherry tomatoes (5 pieces) in half, cucumbers (2 pieces) in circles, onions in half rings, and the peeled avocado fruit in slices.
  3. Lettuce leaves are laid out on the dish first. Then, all chopped ingredients and shrimp are randomly distributed.
  4. As a dressing for the dish, a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and grainy mustard is used.

Shrimp, Cheese and Egg Salad Recipe

This dish is very easy to prepare, and it is recommended to serve it in portions in glass goblets. The main ingredients in the salad, as in previous recipes, are shrimp with pineapple. It is recommended to use mayonnaise, sour cream or homemade natural yogurt as a dressing for the dish.

In the process of preparing the salad, 200 g of shrimp are first cleaned and boiled. They need to be allowed to cool, then cut into 2-3 parts and transferred to a deep bowl. Boiled eggs (2 pcs.) are peeled. Then they need to be cut into cubes and sent to the shrimp. Fresh or canned pineapple (200 g) is crushed in a similar way. Cheese (100 g) is used as the last ingredient. It should be grated on a medium grater. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned before serving.

Shrimp, Chicken and Pineapple Salad Recipe Step by Step

After eating such a dish, no one will remain hungry. In this salad, shrimp with pineapple go well with chicken. You can prepare the dish in just 20 minutes. The step by step instructions are:

  1. For a salad, you need 300 g of boiled or baked chicken breast. Poultry meat is cut into large cubes.
  2. Shrimps (150 g) are fried in fragrant oil. If they are large, they can also be cut into small pieces.
  3. Pineapple (½ can) is also crushed.
  4. Pitted olives are cut in half.
  5. Place the prepared ingredients in a bowl and mix.
  6. The salad is topped with grated cheese to taste and seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream and mayonnaise sauce.

Shrimp salad with apple and pineapple

At first glance, this combination of ingredients may seem strange. But in fact, a salad with shrimp and pineapple according to the recipe, which prescribes the use of an apple, turns out to be very tasty and interesting. To prepare it, you must adhere to the following steps:

  1. Shrimps (600 g) are boiled in boiling salted water until tender.
  2. Apples (2 pcs.) Peel and core and cut into large cubes.
  3. Canned pineapple rings (8 pcs.) are crushed in the same way as apples.
  4. All ingredients are mixed and sent to the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  5. A special sauce is used to dress the salad. To prepare it, mayonnaise (50 g) is mixed with pineapple juice (2 tablespoons). A little ground white pepper is added to taste.
  6. Chilled ingredients are seasoned with sauce, after which the dish is immediately served at the table.

Salad with shrimp and canned pineapple without mayonnaise

With such a low-calorie dish, it is quite possible to diversify your diet during a diet. Due to the high content of proteins in shrimp, the feeling of satiety will be guaranteed for a long time.

To prepare the salad, you will need pre-cooked and peeled shrimp (300 g). They should be transferred to a small bowl, adding sour cream (1.5 tablespoons), salt and black pepper. Shrimp should be mixed well and left for 10 minutes on the table. At this time, it is necessary to drain the juice from the pineapples and cut them into pieces (200 g).

Lettuce leaves torn by hand are laid out on the dish, then shrimp in sour cream and pineapple. From above, the salad is dressed with a sauce of vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) and lemon juice (4 teaspoons). The finished dish is sprinkled with grated cheese (100 g).

Light salad with shrimp, pomegranate, Chinese cabbage and pineapple

Having prepared such a dish for the festive table, there is no doubt that all guests will definitely like it. According to this recipe, a salad with shrimp and pineapple is light, tender and very juicy.

To prepare it, a head of Beijing cabbage is finely chopped with a sharp knife. Next, crab sticks (200 g) are finely chopped lengthwise or torn into long fibers by hand. Pre-boiled or peeled king prawns (10 pieces) are added to the salad whole or chopped. To the prepared ingredients, pieces of canned pineapple from a jar and pomegranate seeds are laid out.

The finished dish is dressed with mayonnaise mixed in equal proportions with sour cream. It is recommended to add the sauce immediately before serving to avoid excess liquid in the salad.

See the recipe for the dish with a photo below.

Today in our menu is an exotic and very tasty dish of Thai cuisine, which you can try to cook at home. This is a delicious Thai fried rice with vegetables, shrimp and pineapple. The dish is served in pineapple halves, it looks very nice on the festive table or as a main course at a romantic dinner.

In Thai cuisine, rice occupies a key place and is considered the main food. Fried rice is very common, which in Thai is called kao pad kung(from Thai kao - rice, pad - fried, kung - shrimp). Khao pad comes with different additives - chicken, shrimp, pork or seafood. For Thai-style fried rice, it is best to use a wok - this is a frying pan like a frying pan with a rounded bottom. The ideal combination for cooking Asian dishes is wok + gas stove.

thai fried rice recipe

The proportion of products is as follows (for 2 servings):

  • 100-150 grams of dry rice;
  • 6-8 large shrimp;
  • half a small onion;
  • 1-2 tomatoes;
  • 1 ripe pineapple;
  • fish sauce 3 tablespoons;
  • 1 small lime;
  • a few stalks of kale;
  • chili sauce or chili pepper to taste;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of roasted peanuts;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • green cilantro and green onions for serving.

Fish sauce in Thai cuisine replaces salt, so if you add fish sauce, you do not need to add salt to the dish. If you do not have fish sauce, then replace it with salt, the taste will certainly lose, but this is not critical.

The first stage of preparation

First we need to boil the rice until cooked. In Thailand, a rice cooker is used for this purpose - an ingenious invention. In it, rice will never burn and will not boil, will not stick together and will not become porridge. In general, you need to cook friable rice.

You can use a multicooker. The rice cooked in it also turns out to be quite crumbly. I also tried it, it's not difficult and the result is good.

The proportion of rice and water is approximately the following: 2 cups of water for 1 cup dry rice. At the end of cooking, rice can be slightly salted.

The second stage of preparation

Now you need to prepare all the necessary products. Rinse the shrimps, separate the shells and heads, leaving the tails. Cut open the back and remove the gut. Rinse again and dry the shrimp with paper towels. Coarsely chop the onion. Wash the pineapple and cut into 2 equal pieces. Carefully cut a hole in each half of the pineapple. Here we will serve ready-made kao pad.

Pineapple pulp, which we have left, cut into cubes. Coarsely chop the tomatoes. Roasted peanuts chop with a knife into crumbs. Coarsely chop the kale stalks. Everything, the preparatory manipulations are finished, we proceed to the assembly of the dish.

The third stage of preparation

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan or wok (high heat). Throw chopped onions and tomatoes into the heated oil, stirring constantly with a spatula, fry for 1-2 minutes. We break a couple of raw chicken eggs into a wok and stir them with a spatula along with vegetables. Put the shrimp, fry everything together for 2 minutes, stirring.

We put boiled rice, pour fish sauce and chili. Do not forget to stir the dish (the temperature is high, stir so as not to burn). Add chopped peanuts, mix again and turn off the heat. Add diced fresh pineapple to fried rice and squeeze lime juice, mix, taste. If salt is not enough, add more fish sauce, chili to taste.

Serve fried rice with shrimp in pineapple halves. Serve warm with fresh herbs. This is one of my favorite Thai dishes. Look for the name in the menu of Thai cafes Pineapple fried rice with shrimp or Khao Pad Kung. Enjoy your meal!

When we visited Bangkok in early November, I made a video of a Thai woman masterfully preparing khao pad. We look:

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Shrimps are seafood. Ham is salted meat. Pineapple is a sweet fruit. And all together - a wonderful flavor combination that will delight any gourmet. There are many ways to play around with this food combination, but I love them hot, baked in the oven (or pan fried, you can do that too!). You can bake shrimp with ham and pineapple in the oven both in a single container and in portions. I will have the quantity indicated for 3 100 ml crooks.

200 gr. shrimp, 100 gr. boiled smoked ham and 1-2 pineapple washers. Both fresh and canned pineapple are suitable for this recipe - it is important not to overdo it, especially with raw pineapple. Seasonings - ginger juice, possibly pepper of different genera. Garlic and herbs - better not needed. We take a clean minimum of oils - so that the products do not stick to the walls of the container in which they will be baked.

We immediately start heating the oven to 200 C.

We cut the ham into cubes, approximately commensurate with the thickness of the shrimp.

Cut the pineapple into pieces commensurate with the thickness of the shrimp. By the way, if the canned pineapple was already in pieces, we don’t do anything with them.

Squeeze the ginger juice through a garlic press, mix all the ingredients.

Place the mixture in an ovenproof dish.

We bake shrimp with pineapple and ham in the oven at a temperature of 200 C at an average level of 8-10 minutes. However, the time here still depends on the size of the shrimp and on the nature of your oven. It is more convenient to do with gray raw shrimp: wait until they change color, and wait 2-4 minutes, depending on whether you like them less or more baked.

Advice. How to choose a pineapple.
First of all, you should pay attention to the appearance and peel of the pineapple.
A ripe pineapple has a soft but firm skin. An unripe fruit has a harder crust. The rind of the pineapple may be greenish - this is not always an indicator of the immaturity of the fruit.
The tops of the pineapple should be thick and green (not wilted). Also, in a ripe fruit, the tops turn slightly around its axis (just don't overdo it! ;))
A good, ripe fruit exudes a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma. Too intense smell may indicate the beginning of fermentation.
If you managed to get a ripe, fragrant fruit, in no case store it in the refrigerator - the pineapple will lose its wonderful aroma!
I wish you a successful purchase, pleasant cooking and a wonderful mood! :)))

Rinse the pineapple, shake off the water and pat dry with a towel.
Cut lengthwise into 2 halves.

With a knife, carefully cut the flesh inside the pineapple, leaving the walls ~ 8-10 mm thick.

Carefully remove the pulp from the pineapple.

Cut out the stem.

Cut pineapple into small pieces.

Rinse the shrimp with water and pat dry on a paper towel.
Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and fry the shrimp for ~1-2 minutes. Salt.

Put the shrimp out of the pan (large shrimp can be cut into 2-3 parts, and small ones can be left whole).

Tip 1. Shrimp don't take long to cook. If the shrimp are raw, they are fried until the meat turns pink and no longer transparent. This will take about 1-2 minutes when frying over high heat.
Boiled-frozen shrimp must first be thawed, rinsed with water and drained. You need to fry them ~ 1 minute - that is, do not even fry, but just warm them up well.

Tip 2. Optionally, shrimp for this appetizer can not be fried, but boiled.

cook gas station.
Pour lemon juice, orange juice (freshly squeezed), liquid honey (or a little sugar), a pinch of salt, freshly ground pepper and olive oil into a bowl.
Mix the dressing well until smooth.