Tess green lime tea. Tess tea review

Tea "Tess" attracts consumers with an affordable price, acceptable quality, bright packaging. The product is in demand and occupies the “red line” on the shelves.

The drink is indispensable while relaxing in the office, family tea drinking at the TV.

The confidence of domestic consumers in foreign firms prompted St. Petersburg tea and coffee producers Orimi Trade LLC to establish a company in England Greenfield Tea Ltd. Well-known tea brands "Tess", "Greenfield" received European status, which strengthened the authority of these products.

"Orimi Trade" was founded in 1993, is one of the leading companies in our market. For production, it purchases raw materials from tea plantations in India, Kenya, Sri Lanka and China.

Types and range of "Tess"

It is very big. The tea line will satisfy the taste of the most demanding consumer:

  • Black.
  • Green.
  • Herbal, including "Tess" red hibiscus tea.

Types are subdivided: Tess tea in bags, loose tea, Tess tea in pyramids.

Let's check out the range.

The pride of the brand is Tess black tea

The drink is able to cheer up a person before a difficult day, warm in cold weather. Its rich taste and pleasant aroma creates a good mood.

Tea "Tess" black is produced in leaf and granular versions, as well as with various fillers. Useful for everyone, has no contraindications.

We list the types:

  1. "Kenya".
  2. "Ceylon".
  3. "Orange".
  4. "Plezha".
  5. Earl Grey.

Let's consider them separately.

  • Tess "Ceylon"

A drink from the blessed island (translation of its name from the local language), lost in the Indian Ocean. The sun, clean air, the indescribable aroma of the surrounding nature - all this was absorbed by the leaves on the plantations. Ceylon (Sri Lanka) has always been famous for the high quality of tea raw materials. "Tess Ceylon" is able to transfer our tea lovers to a distant exotic country for a short time.

  • Tess "Plezha"

A balanced combination of floral and fruity taste makes it possible to fully enjoy the drink. The aroma of apple, rosehip, tropical fruits and flower petals is clearly felt when using it.

  • Tess "Orange"

Continuing the traditions adopted in the homeland of tea in China, manufacturers offer a combination of black tea with the taste of tropical lychee fruit and orange peel. The perfect combination will add life drive to its consumer.

  • Tess "Sunrise"

The sun's rays hidden in a tea glass carry a positive mood. This drink is good to start a new day. Bad mood, inclement weather will disappear after using it.

  • Tess "Kenya"

A product of sunny Africa. It has a tart original taste. The drink calms and relaxes. It is better to enjoy it during a break at work or at home, at the end of the day.

  • Tess "Earl Grey"

A wonderful drink for lovers of the taste of bergamot and orange. It carries lightness and freshness, making it possible to comprehend one's actions, a new business, the current situation.

  • Green tea

This drink has a large army of fans. The company offers a wide range of products. The production uses natural ingredients and natural flavors.

Health Benefits of Tess Green Tea

The drink strengthens health, prolongs life, perfectly quenches thirst, has many useful qualities. It helps those who want to lose weight, calms the nervous system.

  • "Tess Stiles"

This type of green tea "Tess" is made only from the leaves of the tea bush without additives. It retains the energy of nature, giving vivacity, new strength. The wonderful aroma of the drink improves the mood.

  • "Tess Lime"

An extremely popular look. Tea "Tess" green with citrus peel and petals of tropical flowers inspires, gives rise to new emotions, thoughts. It has a pleasant smell and taste.

  • "Tess Flirt"

Great refreshing drink. Having tried it, I want to forget the troubles and enjoy life. The effect brings a combination of flavors of apple, lemon, strawberry, blackcurrant leaves.

  • Herbal tea

It strengthens the immune system, relieves fatigue, promotes healthy lifestyle life. The company produces various types: in bags, pyramids and custard. Especially popular is Tess Hibiscus red tea, which helps to lose weight. Other types are also in demand among buyers.

  • "Tess Cherry"

A unique combination of components of cherry, cinnamon with particles of wild rose, apple, hibiscus. Great for colds, no caffeine.

  • "Tess Light"

The components of its taste are interesting: a combination of exotic mate, rooibos with your favorite lemon, black currant and mint. Recommended for relieving fatigue, inner peace.

  • "Tess Daisy"

A soothing drink, because the main component is chamomile, known for its healing qualities. It is perfectly complemented by particles of melitz, pear and rosehip. Helps with stress, relaxes.

  • "Tess Flame"

This drink gives a summer mood at any time of the year. Hibiscus, verbena, orange peel, strawberries, rose hips, apples take part in this. One sip - and depression disappears.

is a common project of Greenfield Tea LTD and Orimi Trade. Tea has been on the Russian market since 2008. The collections of this tea are presented as individual classic varieties (green and black), as well as compositions with the addition of berries, flower petals, fruits, herbs and spices. Under the TESS brand, you can find herbal and fruit teas that do not contain caffeine.

Since the time tea appeared on the Russian market, there has been a trend towards an increase in demand for the products of this brand. Consumers are satisfied with the excellent quality of the drink and reasonable pricing.

Tea collections are replenished every time with new varieties of tea. The TESS brand never ceases to amaze consumers with tea novelties. All varieties of tea are in good demand among the population, which indicates the successful operation and stable development of the brand.

The next replenishment of the collection was several varieties of tea - TESS Kenya, TESS Ceylon (Ceylon tea), TESS Flame (tea based on apple, rosehip with orange peel), TESS Flirt (green tea with blackcurrant, pieces of apple and strawberry) and many others.

All presented varieties are presented both in leaf form and in disposable sachets for brewing.

Black tea

Black Ceylon highland tea

The secret of the perfect taste and captivating aroma of Ceylon tea is born from the generosity of the sun, the purity of highland plantations and the freshness of warm spring showers. This secret you will discover with every cup of tea Tess Ceylon

Black tea with rosehip, apple, flower petals and tropical fruit aroma


What makes a real impression? Details. Elegant little things that connoisseurs will appreciate. Enjoy the variety of shades in Tess Pleasure's bouquet - the deep taste of Ceylon tea plays with a real rainbow of fruity and floral aromas

Black tea with orange peel and orange and lychee flavor

Sheet, 100 g; packaged, 25*1.5 g

The sunny aroma of juicy orange colors the rich taste of Tess Orange tea and harmoniously combines with cheerful apple-currant notes.

Black Ceylon tea

This tea is made to welcome the start of a new day! Just as the sun fills the day with festive radiance, Tess Sunrise will fill your cup to the brim. bright taste and solemn aroma of magnificent Ceylon tea

Black Kenyan granulated tea

Sheet, 100 g; packaged, 25*2 g

All children's dreams of Africa - distant, mysterious, alluring - come to life with a cup of Tess Kenya tea - the aroma infused in the hot tart air of the savannah, the brightness of the infusion reflected from the sparkling surface of the ocean, the exciting power of taste that cannot be resisted

Black tea with citrus zest and fresh bergamot aroma

Sheet, 100 g; packaged, 25*1.8g

A light clipper, winged with sails, left the legendary tea with bergamot in the harbor of tea traditions. The legend becomes reality - the deep taste of Tess Earl Gray black tea is wrapped in the aroma of bergamot, cool and fresh, like a sea breeze.

Green tea

Chinese green tea

Sheet, 100 g; packaged, 25*2 g

Genuine style is a reflection of inner harmony. This green tea will reveal for you the fullness of a harmonious natural bouquet. Rich yet light, refreshing and tart, Tess Style is an inexhaustible source of energy in your cup. Whole tea leaves are used to create Tess Style. Brew this variety in a glass teapot to see how beautifully they unfold

Green tea with citrus zest, flower petals and lime aroma

Sheet, 100 g; packaged, 25*1.5 g

A real firework of impressions! A bold combination of flavors in the composition of Tess Lime - tart green tea, rose hips, flower petals and lime aroma, bold and cheerful, like a gust of fresh wind

Chinese green tea with apple, blackcurrant leaf, citrus zest and strawberry pieces

Sheet, 100 g; packaged, 25*1.5 g

Half hint, half smile, ease and carefree coquetry ... What a wonderful game! As natural and cheerful as the flavors of Tess Flirt tea, which intricately intertwines tart shades of green tea, a bright strawberry light and a fresh lemon note.

Herbal tea

Herbal tea based on hibiscus, apple and rose hips with the taste and aroma of cherries and cinnamon

The exciting and seductive taste of Tess Cherry engages in an exciting game of impressions, in which ripe cherries echo the luxurious duet of apple and rosehip, complemented by the sourness of hibiscus and a light spice of cinnamon.

Herbal tea based on mate, rooibos, mint, lemongrass and blackcurrant leaf

Sheet, 100 g; packaged, 25*1.5 g

Affectionate as childhood memories, touching as the first declaration of love, Tess Light herbal tea will reveal to you the quiet charm of natural herbs. Light, pleasant drink - the harmony of natural taste, created by the harmony of nature

Herbal tea based on chamomile, rosehip and lemon balm with pear flavor and aroma

Packaged, 25*1.5 g

A fun mosaic of flowers, berries and herbs! The original, expressive, very delicate composition of Tess Daisy reveals the natural flavors of chamomile, rosehip and lemon balm, wrapped in the sweet aroma of ripe pear

Herbal tea based on hibiscus, rosehip and apple with orange peel, verbena and strawberry pieces

Sheet, 90 g; packaged, 25*2 g

Fiery extravaganza of taste! A spark of hibiscus ignites cheerful flames of rose hips, mint and orange, drawing Tess Flame into a bright carnival of taste. The sunny aroma of ripe strawberries charges you with a mischievous summer mood.

TESS in pyramid sachets

Each TESS pyramid is a precisely sized portion of loose leaf tea to brew the perfect cup. Easily and naturally revealing in a transparent pyramid, tea leaves, fruits, berries and herbs fully give the drink their natural energy and strength.

Black tea

Black mountain tea

Pyramid sachets, 20*2 g

Harvested on the high mountain plantation of Ceylon, washed by the waves of the warmest of the oceans, this tea strikes a wonderful balance between the power of a harmonious taste and the tenderness of an exquisite aroma.

Black tea, citrus peel

Pyramid sachets, 20*2 g

The favorite of the traditional English five o'clock gets a new modern reading in TESS Earl Gray Secret. Saturated and strong, it again captivates with the classic combination of the magnificent power of black tea with the nobility of subtle notes of bergamot.

Black tea with caramel flavor and aroma

Pyramid sachets, 20*1.8 g

Subtle hints of apple and the soft sweetness of fragrant verbena, wrapped in a warm caramel embrace, transform the discreet character of a classic black tea, giving it a seductive new charm.

Black tea with blackberry, raspberry and wild berry aroma

Pyramid sachets, 20*1.8 g

A wonderful composition of noble Ceylon tea with pieces of blackberry and raspberry opens up a new magnificent taste, in which the fragrance of a berry edge warmed by the July sun is heard.

Black tea with berries and raspberry flavor

Pyramid sachets, 20*1.8 g

Magnificent in its unsophisticated charm, ripe fragrant raspberries harmoniously combine with the mild taste of Ceylon tea, emphasizing its natural depth and freshness.

Black tea with zest and citrus aroma

Pyramid sachets, 20*1.8 g

The sparkling freshness of lemon, the sweet juiciness of orange and the spice of mint color the deep taste of Ceylon tea, giving a carefree carnival mood.

Green tea

Chinese green tea

Pyramid sachets, 20*1.8 g

Subtle shades of fresh aroma, like precious pearls, are strung on the magnificence of the deep laconic taste of green tea, created in accordance with Chinese tea canons.

Green tea with mint, ginger, citrus and honey aroma

Pyramid sachets, 20*1.8 g

Framed by energetic sourness of lime, spicy mint notes and the finest ginger sweetness, tart shades of green tea perform an exciting dance - captivating and sensual like Latino music.

Green tea with the taste and aroma of wild strawberries with cream

Pyramid sachets, 20*2 g

A tempting combination of ripe wild strawberries and astringent taste of green tea, in which subtle creamy notes are heard - like a fleeting play of light and shadow, from which summer, festive, bright, strawberry joy is born.

Green tea with mango, pineapple and tropical fruit aroma

Pyramid sachets, 20*1.8 g

Playing with fragrant balls of mango and pineapple, in which the tropical sun is hidden, classic green tea turns into an exotic drink and gives an incomparable feeling of lightness and freedom.

Herbal tea

Herbal tea with mango, papaya and tropical fruit aroma

Pyramid sachets, 20*2 g

The soft taste of wild rose and the sweetish hint of ripe papaya are intertwined with the sharp sourness of hibiscus, drowning in a generous wave of aromas in which the tropical sun sparkles.

Herbal tea with strawberries and raspberries and caramel flavor

Pyramid sachets, 20*2 g

A magnificent strawberry fragrance, festive and bright, like a sparkling summer afternoon, sets off the sour notes of hibiscus and rosehip, dragging you into the sweet foam of vanilla dreams.

A popular brand in the Russian tea industry is Tess tea. The product line includes a large number of types of tea. Among them are green, black and herbal teas, with and without additives, loose in boxes, bags and pyramids. There are also tea collections that our compatriots like to give to their colleagues and just close people.

The manufacturer of the popular Tess tea is a large Russian company Orimi Trade (St. Petersburg), the leader in the domestic market for the production and sale of coffee and tea products. It is the largest importer of coffee and tea raw materials in Russia.

The manufacturer of tea products Tess assigned this brand the category "premium". Tess tea is the result of a project implemented by the Russian company Orimi Trade and the British Greenfield Tea Ltd. The product appeared on the shelves of domestic stores in 2009. Currently, it is one of the most purchased teas in our country.


The range of Tess teas is huge. Under this brand, green and black teas are produced, and a wide variety of tea fruit and berry compositions are also available for customers to choose from. The product line consists of loose leaf tea and packaged tea bags and pyramids. Consider the types of Tess tea products.

Tess green tea

Consider a popular product among the range of green tea.


Tess Flirt is available in the form of sachets and sheet form in boxes (100 g). The composition, in addition to green loose tea, includes flavoring additives (“white peach”, “strawberry”), as well as small strawberry and mango pieces.

Pina Colada

Tess Pina Colada green tea combines a variety of flavors. Slices of dried apple, rosehip, mango and pineapple are used as additives. Also, this type of tea contains herbaceous components (sorghum, verbena). The infusion has a fruity smell, because. The tea is flavored with fruits from the tropics. Produced in pyramids of 20 pcs.


This bagged and loose leaf tea does not contain lemon, but consists of lemongrass, rose hips, citrus zest, marigold petals and natural flavor (lime). On the shelves of stores, this product can be found both in bags (25 and 100 pieces) and in boxes of 100 g.


The manufacturer claims that for the production of this leaf tea, raw materials are brought from one of the most famous and prestigious tea provinces in China, Fujian. This type of Tess product does not have fruit, berry, aromatic or any other additives. It can also be bought in bags.

Ginger Mojito

In addition to green tea, this variety of Tess contains lemon zest and mint. The appropriate aromatic additive is responsible for the smell of mojito. Produced in the form of pyramids.

Tess black tea

Consider the popular products among the range of black tea.

Pleasure with apple and rosehip

This Tess tea combines teas from India and Sri Lanka, as well as various additional components that give the infusion fruity and sweet notes. As additives used: wild rose, pieces of dried apple, cornflowers (flowers). Also, it was not without the addition of lemongrass and fruit flavoring to the composition. Like most types of tea products of this brand, Tess Pleasure tea is available in bagged and leaf form.


It contains tea from Ceylon. Without additives. Tea in boxes, designed for 100 g of tea leaves, refers to large-leaf. Tess Sunrise tea bags contain Sri Lankan tea seed.

Caramel Charm

Another type of Tess tea in pyramids. This dessert drink with caramel smells of sweetness. Caramel slices, safflower petals and "creamy toffee" flavor were added to the black tea.


The name of this type of tea production speaks for itself. Tess Ceylon is an unflavored tea brought from the plantations of Sri Lanka.



Another type of black tea with additives from the Tess collection. The taste of the drink was diversified with thyme and lemon zest. The spicy and fragrant fragrance comes from the tea due to the flavoring. The tea leaf was brought from Indian plantations.


Quince fruits, calendula (flowers), apple slices contribute their peculiar notes (sweet, astringent, bitter) to flavored Ceylon tea.


It is a blend made up of Ceylon, Indian and Kenyan tea varieties. There are no additives.

Tess tea drinks

Tea drinks include all types of fruit and herbal teas, as well as their mixture. Consider the most popular among the entire range of Tess teas.


This Tess product is red tea (hibiscus). Consists of hibiscus, wild rose, small apple and strawberry slices, citrus peel, verbena. Flavored with strawberry and pink pepper. The assortment is presented in bags and boxes with a mass of tea leaves of 90 g.


Rosehip and hibiscus tea with cherry flavor. Added cinnamon for a spicy note. Packaged in bags and boxes (90 g).

summer time

Cosmopolitan Party

Also refers to flavored red teas (hibiscus) presented in pyramids. Cranberries, mint and orange zest were added to the main components that are also characteristic of the above listed species.

The range of Tess tea products is frequently updated. There are new unusual types of tea in pyramids and bags. Tess tea sets and leaf types are becoming more diverse (especially before the holidays).

Tess tea sets

Tess gift sets are presented in several options.

  1. Assorted leaf, consisting of 9 types of tea, packed in separate sachets.
  2. Gift sets in bags and pyramids. They consist of 12 types of Tess tea (including herbal compositions).

An overview of the Tess tea gift set, consisting of 12 types and including 60 tea bags, is presented in the following video:

Reading time: 4 minutes


Now, tea is very popular, it is drunk in cafes, at home, at work. Every supermarket sells a wide variety of tea types. There are many brands that produce tea and Tess is one of them. Its assortment is very rich and will satisfy the desires of everyone, as it is sold in loose form, in pyramids and in bags.

The Tess brand produces several types of green, black and herbal tea at once. It is classified as premium tea. Now, in Russia, the Ormi-Trade company produces this tea product. It specializes in the production of both inexpensive varieties and high-quality ones. Among drink lovers, Tess tea has gained wide popularity. Its large assortment is designed for each consumer due to the variety of tastes and aromas. The demand for this brand is growing very quickly, because it is valued for its low cost and good quality. Every year, the assortment of tea increases, the brand pleases gourmets with new products.

Tess's range includes a variety of additives, such as lemon peel, rosehip, bergamot, raspberry, apples and tropical fruits. Therefore, you can buy both pure black tea and try a drink with exotic additives.

Tess Features

The brand surprises with a variety of taste qualities of the product, which distinguishes it from other manufacturers. Even the most demanding customers will appreciate the drink. The range of tea consists only of the best selected tea leaves that have undergone special processing. Unlike other brands, Tess manufacturers combined black and green varieties in one package with different additives. There are many positive reviews about the reception of tea. Regular consumption of green tea not only quenches thirst, but also helps to lose weight. Therefore, it is popular among overweight women. Drinking green tea helps to normalize digestion. You can easily prepare an infusion both at home and at work; for this, the manufacturer has released a line of tea bags or packaged in pyramids. According to consumers, the most popular tea is tess pleasure. It combines the black variety with the addition of apple, flower petals, rose hips and tropical fruits.

Assortment of black tea

It includes the following types of drinks:

Tess Ceylon is a real Ceylon leaf tea, brewed infusion has an excellent aroma. Its leaves are saturated with the generosity of the sun, the freshness of the mountains and spring rains. Presented in loose form and in sachets.

Tess pleasure tea - includes pieces of rosehip, apple, exotic fruits and flower petals. The most popular product due to the variety of components. Such Tess is available in 100-gram packages and in bags.

Tess Orange - A fragrant product that includes orange peel and lychee. This idea for a drink is taken from China. Local emperors added an orange to the infusion to cheer up and fill the body with energy. It is good to start the morning with such tea, it will help you finally wake up and recharge your batteries for the coming day. Sold in the same form as tess pleasure tea.

Tess Sunrise - with a persistent strong taste. Well tones the whole body, so it is ideal for morning tea drinking. Sunrise's packaging is the same as the previous ones.

Tess Kenya - Kenya gives us a wonderful product, in granules. It has a slight astringency that gourmets will appreciate. A cup of this drink will be a great end to a hard day. Sold in sheet form and in bags.

Tess Earl Gray is the perfect combination of orange and bergamot. A brewed cup of infusion has a delicate fresh aroma and a bewitching citrus taste. The product is presented in 100-gram packs in bulk and in bags of twenty-five pieces.

Assortment of green tea

Tess Style - long leaf large-leaf loose look. The prepared infusion has a light refreshing aroma and delicate astringency in taste.

Tess Lime - in one cup you have collected a wonderful bouquet with the addition of lime pieces, citrus zest, which are ideally combined with flower petals. Super-blend for an energy charge for the whole day.

Tess Ginger Mohito - this type is represented by a bouquet of mint, ginger and citrus fruits. Enjoying the brewed infusion, you will plunge into the sweet sensual dance of the play of Latino tastes. Produced packaged in pyramids of twenty pieces.

Tess Pina Colada - bewitching notes of pineapple, mango and tropical fruits, makes the infusion a light aromatic exotic drink. Also available in pyramids.

Assortment of herbal teas

Tess Cherry - combines apple slices, rose hips and hibiscus. The addition of cherries and cinnamon make the drink special. The presence of a large amount of vitamin C helps with colds. The main feature of the product is that the amount of caffeine contained in it is reduced to zero. Therefore, its reception is indicated for both adults and children.

Tea is a drink so popular and widespread that it can be bought everywhere, and in a huge assortment. In the Russian market, a significant niche in the production and sale of tea and coffee products is occupied by Orimi Trade. It is she who owns the Tess tea brand.

Brand Description

Orimi Trade has been supplying the market for the third decade different types and varieties of coffee, tea and other related products. Its range includes premium products, which are offered by Tess and Greenfield tea brands. Tess is positioned as a product ideal for a modern person who loves to experiment, prefers bright sensations and carefully monitors quality. That is why this tea is especially loved by young people.

The manufacturer offers not only teas that are unusual in taste and aroma. Its range also includes high-quality classic products that will suit people with conservative views who are used to classic black or green teas from famous world plantations.

Part of the range in updated packaging

Not so long ago, the company carried out a complete rebranding of the trademark. A new bright tea package saw the light of day, which depicts realistic photos that allow you to appreciate the look of the product inside. The description of products on the pack has also been expanded, which is done to increase its information content. Now, when purchasing tea, you can find out its detailed composition, varieties, regions of growth, and so on.

Tess tea can be bought in bags, pyramids, loose leaves. The company also offers special ones, in which different tastes and types of tea are selected. In the photo above, you can partially appreciate the assortment of tea, which is regularly updated with bright new products.


The range of Tess tea is represented by various varieties of black and green from India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, China and other countries. It also includes a variety of herbal and fruit drinks in sachets and loose drinks. Conventionally, the entire product line is divided:

  • for black teas;
  • green teas;
  • tea compositions with pieces of berries, fruits, flower and herb petals;
  • herbal and fruit drinks.

They combine different types of tea from strong Indian to fragrant Chinese with the addition of pieces of natural fruits, berries, flowers or flavored with natural or identical flavors. The most popular are original tea compositions representing traditional and unusual tastes.

Black tea

The line of black teas includes both classic products and compositions created by the brand's specialists.

The range is represented by the following items:

  • Tess Kenya - granulated Kenyan tea, long leaf, strong. On the palate there is a slight astringency, the aroma is multifaceted, sweetish.
  • Tess Ceylon - highland Ceylon loose leaf tea. It has a dense infusion color, classic taste and aroma, strong.
  • Tess Pleasure - Pleasure's composition of black long leaf tea with rose hips, dried apple slice, lemon zest, cornflower petals and flavored with tropical fruit extracts. Pleasure is a bright product with a slight exotic hint that even gourmets will appreciate.
  • Tess Sunrise - Ceylon large-leaf long leaf best variety. Sunrise is one of the best traditional drinks from the highlands of Sri Lanka.
  • Tess Earl Gray is a long leaf with citrus zest, flavored with bergamot. Earl Gray is true.
  • Tess Orange - Orange composition of black long leaf tea with currant leaves, lemon and orange zest, dried apple and flavored with lychee and orange.

Goldberry - a recent brand new

Recently, the product line of the brand has been supplemented with new products. These are Tess Majestic, Goldberry and Thyme. The latter is a black Indian tea with spicy notes provided by the addition of mountain thyme and lemon. Majestic is a blend of different varieties of Ceylon, Indian and Kenyan teas, the main of which is Indian Darjeeling. The product has light floral and nutmeg notes. Goldberry is a Ceylon leaf product with sea buckthorn and quince, which has a slight bitterness and pleasant sourness. This is a completely new blend that is not found in other brands.

Green tea

The line of green teas is represented only by Chinese types of leaves, which have the highest quality and the most delicate taste and aroma. The range includes:

  • Tess Flirt - long leaf with peach, strawberry and flavored with natural strawberry flavor, the name Flirt speaks for itself;
  • Tess Lime - leaf long leaf with green lime zest and pieces of rose hips, a note of Lime is pronounced;
  • Tess Style is an alpine green tea from Fujian Province, Style is characterized by a jade color of the infusion and a pleasant sweet aftertaste that follows a light floral aroma.

This tea requires adherence to brewing technology so that it does not turn into a tart and bitter drink. Usually this is brewing with spring water, the temperature of which does not exceed 90 degrees. This is how, according to tea-testers, you can feel the true taste of the drink.

Tess lime green is the brand's most popular green packaged product.

Tea in pyramids

In a wide range trademark offers products in pyramids. These are bright blends of quality leaf tea, green and black, with the addition of fruit, flower and berry notes.

  • FORESTDREAM - Ceylon black with blueberry and raspberry flavor;
  • Berrybar - Ceylon black with rhubarb and raspberries
  • Limonchini Biscuit highland Ceylon with lemon and makodamia;
  • Banana Split - black Ceylon with sweet banana, strawberry and mango
  • Raspberry Fresh - black Ceylon with raspberries and lemon;
  • Сaramel Charm - black Ceylon flavored with creamy caramel;
  • Earl Gray Secret - black with bergamot and vanilla;
  • Pina Colada - Chinese green with mango and pineapple, repeats the taste of the famous pina colada cocktail;
  • Daiquiri Breeze - green Chinese with mango, daiquiri and ginger;
  • Ginger Mojito - Chinese green with mint and mojito flavor;
  • Cosmopolitan Party - tea-based drink with dried cranberries and grapefruit flavor;
  • Summer Time is a drink based on tea with crushed rose hips and strawberry pieces.

In addition, the tea assortment of the brand is also represented by special gift sets, which include assorted several types of tea. It can be packaged sheet or product in pyramids. So, the set in pyramids includes 9 types of tea presented in 45 pyramids. The loose leaf tea set consists of 9 varieties of black and green loose tea. The most voluminous is the set of tea bags, which offers 12 flavors of tea.

Tess is a brand that has been on the market since 2006. Its products are designed to give bright taste sensations, positive emotions and help you spend your free time properly.