How to cook liver pancakes - delicious recipes. How to make liver pancakes chicken liver pancakes recipe

If you still have not changed your hostile attitude towards such an offal as, then you have the opportunity to try to do this by preparing pancakes from the liver with stuffing for testing. In combination with other ingredients, the taste of this meat “delicacy” that you hate is not so bright and aggressive. The method of preparing this dish is not much different from, except that the liver, crushed to a state of puree, is added to the dough (it can be chicken, pork or beef). As a filling, you can also use whatever your heart desires (fried mushrooms or carrots with onions, cheese with garlic, or some other vegetables). That's just sweet foods with a liver are unlikely to be harmoniously combined.


for pancakes:

  • 360 grams of beef liver;
  • 1 egg;
  • 250 ml. whole milk;
  • 100 grams of wheat flour;
  • 5 grams of salt;
  • 15 grams of semolina;
  • 30 ml. vegetable oil;
  • 5 grams of baking powder.

For filling:

  • carrots - 2 not very large root crops;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • large onion;
  • mayonnaise - about 100 grams;
  • vegetable oil - no more than 30 ml.

  • Yield: 13 pancakes with a diameter of about 15 cm.

How to cook pancakes from the liver:

Clean and wash vegetables. Chop the garlic and onion in your favorite size, chop the carrots with a medium-sized grater.

Put everything in a frying pan, drip a little oil, fry until soft and set aside.

Rinse the liver thoroughly, cut into small pieces and use a blender to transform into puree (in extreme cases, use a meat grinder with the finest mesh).

Put the liver puree in a convenient container (a saucepan, for example, or a cup), beat in an egg, add salt, semolina and milk. Now add flour plus baking powder, stir so that there are no lumps.
Lastly, pour in a little oil and leave for ten minutes alone.

In the meantime, heat the pan well, grease with oil (only for the first pancake). Using a ladle, pour out the amount of dough you need (depending on how thick the pancakes are for you) and spread over the bottom of the container.

Fry pancakes from the liver on both sides for literally one minute each (over moderate heat).

You can first bake all the liver pancakes and stack them in a pile or grease each one with mayonnaise at once

Spread the filling (the amount of it is again at your discretion) and roll up into a tube (roll).

As soon as you finish frying and wrapping all the pancakes, you can immediately serve them to the table.

Enjoy your meal!!!

Sincerely, Irina Kalinina.

Pancakes are not difficult. They are eaten on their own or filled with stuffing and rolled into rolls, and on their basis you can make


For cooking, you need 1 kg. liver, 3 sifted flour, 250-450 ml. milk, salt.

Carrots, onions, any mushrooms, eggs, boiled rice are suitable for the filling. All these components are mixed together, or in arbitrary variations, at your own discretion.

Liver preparation

Take a fresh liver and soak it for an hour and a half in milk at the rate of 1 liter. milk per 1 kg. liver. In milk, if desired, add 1 tsp. salt. Soaking is necessary in order to draw out the bitterness, to make the liver soft and tender. If you only have fat milk on hand, dilute it with boiled cold water approximately 1/1.

Throw the soaked liver in a colander, remove the skin, veins and tendons. Cut and grind in a blender or scroll through a meat grinder. If you are preparing liver pancakes for a child or an elderly person, then first use a meat grinder and then a blender.

Test preparation

Whisk the eggs and add to the crushed liver. Salt, if you like spicy dishes - pepper, add half a glass of milk and mix thoroughly. Now enter 200 gr. sifted flour and knead the dough, it should look like dense sour cream.

Next, introducing milk in small portions, dilute the dough to a more liquid state so that it flows in a stream. Liver pancakes can be from 0.3 to 0.8 mm thick, if more, they will be difficult to bake, when turned over, they will break and become unyielding for stuffing.


Bake pancakes from the liver in the usual way. Heat a pancake pan, lightly grease with oil and pour pancakes with a large ladle.

The first side is fried until the top of the pancake is completely boiled, there should be no stains on it. raw dough. Fry the other side for 15-25 seconds, until lightly browned.

Grease the removed pancake with melted butter or grease the filling around the entire circumference and wrap it in a roll.


Vegetables for the filling are fried on butter, all separately. Onions can be chopped finely or rings. Grate carrots on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips. Boil eggs and rice. Finely chop the eggs.

Boil the mushrooms, then fry in butter margarine or butter.

You can use other vegetables if you think they are compatible with the liver. Pancakes from the liver will turn out very satisfying if they are stuffed with meat filling.

What to serve with

You can eat liver which was given above both cold and hot. can be cut into 2-3 cm cubes and served as cold appetizer to festive table. As a decoration and to add brightness to the dish, finely chop the greens and sprinkle the rolls with it. Lay them on the leaves of fresh or Chinese cabbage, which may well be used as components of the filling.

They go great with butter or sour cream. Since this is a salty dish, it would be appropriate to serve them with some kind of sauce, including mayonnaise or ketchup. The most elementary version of the sauce is the addition of garlic to mayonnaise or sour cream.

From liver pancakes you can make layered cake. To do this, you need to shift the pancakes among themselves with meat or any other filling, grease the top with an egg, lightly beaten with a fork, sprinkle with grated spicy or salty cheese and bake in the oven for 12-15 minutes.

Without baking, the cake can be made if you do not add the filling, just grease each pancake with mayonnaise seasoned with garlic, stack on top of each other. Let stand in the refrigerator for about an hour and serve.

Hearty and very appetizing pancakes with chicken liver will be an excellent option for a full breakfast or dinner for the whole family. The tender filling literally melts in your mouth.


  • Milk 500 ml
  • Water 500 milliliters
  • Egg 2-3 Pieces
  • Flour 700-800 Grams
  • Salt 1 Pinch
  • Sugar 1 Pinch
  • Vegetable oil 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • Chicken liver 500-600 grams
  • Bulb 1-2 Pieces

1. First of all, rinse the liver and send it to boil. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion there, cut into small cubes.

2. Pass the cooked liver through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Add to the skillet to the onion, stir and fry for 3-5 minutes. Salt to taste, if desired, add a pinch of pepper or other spices.

3. Absolutely any dough recipe can be used in the recipe for making pancakes with chicken liver. In this case, milk and water are taken in equal proportions. Eggs must be beaten with sugar and salt and combined with milk.

5. Dilute the thickened dough with water and add a little vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly.

6. When the dough is ready, you can start frying. The frying pan needs to be warmed up properly and pour a small portion of the dough.

7. If you use two pans, the frying process will go pretty quickly.

8. Now you can proceed to the final stage and form pancakes with chicken liver at home. Put 1-2 tablespoons of the filling on the edge of the pancake.

9. Carefully wrap with an envelope or form a bag.

10. Pancakes can be fried in butter before serving. You can complement this simple chicken liver pancake recipe with sour cream or sauce.

Pancakes with liver

Pancakes with liver are a popular recipe for Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian cuisines. The prevalence of the recipe is quite understandable, because mouth-watering spring rolls are good in any capacity - a hearty breakfast and dinner, a hearty snack on the go.

Small pancake "envelopes" are taken with them on the road or to study, work. Due to the combination of dough, liver and vegetables in the filling, such pancakes can almost completely replace the usual lunch of meat and side dishes.

Traditionally, thin pancakes in milk are prepared for the dish. It is easier to wrap the stuffing in them and the finished products keep their shape better. Sometimes you can find recipes with fluffy pancakes on kefir or yeast. As for the filling, in addition to the liver itself, a boiled egg, green onion feathers, mushrooms, rice, millet or pearl barley, carrots, onions and other vegetables are added to it.

You can learn how to cook delicious pancakes with liver by reading the recipes below.

Pancakes with chicken liver

Very handy recipe chicken liver rarely bitter, quick and easy to prepare, and you don’t have to spend a lot of time creating the filling. Pancakes can be prepared as usual in milk or custard, as in this case.

  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 300-350 g.
  • Milk whey - 700 ml. - 1 l.
  • Salt.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l. without a slide.
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Boiling water - 200 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • Chicken liver - 200 g.
  • Green onions - 50 g.
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.
  1. Beat together the vegetable oil, half the whey and two thirds of the flour, spices. You should get a thick pouring billet.

Pancakes with liver in Belarusian

The filling in such pancakes is made similar to pies - with pork or beef liver, carrots and onions, rice, eggs. Sometimes in the villages, frying onions and carrots, they add more garlic and fresh pork belly, thinly sliced ​​into strips.

  • Wheat flour - 200-300 g.
  • Chicken egg - 2-3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • Milk - 500-700 ml.
  • Salt.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Oil for frying.
  • Beef liver - 300 g.
  • Rice round - 50 g.
  • Carrots - 50 g (0.5 pcs.).
  • Onion - 50 g (0.5-1 pc.).
  • Garlic - to taste.
  • Chicken egg - 1-2 pcs.
  • Pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Dried dill - 0.5 tsp.
  1. Beat two eggs with milk, salt, vegetable oil and sugar. Continuing to beat the mass with a submersible blender, gradually pour in the flour. Do not add the whole amount at once, you need to add enough to make a very liquid dough.
  2. Ready pancake dough should flow freely from the ladle, like water.
  3. Heat a cast-iron crepe maker with a little oil, pour a ladle of dough and turning the pan in a circle, spread it in an even layer.
  4. You do not need to blush the pancake, as soon as the dough grabs, you can turn it over to the other side.
  5. If the dough bubbles and does not set for a long time, then you need to drive in the third egg and pour in a couple of tablespoons of flour.
  6. Bake a stack of pale thin pancakes. To prevent them from sticking together, you can put a crumbled piece of butter between them.
  7. For the filling, boil beef liver and round rice separately in salted water. Rinse the offal and grate on a coarse grater profile.
  8. Grate the carrots too. Chop the onion. Hard boil the egg and chop finely.
  9. Fry vegetables in a little oil. At the end of frying, add grated beef liver, dried dill, crushed garlic clove to taste.
  10. Fry over low heat for literally two or three minutes. Then turn off the heat and mix the mass with round rice.
  11. Put a tablespoon of the filling on the edge of the pancake and spread it evenly. Tuck the edge from the bottom, then to the right and left and finally roll it into a roll in two turns (if the pancakes were fried in a pan with a diameter of more than 20 cm).
  12. In principle, rolled rolls are already ready to eat, but it is better to add a blush to them and fry them again in a pan or oven, laying them out in baking dishes.
  13. Pale pancakes can be frozen and used as needed. If the entire amount is needed within 2-3 days, then you need to put them tightly in an enamel pan and cover the dishes with cling film and a lid on top. Store in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
  14. Serve with sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup or any other sauce.

Pancakes with liver and pickles

In fact, these are pancakes with liver salad made from the liver itself, pickled cucumber, green onions, eggs and Beijing cabbage, seasoned with Provencal mayonnaise. It is advisable not to mix the filling with the sauce immediately, but lightly pour over with mayonnaise when laying in pancakes.

  • Wheat flour - 350 g.
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Milk - 800 ml. - 1 l.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • Salt.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l. without a slide.
  • Any liver - 400 g.
  • Pickled cucumber - 1-2 pcs.
  • Beijing cabbage wreath - 200 g.
  • Chicken egg - 1-2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g.
  1. Beat together vegetable oil, flour, milk, salt and spices, chicken eggs until a pourable dough is obtained.
  2. Bake thin fried pancakes (pale ones do not need to be cooked, since re-frying is impossible due to the presence of fresh vegetables in the filling).
  3. If the dough bubbles, does not “seize” for a long time or burns, then one more egg should be poured into it and a little flour should be added.
  4. For the filling, boil or fry any liver with spices.
  5. Finely chop the cabbage wreath into strips, which then lightly crush with your hands and mix with salt.
  6. Do the same with onions. Strong salt should not be added, since canned cucumber will be added to the filling, so oversalting is possible.
  7. Grate the hard-boiled egg and liver on a coarse grater. Peel the cucumber and cut into cubes.
  8. Mix the filling ingredients. First, put the liver and onion in a bowl and then gradually mix in the other ingredients. Cabbage should be the smallest in volume.
  9. Put a spoonful of filling on the edge of the pancake, sprinkle with mayonnaise. Tuck the edge and sides, roll up the roll.

Cuisine of Smiru

  • Filling Ingredients:
  • 600 grams of chicken liver (possible with a heart);
  • 2 large onions;
  • 1 piece carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, spices - to taste.
  • Pancake Ingredients:
  • 2 cups wheat flour;
  • 4-5 art. spoons of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • a pinch of salt.

I have already shared one savory recipe for pancakes with chicken and mushrooms, you can overeat them as many times as you like, and this dish does not get bored. I am going to offer another recipe for the same delicious pancakes now, but this time with chicken liver filling. Try this tender, delicious dish! I will not praise for a long time, cook - and see for yourself.

1. Let's start with the preparation of the liver filling. First, peel and cut the onion into small cubes. Pour a little vegetable oil into a large frying pan and place the chopped onion.

2. We wash the chicken liver, remove excess veins and gallbladder, cut into small cubes, about 2x2 cm. This is very important: finely chopped liver is fried faster and better, and it turns out tastier than if it is not chopped. Transfer the liver to the pan with the onions.

3. Cut the carrots into small cubes and also place in a pan with onions and liver.

4. Put the pan with the liver filling on the fire. Fry chicken liver with vegetables, stirring occasionally.

5. Salt the finished liver filling to taste and remove from heat. Let cool.

6. Skip the fried liver through a meat grinder.

7. Let's start cooking pancakes.

In a deep bowl or saucepan, combine eggs with sugar.

8. Pour in vegetable oil and grind the liquid mixture until smooth.

9. Add flour.

10. Lightly mix all the dough ingredients.

11. Gradually begin to pour milk in small portions and stir the dough so that there are no lumps, until smooth.

12. Pancake dough is ready.

13. Lubricate the pan with oil (you can use any fat, even margarine or lard) and pour a portion of the dough, bake the first pancake.

14. Turn the pancake over to the other side.

15. So we bake all the other pancakes until the dough is finished.

16. We stuff the pancakes with chicken liver: put a tablespoon of the filling on the edge of the pancake.

17. We turn the pancake as in the photo, wrapping the filling inside.

Similarly, we start all the other pancakes.

Serve pancakes with chicken liver with tea or tomato juice. Enjoy your meal!

Pancakes with chicken liver: delicious homemade

Pancakes stuffed with this or that filling can be a wonderful tasty breakfast or quite a hearty snack. Pancakes are familiar and loved by everyone since childhood. Unfortunately, this dish cannot be a very frequent guest at our table because of its calorie content, which noticeably affects the figure, but since it is very tasty, sometimes you can afford it.

Today we will cook pancakes with chicken liver.

More about products:

    • wheat flour - 10 tbsp. l. with a slide;
    • milk - 400 ml;
    • water - 400 ml;
    • egg - 2 pcs.;
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - to taste (≈ 1 tsp);
    • sugar - to taste - (≈ 4 tablespoons)
    • vegetable oil for frying
    • chicken liver - 500 g
    • onion - 1 head
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
    • salt, pepper - to taste
    • vegetable oil for frying

The indicated amount of ingredients is enough to feed 4-5 people.

Pancakes with chicken liver: a detailed recipe with a photo:

Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil and put the liver in it. Salt and pepper. Fry over medium heat, do not forget to stir. The liver cooks quite quickly, so 10 minutes of its heat treatment will be enough. You can check the readiness of the meat by cutting a piece of liver in the middle. If the meat has a brownish color and no reddish liquid is released, then the liver is ready.

We leave both the liver and vegetables to cool and start making pancakes.

In a saucepan or deep bowl, combine flour, salt, sugar and eggs.

By consistency, it should be quite liquid, reminiscent of yogurt. Depending on the result, if necessary, add flour if the dough is liquid, or water if it is thick.

Add to the dough 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and mix again.

Using a ladle, pour the dough into the pan and spread it over its entire surface, making certain circular movements with the pan.

The liver must be crushed. To do this, you can use a meat grinder and pass both the liver and the carrot-onion mixture into it. Or just finely chop with a sharp knife.

Before serving, heat pancakes with chicken liver in a pan or in the microwave.

If you do not like liver cutlets and liver pancakes, then you can cook liver pancakes - everyone should like them. Even a child eats such pancakes for me, despite the fact that he does not like liver, but pancakes with sour cream fly away with a bang. Chicken liver pancakes can be served simply with sour cream, or you can fill them with cream cheese with herbs or curd cream with paprika.

Be sure to try making pancakes from the liver, if you wish, you can make a snack cake from such pancakes.

Prepare all the ingredients according to the list.

Rinse the chicken liver under cool water and dry, cut off the film. Transfer the liver to a blender bowl. Immediately add one large chicken egg to the bowl.

Grind the liver and egg into a homogeneous consistency.

Add wheat flour to chopped liver.

Pour all the spices - paprika, salt, pepper, dry garlic.

Grate Adyghe cheese and add to the blender bowl. You can use any other cheese of your choice if you wish.

Grind all ingredients again until smooth.

Heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil. Pour a little dough and fry liver pancakes from chicken liver on both sides for 0.5-1 minute.

Liver pancakes with filling are a hearty snack that will diversify and decorate any feast. fragrant dish Even kids who don't like liver will love it. Want to learn how to make a delicious chicken liver appetizer? Read the article.

Liver pancakes: recipe, composition

When you want to please loved ones with delicious, unusual dish- pancakes from the liver with filling will come to the rescue. This appetizer is hearty and healthy. The filling of carrots, onions and eggs will make the dish bright and fragrant.

The best option for making pancakes is chicken liver. Recipes from it are simple and do not require special skills. It is more delicate, does not have hard films. Pancakes will come out of it airy and elastic.

Chicken liver contains many useful substances: protein, iron, B vitamins and good cholesterol. Therefore, this offal is an important element of children's and adolescent nutrition.

To make liver pancakes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • chicken liver - 500 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

The filling is prepared from the following components:

  • eggs, carrots - 5 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Onions and sour cream add juiciness and tenderness to the dish. The filling can be made from other products: fried champignons, processed cheese with greens.

Liver pancakes: recipe with filling

Rinse the liver with cold water, cut off excess elements and dry. Boil eggs for spreading in salted water, cool. Peel carrots, onions and garlic. To prepare liver rolls, follow these steps:

  • grind the prepared liver in a blender;
  • send the liver into a deep container, salt and pepper;
  • in a separate bowl, beat raw eggs with a whisk, add milk;
  • pour the mass to the liver, add flour and mix well;
  • prepare a frying pan by adding a little oil to it;
  • pour one ladleful of dough and fry the pancake on both sides.

Thin elastic pancakes are ready. We proceed to the preparation of the filling and assembly of the rolls:

  • Cut the onion into cubes and send to a frying pan with oil, fry until translucent.
  • Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and send to the onion. Salt, pepper and simmer the mixture for 5 minutes. Add sour cream to the filling and cool slightly.
  • Prepare the spread. Grate the boiled eggs on a fine grater, pass the garlic through a press. Put the ingredients in a salad bowl, add mayonnaise, sour cream and mix. Salt and pepper the spread.
  • Collect the roll. To do this, spread a thin layer of spread over the entire pancake. Put a tablespoon of the filling on one edge, roll the pancake with a roll.

The dish can be served warm or cold. It is better to cut the pancakes into several pieces. So the bright filling will be visible. Top with parsley sprigs.

Liver rolls can be prepared by any hostess. Such an appetizer is taken on the road, cooked for lunch or dinner. A fragrant dish with a bright filling will decorate the festive table.