Recipes for festive Easter dishes. What can be prepared for the festive table for Easter Eggs stuffed with crab meat

There are only a few days left before Easter, so it's time to start compiling holiday menu. On this day, the closest and dearest people gather at the table, which means that the recipes for Easter dishes should be special.

boats of abundance

On Bright Sunday, colored eggs invariably flaunt on the festive table. Some of them can be taken to prepare a win-win snack. Gently peel and cut 8-10 boiled eggs in half. We take out the yolks and grind them with 250 g of canned cod liver. Add here 200 g of any grated hard cheese, 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 2 cloves of garlic and salt to taste. Thoroughly mix the pate and fill it with halves of boiled proteins. We decorate them with sprigs of fresh herbs and lay them out on a large dish. These appetizing stuffed boats will not lie on it for a long time.

Ham with a secret

What can you cook for Easter besides eggs? Ham rolls with horseradish are a wonderful appetizer with a Russian flavor. For her, we need a slice of ham in thin wide circles. Finely chop a bunch of parsley and dill. Mix greens in a bowl with 4 tbsp. l. grated horseradish and 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, add salt and sugar to taste. Lubricate the ham slices with the spicy filling and roll them into tubes. We string on toothpicks and fix the rolls. They can be served on lettuce leaves with tomato slices. Such a savory appetizer will awaken your appetite and set you in a festive mood.

Spring colors

Since spring is in full swing, Easter dishes should be presented light salad from fresh seasonal vegetables. Cut into cubes of 2 large cucumbers and fleshy tomatoes. We chop 7-8 radishes into thin circles. Finely chop a large bunch of wild garlic and 8-10 stalks of green onions. To make the salad more satisfying and tasty, you can add 3-4 boiled eggs here. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. It remains to fill the salad with low-fat sour cream or vegetable oil. And before serving, you can sprinkle the salad with sesame seeds - they will add subtle nutty notes to the dish.

radiant bird

Stuffed chicken has every chance of becoming signature dish menu for Easter. We rub a well-fed chicken carcass weighing at least 1.5 kg with coarse salt and masala spices, cover with a film and keep in the refrigerator for a day. Boil a glass of buckwheat until half cooked and mix it with roasted onions and 300 g of mushrooms. Salt the filling to taste and season with 2 tbsp. l. butter. Gently stuff the chicken soaked in spices with buckwheat and mushrooms, sew it with dense threads and place it in the sleeve. We bake it in the oven at 200 ° C for about 70-80 minutes. Ruddy fragrant will conquer guests with one look.

Pork in gold

Festive pork is what will truly make meat eaters happy. Pork tenderloin weighing 3 kg is stuffed with garlic cloves and kept in 2 liters of cabbage brine for 36 hours. Remember to turn the meat every 9 hours. Then, after thoroughly drying it, sprinkle it with a mixture of peppers, place it in a sleeve and bake in the oven for an hour at 150 ° C. Next, increase the flame to 190 ° C and cook for another 40 minutes. Now grease the pork with a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce. In this form, put it under the grill and hold until crispy at 200 ° C. Juicy golden pork will make an indelible impression on everyone.

Salmon in the bush

Fish dishes for Easter are an unshakable tradition. Salmon with spring sauce will organically fit into the menu. Spray 6 fish steaks with olive oil, sprinkle with chopped celery stalk with rosemary leaves, marinate for 20 minutes. Grind in a blender 150 g of walnuts, a sprig of basil and tarragon with 1 tbsp. l. butter. Salt the steaks, spread on them nut butter, orange slices and sprinkle with 150 g of hard cheese. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°C. Salmon with such an accent will definitely appeal to guests.

sweet art

Sweet festive Easter dishes are not only Easter cakes, but also elegant cookies. Mix 600 g flour, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, ½ tsp soda, ¼ tsp. cinnamon, cardamom and cloves. Separately, beat 100 g of butter with 100 g of sugar, gradually adding 2 eggs, 120 g of honey, 2 tsp. lemon zest. We combine this mass with a flour base, knead the dough and cool for 2 hours. Then we roll out a layer 1.5 cm thick and cut out cookies with molds in the form of bunnies, butterflies, flowers, etc. Bake it for 15 minutes at 180 ° C. We fill the cornet with melted chocolate, apply along the contour and draw patterns. Those with a sweet tooth will snap up such a dessert in no time.

We hope these ideas have inspired you to create interesting dishes. The Easter table is a great opportunity to bring these ideas to life. And if you have verified holiday recipes Be sure to tell us about them in the comments.

Mandatory Easter dishes are lush paska and krashenki. But you need to cook for Easter and many others. delicious meals, especially from those products that were banned for consumption during Lent. What dishes to cook for Easter - read on.

To help you create your menu at 24, 24 offers 11 mouth-watering dishes. which are wonderful complement the Easter table.

The first thing to think about is, of course, Easter cake, without which the celebration of Easter is impossible. In addition to the traditional cake with white icing, there are many interesting and even exotic recipes - the choice is yours.

Read also:

Meat dishes for Easter-2019

For the Easter table, it is better to choose hearty, but not fatty dishes. After all, after a long abstinence from animal food, you should not immediately overload the body.

Baked rabbit with rosemary: recipe

rabbit - 800 g
homemade mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.
sour cream -3 tbsp.
garlic - 4 cloves
Worcestershire sauce - 2 tbsp
mustard with grains - 2 tsp
oil walnut- 2 tbsp.
Provence herbs to taste
ground pepper to taste
rosemary - 1 sprig
salt to taste
milk - 1 cup

It's really tasty and will fit perfectly into the Easter menu!


1. Cut the rabbit carcass into large portions. Pour in milk and leave overnight in a cool place.

2. Combine mayonnaise, sour cream, crushed garlic, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, oil and salt in a bowl. Rub the rabbit meat with this mixture. Leave to marinate for another 3 hours.

3. Sprinkle meat with Provencal herbs and ground pepper, add rosemary. Put in a baking bag along with the sauce. Tie the bag tightly and poke a few holes in the top.

4. Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes, then cut open the bag and leave in the oven until golden brown.

Pork ribs with chimichurri sauce: recipe

pork ribs - 1 kg

For the dry chimichurri mixture:
fresh oregano - 4 leaves
chili pepper - 0.5 pod
black pepper - 1 tsp
garlic - 5 teeth
paprika - 1 tbsp. l.
salt - 1 tsp
juice of half a lemon
sunflower oil– 100 ml
apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
dark beer - 1 l
cumin - 1 tsp
green onions - 2 pcs.
thyme - 1-2 sprigs

For the chimichurri sauce:
fresh parsley - 1 bunch
cilantro - 1 bunch
green Bell pepper- 1 PC.
garlic - 6 cloves
apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
olive oil- 3 tbsp. l.
juice of 1 lemon
chili flakes - 0.5 tsp
shallots - 2-3 pcs.

Ribs in original sauce


1. Cut the ribs lengthwise. In a mortar, mix the chopped garlic, salt, pepper, cumin, paprika, finely chopped onion and chili pepper. Add hot oil and stir.

2. Rub the ribs with the dry chimichurri mixture. Add beer, oregano, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and thyme. Leave to marinate for 20 minutes.

3. Fry the ribs over an open fire until crispy. Serve with sauce.

Fish dishes for Easter-2019

Black cod fillet with orange glaze from Hector Jimenez-Bravo: cooking recipe

black cod fillet
salt, pepper - 2 g
milk - 0.1 l
orange - 0.2 kg
cardamom - 0.5 g
corn starch - 1 g
capers - 10 g
sugar - 15 g
thyme (fresh) - 2 g
butter - 5 g

Easter recipe for fish lovers


1. Fry the cod fillet until golden brown.

2. Pour milk into a small pan, put the fish and put in the oven until cooked through for 5-7 minutes.

3. Pour orange juice into a hot saucepan with sugar, boil for 3-5 minutes. Add cardamom (ground), starch, butter, thicken and set aside the sauce.

4. Serve fish with sauce. You can decorate with slices of orange or lemon.

Baked salmon: cooking recipe

Ingredients(for 1 serving):
salmon steak - 1 pc.
seasonings (pepper, dried basil, salt)


1. Wash the salmon steak and salt it on both sides, put it on a baking sheet, and it, in turn, on a baking sheet.

2. Sprinkle with spices and lay out lemon slices. Wrap the foil to make an envelope.

Easter menu: this dish is very easy to make

3. Bake in an oven preheated to 180-200 ° C for 20-25 minutes.

Fish dishes for Easter

Salads for Easter-2019

Pear, Apple and Spinach Salad: Recipe

Depending on the season and the availability of products, various cheeses, nuts or dried fruits can be added to the salad.

hard pears - 2 pcs.
hard apples - 2 pcs.
fresh spinach - 4 cups
dried cranberries / raisins - 1/4 cup
salt, pepper to taste

Sauce Ingredients:
chopped rosemary - 1 tbsp
honey - 1 tbsp.
mustard - 1 tbsp.
lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
olive oil - 1/3 cup

Pear, apple and spinach salad for Easter menu


1. Finely chop pears and apples, put spinach leaves in a deep bowl, put fruits, sprinkle with dried cranberries or raisins.

2. Separately, mix olive oil (1/3 cup, cold pressed), mustard, honey (or orange jam), add lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste, and rosemary.

3. Serve your salad with dressing. Thinly sliced ​​parmesan or goat cheese can be added if desired.

Among the many holidays that are so fond of celebrating in Russia, for many centuries, the Bright Resurrection of Christ has stood apart. Easter, the most joyful and cheerful spring holiday, symbolizes the victory of life over death, spring over winter, the renewal of nature and people. And, of course, this bright holiday brings with it faith, love and hope, awakening warmth and kindness in us.

It goes without saying that no holiday, and even more so Easter, can not do without a plentiful feast. From time immemorial, the Easter table differed from any other festive table in its special splendor, variety of dishes and beauty. In prosperous houses, the Easter table was traditionally served 48 various dishes, according to the number of days of the past Great Lent. To festive table began to prepare from Maundy Thursday. They baked Thursday salt, painted and painted Easter eggs, then laying them on the greens of oats or wheat, which were specially grown for the holiday. They cooked Easter, baked pancakes, Easter cakes, women and Easter gingerbread in the form of doves, cockerels, bunnies and eggs. Don't forget to cook some quick food. They baked lamb, cooked ham and veal. Fish dishes were not served at the Easter table at all. It was not customary to serve hot dishes either, because the Easter table of our ancestors remained covered throughout Bright Week.

A special place among all the treats of the festive Easter table was occupied by ritual food - cottage cheese Easter, and colored eggs. These three dishes were prepared in every, even the poorest, house. And until now, every family carefully keeps their time-tested favorite recipes for Easter cakes and Easter. These recipes are innumerable, and the hostesses do not use anything to make the traditional Easter treats the most delicious, the most unusual, the most elegant. Rare nuts and spices, candied fruits and fresh fruits, jams and sweet sauces, rum, sherry, Madeira - it's impossible to list everything. Easter is a real fantasy holiday for experienced housewives and a test of strength and skills for beginner housewives.

Today we will share with you tips and recipes on what to cook for Easter, which will definitely help you prepare truly delicious Easter dishes.

1. To prepare Easter, you will definitely need a pastry box - a special detachable form, consisting of four plates. The inner side of the plates of the beekeeper is usually decorated with the letters XB and images of a cross, a spear, sprouts and flowers. Bead boxes are made from a variety of materials, but traditional wooden or more modern plastic ones are considered the best today. Of course, a plastic pastry box is more convenient from a hygienic point of view (it is easier to wash it, it cannot become clogged with the remains of cottage cheese and cream, etc.), but how can cold plastic compare with the warmth and lively tenderness of wood? One way or another, the choice is yours. When buying a bead box, be sure to check whether it is easy to assemble and fit snugly. plates to each other.

2. Easter is prepared from cottage cheese, cream, butter and various flavorings (nuts, candied fruit, zest, spices). It is very important to choose the right products from which you will cook. Pay special attention to the freshness of cottage cheese, butter and cream! Only from very fresh ingredients you can cook a truly delicious and tender Easter. Try to choose cottage cheese fresh, uniform and dry. Pass it through a sieve twice before cooking. Rubbed through a sieve, the cottage cheese will turn out tender, light and airy. Try to take cream 30%, fatty and thick, butter - soft, plastic and the freshest. For whipping the curd mass, it is most convenient to use a mixer, then the Easter will turn out to be soft, tender and saturated with air and lightness.

3. Everyone is free to choose additives for Easter according to their taste and possibilities. The main criterion when choosing additives should be their freshness. After all, even a slight smell of mustiness or mold from nuts or candied fruit can nullify all your efforts to prepare Easter. Sort the nuts carefully, peel, roast and chop. Rinse raisins and dried fruits thoroughly and dry on a towel, finely chop the candied fruit and soak in rum or cognac, grate the zest in advance. Dry spices (cardamom, star anise, ginger) grind in a coffee grinder. Natural vanilla can be replaced with vanilla essence or vanilla sugar (the former is preferred).

4. Easter is prepared in three types - raw, boiled and custard. Let's start with the easiest raw passover ever. Two kilograms of cottage cheese carefully wipe through a sieve. 150 gr. soft butter rub white with 150 gr. Sahara. Without ceasing to grind, add 150 ml to the butter with sugar. sour cream a tablespoon at a time. Rub everything together until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Combine the resulting mass with cottage cheese and beat thoroughly with a mixer. At the very end, add nuts, candied fruits, spices and mix thoroughly, but gently. Place the finished curd mass in a pasochnik lined with gauze, cover with a bottom or a saucer and put it in a cool place for 10-12 hours.

5. It is a little more difficult to cook Easter boiled. Rub one kilogram of cottage cheese through a sieve, add 200 gr. melted butter, mix thoroughly, add 400 gr. sour cream and mix again. Without ceasing to rub the mass, enter 5 fresh eggs in turn. Transfer the mass to a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on fire and bring to a boil with constant stirring. Watch carefully so that the mass does not burn! As soon as the curd mass boils, remove the pan from the heat and, if possible, cool it quickly (for example, by placing it in a bowl of cold water), without ceasing to stir. Add 2 cups of powdered sugar, nuts, candied fruits and spices to taste into the chilled curd mass. Beat everything together with a mixer. Place the finished curd mass in a pasochnik and put it in a cool place for 12 hours.

6. The most tender and delicious is Easter custard. Pass through a 500 gr sieve. cottage cheese. Pound two yolks white with ½ cup sugar, pour in 2 ½ cups of milk and heat the mixture in a water bath until thickened, stirring often. Make sure the mixture doesn't boil! Pour the hot mixture into a deep bowl, add 100 gr. creamy oils, vanilla sugar, nuts and candied fruits, mix everything thoroughly. Gradually add cottage cheese to your mixture, mixing thoroughly, and at the end of cooking, quickly beat the Easter with a mixer. Place the finished Easter in the beekeeper and put it in the cold.

7. An infinite number of recipes for cooking Easter cakes can amaze any imagination with their variety. Easter cakes are usually baked early in the morning on Good Friday. However, all the preparatory work should be done in advance. Peel, roast and crush the nuts; wash, soak and dry raisins and dried fruits; sort and chop candied fruits (do not forget to soak them for 10-12 hours in rum or cognac, this will give them additional aroma, taste and tenderness). Wash the cake pans in advance, grease the inner walls with oil, cover the bottom with oiled baking paper, sprinkle the walls and bottom with finely crushed breadcrumbs. Do not forget to dry and carefully sift the flour. Yeast is best used pressed, not dry.

8. Like other pastry products, it can be prepared in a sponge and non-dough way. Let's cook the easiest safe cake. Dilute 30 gr. yeast in a little warm milk. Mix two cups of flour with one cup of warm milk, then add your foamy yeast, knead the dough thoroughly, transfer it to a saucepan, cover with a towel and put in a warm place. When the dough has doubled in volume, add 5 yolks, mashed with ½ cup sugar, 250 gr. melted (but not hot!) butter, salt to taste and mix thoroughly. Beat five egg whites with a mixer until firm foam and carefully fold into your dough. If the dough is too runny, add more flour to the desired consistency. Add to your dough nuts, candied fruits, zest and spices to taste. Let the dough rise again, then knead thoroughly and arrange on baking sheets. Fill out the forms no more than half of their volume. Let the dough rise even with the edges of the form and bake in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, until cooked.

9. Another option of what to cook for Easter, completely forgotten in our days, was Easter women - light, porous, airy pastries with a delicate taste. Let's restore justice and bake a lace baba for Easter! Rub ten yolks white with 2 cups of sugar, add 2 cups of flour and 50 gr. yeast diluted in 1/3 cup milk. Beat everything together with a mixer for 15 minutes. Separately, beat 10 egg whites until stiff foam. Add egg whites to your dough and mix gently. Ready dough half fill a greased baking dish. Let the dough rise flush with the edges and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until cooked.

10. Even more delicious and fragrant is the Easter baba, cooked with cottage cheese and raisins. Four yolks rub white with 1 ½ tbsp. sugar, add 500 gr. cottage cheese and carefully rub again. Whisk the remaining egg whites until stiff peaks form. To the curd mass, add 2 cups of raisins, ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon, whipped proteins, salt to taste. Gently but thoroughly mix your dough. Grease a baking dish with melted butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Pour your dough into the mold and flatten gently. Drizzle melted butter on top and sprinkle with ground almonds. Bake in a preheated oven until golden brown.

Today we told you only about the most basic rules and secrets of preparing traditional Easter dishes. You can always find even more proven Easter recipes, tips on what to cook for Easter for your Easter table on the pages of our website.

Easter is coming, which means that many are wondering what to cook for Easter 2020, and what to make the Easter menu 2020. The Easter table 2020 will be the same as it has always been. In addition to the obligatory, sacral dishes, there will be ordinary festive ones, which you can choose yourself. With the advent of Easter, Lent ends, so the dishes for the Easter table are very diverse. This and meat dishes, and pastries for Easter, and salads for Easter. But the most important Easter dishes, of course, Easter or Easter cake, and Easter eggs. This is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about what to cook for the Easter table. Without these dishes, a festive table for Easter is unthinkable. There is no point in discussing boiled egg recipes, but Easter pastries are those recipes for the Easter table that are worth talking about separately. Those who know how to cook delicious Easter dishes probably learned the recipes for Easter dishes from their grandmothers, because in the Soviet years the questions were how to cook the Easter table, recipes for Easter, how to bake Easter cakes, how to bake Easter cake, paska recipes, paska recipes, Easter cake (cottage cheese recipe), how to cook custard cottage cheese Easter cake, Easter cake recipe for Easter in the oven, cottage cheese Easter recipe, how tasty Easter cheese is prepared, icing recipe for Easter cake, royal cake, Easter salad recipe, baked cottage cheese Easter, recipes for cottage cheese Easter with raisins and candied fruit, could hardly be found in the “Book of Tasty and Healthy Food”. Baking Easter or baking Easter cakes is the most responsible task in preparing the Easter table. Easter dough is made with yeast, milk and eggs. According to the technology of preparation Easter or Easter cake is very similar to bread, so you can find recipes for Easter cake in a bread machine, a recipe for Easter cake for a bread machine, Easter cake in a bread machine, a recipe for Easter cake in a bread machine, an Easter recipe in a bread machine. Everyone wants to cook not only tasty, but also beautiful Easter, so they try to decorate it, for this they use icing for Easter cake. There are three types of icing recipe for Easter cake: it is protein, fruit and chocolate glaze. If you are not friends with yeast dough, Easter cake is for you, the recipe of which is used for many European Easter dishes. In addition, Easter is prepared from cottage cheese, Easter from sour cream. Easter recipe from sour cream and cottage cheese Easter - recipes that can be combined, often called royal Easter. Royal Easter is a recipe that is prepared not by baking, but by brewing. The recipe for royal curd Easter is simple: after mixing all the ingredients in a saucepan, they are stirred and brewed. Hence the name custard easter, boiled easter recipe, royal custard easter recipe, custard curd easter. To get the royal curd Easter of the correct form, it is advisable to stock up on a special form.

Easter recipes from cottage cheese are just as traditional for this holiday. There are three types of Easter cottage cheese recipes: custard, pressed and baked. Cooking Easter from cottage cheese is chosen by those who do not like to mess with the dough. Cottage cheese Easter, the recipe can be very different, it greatly depends on the quality of the cottage cheese. Cottage cheese for cheese Easter is allowed to drain. Curd Easter baked is usually cooked in the oven. Cottage cheese Easter is a recipe that gives scope to your imagination and tastes; it is prepared with candied fruits, raisins, fruits, cognac or rum. We suggest you use Easter cottage cheese recipe with photo, Easter cottage cheese recipes with photo, Easter cottage cheese recipe with photo, Easter cottage cheese recipes with photo, Easter cottage cheese recipes with photos, Easter dishes recipes with photos, because the illustrations really help to prepare a beautiful and delicious Easter.

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Delicious food for Easter

Easter cottage cheese (from cottage cheese)

To your attention - a recipe for cooking Easter from cottage cheese. This is the traditional royal Pascha, which for centuries from year to year dominates the table during the bright holiday of Pascha.

Traditional Easter cake

A video recipe for making a traditional Easter cake will help those who are not too experienced in confectionery to bake Easter cake. Everything is very simple and clear - everyone can do it!

Salad "Easter egg"

Salad "Easter egg" - original and delicious salad in the shape of an Easter egg, which looks good on the holiday table at Easter. The salad itself can be almost anything, the main thing is the design.

Easter painted eggs

Today you can find a lot of ready-made jewelry for Easter eggs but let's not forget grandmother's recipes. I show you how to dye eggs with onion peel - according to a traditional Russian recipe!

Curd Easter

Such an original and unusual cottage cheese Easter is an excellent table decoration on this bright holiday. For your attention - an extremely clear and simple recipe for cooking Easter from cottage cheese with berries.

Salad "Easter"

Salad "Easter" is a real culinary work of art. Any salad can form the basis, decoration is important. However, for inspiration, I will present my recipe.

Salad "Christ is Risen"

As the name suggests, the salad "Christ is Risen" is an exclusively Easter dish. Preparing a salad is quite simple, and looks great on the festive table. I recommend to try.

Easter snack

Very tasty Easter snack of eggs, which are always eaten at Easter in a very large amount. Suitable for other holidays, but in our family it is customary to cook it for Easter.

Homemade sausage

Our great-grandparents considered Easter the greatest day. Very often, for the sake of such an event, a wild boar was slaughtered so that everything was on the festive table, including an amazingly delicious homemade sausage.

Easter cake in a bread machine

Cooking Easter cake in a bread machine is as easy as shelling pears. And don’t waste a lot of time, and put the most delicious homemade Easter cake on the table. Master the recipe under the power of everyone!


Your attention - classic recipe Easter cake. Absolutely nothing superfluous, no unnecessary ingredients - I tell you how to cook the simplest and most ordinary Easter cake at home.

Easter cake

Easter cake is something without which it is impossible to imagine the bright holiday of Easter. I suggest baking Easter cake at home, and not buying it in the store - my recipe with a photo will help you do this.

fast easter

This Easter tastes great, but everyone can cook it - it is prepared quickly and simply. Easter dough according to this recipe will turn out light and fragrant. Try it!

Easter cake with white raisins

Easter cake with nuts

The recipe for Easter cake with nuts is useful for those who want to diversify the Easter menu and cook more original, non-traditional Easter cakes. Nuts give the cake a pleasant flavor.

Easter on yeast dough

I bring to your attention an extremely simple recipe for preparing a festive Easter for yeast dough. Everyone, even an inexperienced confectioner, can prepare a festive Easter (Kulich) according to this recipe.

Kulich in old Russian

Your attention - old recipe cooking Easter cake. According to Pokhlebkin's book, Easter cakes in Russia were cooked according to this recipe.

Kulich Russian

A simple recipe for making Russian Easter cake will help anyone who wants to bake Easter cake at home, but does not know how to do it.

Kulich according to the old recipe

The recipe for Easter cake according to the old recipe, which was used by our great-grandfathers. Easter is a traditional holiday, so you should pay tribute to traditions and cook Easter cake according to an old recipe.

Easter fragrant

Every year our family prepares one of three recipes for Easter cakes. All three are time-tested, all are amazing, the main thing is to decide which one to choose this time. Here is the second of these family recipes.

easter lush

Every year our family prepares one of three recipes for Easter cakes. All three are time-tested, all are amazing, the main thing is to decide which one to choose this time. Here is the third of those family recipes.

Easter simple

This recipe is simple, but at the same time it gives you the opportunity to enjoy real homemade Easter cakes - tender, tasty and fragrant.

Grandma's Easter cake

It turns out delicious and easy-to-cook cake. Based on my grandmother's recipe with a slight adjustment to modern technology. It turns out a real, classic Easter cake.

Easter cakes on margarine

Here is a simple recipe for making Easter cakes. on margarine this recipe Easter cakes are incredibly tasty and tender, as well as long-term storage and not stale.

Lemon cake with turmeric

This bright yellow cake with lemon flavor will be a great addition to your holiday table and bring joy to the whole family.

Easter cakes on kefir

A very tasty and simple recipe for kefir cakes from my beloved grandmother will help everyone who is already planning what to cook for the holiday table. Very beautiful and tasty cakes - I advise!

delicious cake

It would seem that cooking Easter cake is so elementary, but far from everyone it turns out to be really tasty. I'll tell you how to cook a truly delicious cake. Recipe that has stood the test of time ;)

Easter cupcake

Easter cupcake prepared according to this simple recipe will effectively decorate the Easter table in your family. Preparing an Easter cupcake is very simple, it turns out - very tasty and beautiful.

Easter cupcakes for kids

If you celebrate Easter with the kids, please them and bake children's Easter cupcakes, which will be much more in demand by the children's audience than ordinary Easter cakes.

Easter cake with saffron

The recipe for making Easter cake with saffron can be useful to anyone who is thinking about how to bake Easter cake. Easter cake with saffron is what you need if you are tired of traditional Easter pastries.

aspic oatmeal "Gems"

To your attention - a recipe for a very beautiful and original appetizer for Easter. Beef aspic "Gems" is a worthy element of your Easter table! ;)

Easter cake with ricotta

Easter cake with ricotta is very popular in Italy. I propose to borrow the recipe for Easter ricotta pie from Italian confectioners and diversify your menu on this bright holiday!

Eggs stuffed with crab meat

Another option for stuffed eggs. Like us, the French, the authors of the recipe, prepare this dish for the festive table, and every time when there is a mood. Eggs are great for Easter or New Years.

Baba rum

To your attention - a recipe for making a baba with rum syrup and sugar fudge. Rum baba is a traditional Easter pastry, but I bake it not only on Easter, but also on weekdays.

Salad "Easter Bunny"

Salad "Easter Bunny" always attracts the most attention. All guests immediately fall in love with him, and then eat with great pleasure. I offer my step by step recipe photo salad.

Salad "Easter Wreath"

Salad "Easter wreath" - a spectacular dish that will decorate your holiday table. There are a large number of recipes for making this salad, but we will cook it with herring and apples.


Fiadone is a traditional Corsican Easter cake. Fiadone is wildly popular - cook according to this recipe with a photo and you will understand why.

Salad "Capercaillie Nest"

Capercaillie Nest Salad Recipe - cooking a salad of chicken, potatoes, eggs and cucumbers. This nest-shaped salad will be a great decoration for your holiday table. Popular Russian cuisine.

Easter almond macarons

Easter almond macaroons are a traditional French pastry usually made on Easter Eve. I recommend borrowing this wonderful recipe from the French.

Stuffed eggs "Mushroom glade"

This dish is simple, and invariably tasty, healthy, perfect for you when you need to decorate the table for a holiday or celebration. It is easy to prepare, inexpensive and disappears from the table faster than others.

Kokurki on sour cream

The recipe for the dish "Kokurki on sour cream". Kokurki is a dish of ancient northern Russian cuisine. Yeast-free bread baked with boiled eggs.

Polish Easter cake

Today I will tell you how to cook Polish Easter cake - a traditional Polish Easter pastry. I don’t know if the Poles really cook Easter cake this way, but it turns out delicious.

Easter bagels in the shape of a sheep or a bunny

You will love the delicacy, you will cook it more often than once a year for Easter. You can give bagels any shape, even hearts, but lambs and bunnies are perfect for the symbolism of a bright holiday.

Easter cakes from "Viennese" dough

The taste of the Viennese cake is something akin to a rum woman without impregnation, and the taste will only improve during storage. And I also note that the Easter cake from viennese test does not get stale for a very long time!

Easter Royal

This Easter requires work, but it's worth it! Amazing recipe! The richness of tastes - in commemoration of the Greatness and Joy of this Holy holiday!

Sweet bread with raisins

Easter tender curd

I always wanted to cook a real Easter. This year we managed to realize this idea! Very tasty, airy, tender :)

Easter Lamb

The figurine of the Lamb (a symbol of meekness, humility and sacrifice) must be on the Easter table. It can be cut from butter or cheese, or it can be baked in a special shape.

Easter Banana Chocolate Cupcakes

Very tasty and flavorful cupcakes! I found the recipe in a magazine about 2 years ago, but only now I decided to bake these for my children for Easter. The children were delighted! Very gentle, not dry, but what a scent .....

Marble cake with chocolate and coffee glaze

I am not a particularly religious person, but Easter is a holiday with which I have many pleasant associations. It's time to paint eggs, bake Easter cakes and make Easter!