How to make Easter cookies with icing step by step recipe with photos. Step by step recipe for Easter cookies with icing How to make cookies for Easter

For any holiday, mothers who have children prepare with a special celebration, and such a great Christian holiday as the Bright Sunday of Christ is no exception. In addition to the traditional, there are many more different recipes Easter baking that can please not only kids, but also adults. Why not diversify the Easter menu with cookies from shortcrust pastry fun shape that you can cook with your kids.

We offer you a recipe and a step-by-step photo instruction on how to make themed children's cookies for Easter with the name "Easter Animals".

Easter Cookie Recipe

easter animal recipe

  • margarine or butter - 200 gr.;
  • mayonnaise - 200 gr.;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 2 or 3 tbsp.;
  • vanillin - 5 gr.;
  • chocolate - 50 gr.;
  • Easter sprinkles - 1 sachet.

Children can be involved in the cooking process, it will be very interesting for them to cook with their parents.

To begin with, we prepare all the necessary ingredients so that they are at your fingertips, so it is always easier and faster to cook any pastries.

First we take margarine, sugar and mix them well with our hands.

After you have a homogeneous mass, gradually add the sifted flour, gradually mixing it into the mixture of margarine and sugar. As a result, you should get a homogeneous crumbly consistency. After the mixture is ready, make a deepening and put mayonnaise, vanilla and an egg beaten with a fork in advance in the center. Gently knead the tight dough. If you see that the dough turned out to be a little liquid, you can add a little more flour to it. The dough for Easter cookies should turn out to be tight, as in the photo, because we will roll it out.

Finished shortbread dough you need to place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes in order to let it harden (grab and swell the gluten). After the above time has passed, we take out our dough and see if it has become hard - it means that it can already be used, it remains soft - leave for another 20 minutes in the cold.

We begin work with the seized dough. We take the form for cookies and grease it with butter or sprinkle with cool water. But oil in this case is a more reliable option.

In order to evenly roll out the dough, we use foil, which was also pre-oiled. We roll out our dough quickly with a rolling pin along the length and width of our form. You need to work at this moment quickly, since this type of dough can soften under the influence of room temperature, in which case the cookies will not work.

After our dough is rolled out, we transfer it with the reverse side of the foil to the form for the formation of children's cookies. Without removing the foil, use a rolling pin to roll the dough into the mold directly onto the baking sheet.

Removing the form, we get a fun children's cookies in the form of animals.

We put our baking sheet in the oven, heated to a temperature of -200 -230 ° C and bake for 15 - 20 minutes. In the process, we look so that our cookies do not burn, and when we see the browned products, we take them out and let them cool.

After our children's cookies have cooled down, we proceed to the most interesting moment - decoration. When decorating cookies for Easter, you can let your imagination run wild with chocolate, Easter powder, coconut flakes, and anything else that comes to your mind. As a result, we decorate the Easter table not only with Easter cakes and Easter, but we get very delicate, wonderful children's cookies with Easter motifs - hares, eggs and other funny figures that children and adults will like.

Per step by step photo Easter baking recipe thanks Gulak Victoria.

Bon appetit and good mood wishes Notebook of recipes!

On the Easter holiday, please your loved ones with bright, delicious Easter cookies: chickens, bunnies, painted eggs are the most interesting ideas.

English Easter cookies are extremely popular in the UK. For Easter, it is baked in almost every family, especially since at home it is prepared quite quickly and easily, as you will soon see by reading our step-by-step recipe with a photo.

The main feature of this English biscuit is the huge amount of spices in its composition, which make the aroma of baking simply incredible. And such an ingredient as blackcurrant berries gives the liver a pleasant slightly sour taste. In general, it tastes like something between shortbread and oatmeal, although it does not contain oatmeal at all.

Traditional English Somerset Easter cookies are usually served with Easter table connected in three pieces, thereby hinting at the Holy Trinity. Usually it becomes a festive gift-compliment to guests.

  • wheat flour - 225 gr
  • butter - 110 gr
  • blackcurrant - 110 gr
  • powdered sugar - 110 gr for dough, 70 gr for decoration
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • cinnamon - ½ tsp
  • vanilla essence - 1 tsp
  • cognac - 2 tbsp.
  • milk - 2-3 tablespoons
  • salt - a pinch

We prepare the ingredients.

We put dry spices on the table. For 18 cookies, we need ½ tsp. a ready-made mixture of spices, which will include ground ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, star anise, cloves, allspice or white pepper. It’s okay if you don’t have some spices: you can replace them with your favorites or just skip them.

110 g of blackcurrant berries pour 2 tbsp. l. cognac or brandy, add a teaspoon of vanilla essence and leave for 10 minutes. In a separate container in 225 g of sifted flour with a mixture of spices, cinnamon, food salt and granulated sugar, add butter grated on a coarse grater.

Lightly beat one chicken egg with a fork and mix with blackcurrant infused with cognac. Pour the butter-flour mixture here and quickly knead the soft, but not quite homogeneous dough. We form a ball out of it and, wrapping it with food polyethylene, send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Taking the chilled dough out of the refrigerator, roll it into a layer about half a centimeter high or a little more. Before rolling out the dough, you need to sprinkle a little flour or roll it through parchment, otherwise it will stick to the rolling pin. From the layer with a glass, a cup or a special mold (preferably with corrugated edges), we cut out circles with a diameter of 6 cm (you should get 18 pieces) and put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment.

We send the baking sheet to the oven preheated to 180 degrees, where the English Easter cookies will be baked for 15-20 minutes. Then take it out and cool it on a wire rack. After that, if desired, it can be smeared with powdered sugar (3 tablespoons), pounded until smooth with 2-3 tablespoons. l. milk, but you can not do this. We knit three ready-made Easter cookies and serve them to the table, treating them to relatives and friends.

Recipe 2: Easter Egg Cookies (Step by Step Photos)

For the preparation of such cookies, shortcrust pastry is usually used. A very simplified version of it will be given here.

  • flour - 2 cups
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • butter - 100 gr
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vanilla sugar - 2 sachets

Sift the flour through a sieve together with the baking powder twice into a large bowl. Add sugar and vanilla sugar.

Make a small hole in the center and add the egg, mix with a fork.

Remove butter 82.5% in advance from the refrigerator, cut it into cubes and let it thaw a little. Then add it to the flour and rub it with your hands into crumbs.

Knead the dough, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 cm. Try to roll it evenly over the entire surface.

Make cookie blanks with a special recess or a suitable shape. If there is no recess, then you can use a plastic mold from Kinder - Surprise, although it is round, but pliable. Lightly squeezing it, you can set the desired shape.

Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour and carefully shift the blanks onto it, slightly correcting them so that there is an even oval. It is better to transfer using a flat spatula or a knife with a wide blade.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes until slightly golden. Then carefully remove with a knife and leave to cool.

Decorate with prepared glaze, powder, chocolate. You can simply cover with icing and sprinkle with various sprinkles, or you can make such a work of culinary art by decorating it with lace.

Recipe 3: Easter cookies with icing sugar

Traditions of preparing beautiful sweets for Easter are hundreds of years old, and Easter cookies are probably one of the first places among sweet gifts on this bright Holiday. Easter cookies with sugar icing can be prepared long before the holiday, they keep well, do not deteriorate for a month, or even more. If you are not too lazy and build beautiful boxes for cookies, you will get a nice present for each guest, because gifts made by yourself are very expensive.

  • 50 g of honey;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 120 g butter;
  • 3 g baking powder;
  • 175 g wheat flour;
  • egg;
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • nutmeg, cardamom, cloves, salt.
  • pink, light green and yellow food coloring;
  • 45 g egg white;
  • 300 g of powdered sugar;
  • 2 g vanillin.

Making cookie dough. We start, as always, with softened butter. Beat it for a few seconds, then add honey and powdered sugar, mix again with a mixer until the mixture becomes airy. Separate the egg yolk, add it to the bowl, beat again.

Mix wheat flour and baking powder, add to whipped ingredients. At this stage, the dough can be mixed with your hands, but this must be done quickly so that the oil does not get very hot.

Easter baking should be fragrant, so do not spare the spices. Add 1/3 grated nutmeg, ground cinnamon, ground cardamom and cloves in a mortar.

We put the finished dough in a bag and put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that it rests.

Sprinkle the board with wheat flour, roll out the dough with a layer of about 5 millimeters.

Lay the eggs on a baking sheet. Since there is butter in the dough, you do not need to grease the baking sheet with anything. You can lay out cookies on a silicone mat, it is very convenient and you do not need to wash the baking sheet.

We heat the oven to 175°C. We put a baking sheet with cookies in a hot oven, bake for 11 minutes.

After the cookies have completely cooled, you can start decorating them.

In a porcelain bowl, grind raw egg white (enough proteins from two medium-sized eggs), gradually add vanillin and sifted powdered sugar to the bowl.

We divide the white icing into equal parts, add food colors - pink lime and yellow.

We roll a small bag out of cellophane, fill it with icing and paint the eggs in different colors.

Let the glazed eggs rest for 30 minutes. When the main background is dry, you can draw convex multi-colored flowers on them.

The next color (yellow) must be applied after another 20-30 minutes, otherwise the glaze will mix and spread. Ready « Easter eggs» leave at room temperature for several hours, but better at night.

After the drawing dries, the Easter cookies can be folded without fear of damage, as the decorations made from sugar icing are durable.

Easter cookies with sugar icing are ready. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 4: Easter cookies with apricots (with photo)

Delicious and beautiful cookies for the bright holiday of Easter are easy and simple to prepare. These are shortbread cookies with sweet and sour sugar fudge and fragrant apricot on top.

  • Butter (73%) - 100 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Flour - 250 g
  • Powdered sugar - 180 g
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Canned apricots, halves - according to the number of cookies

We prepare the necessary products for shortbread cookies with sugar icing and canned apricots in advance.
Butter should be softened. Let's worry in advance and lay out a pack of butter from the refrigerator on the table.

Putting the pieces of softened butter in a bowl for whipping, pour them with granulated sugar, beat the butter together with sugar.

Continue beating while adding milk and egg to the butter-sugar mixture.

Sift the wheat flour directly into the beaten mixture. You can add vanilla.

Knead soft dough. It is not necessary to knead the dough for a long time.

We roll out the prepared dough into a thin layer on a kitchen board sprinkled with flour. We make a layer with a thickness of 0.5 centimeters.

Now, having picked up a recess or a glass with a diameter of 6.5 centimeters, we cut out circles.

We cover the baking dish with parchment, grease the parchment with oil.

Lay out the dough pieces on the parchment paper. Place in preheated oven.

Remove the shortbread cookies from the oven when they are slightly golden (after about 15 minutes). Cookies Carefully lay out on a special grill (for cooling).

While the shortbread cookies are cooling, we take out the halves of canned apricots from the jar.
We spread the apricots on a paper towel - it will absorb excess liquid. (Peaches can also be substituted for apricots.)

Let's prepare the icing for Easter cookies. Add lemon juice to powdered sugar, mix and beat.

Lubricate the cooled shortbread cookies with icing sugar. Then in the center of each cookie lay out half of canned apricots. When the fondant hardens, place the festive Easter cookies in a basket or put them on a plate.

Recipe 5: Bunny Easter Cookies for Children

Small shortbread cookies in sugar glaze with a beautiful pattern will delight kids on the bright holiday of Easter. To prepare them, you need the most common and affordable ingredients. Purchase edible paints and a culinary felt-tip pen at a candy store and bake shortbread cookies in the shape of a hare in a shell (a pattern for cookies in photo # 3). And then, together with the kids, color the cookies according to the recommendations that you will find in the recipe.

Sand dough:

  • butter (soft) - 70 g
  • sugar - 75 g flour - 175 g
  • egg (yolk) - 1 pc.
  • water - 30 g


  • egg (protein) - 1 pc.
  • powdered sugar - 200 g
  • food paint (pink, light green, yellow, red) - 1 g

We mix the liquid ingredients of the dough in a blender: yolk, butter, water and sugar. We combine the mixture with wheat flour of the highest grade.

We mix the dough. We put the bun in a food bag and roll it into a thin layer. We clean in the refrigerator (10 minutes).

Cut out the outline of the hare from paper according to the size indicated in the figure.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer (7 millimeters). Cut out the bunny.

We heat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius. We bake cookie blanks for 12 minutes.

Knead the protein glaze. To do this, first filter the raw protein through a very fine sieve. We also sift the powdered sugar through this sieve to remove random inclusions of large sugar particles. Grind the powder and protein. As necessary, we compose the desired colors, and in the process of drawing, we store the glaze in a closed jar. Icing for painting on the liver needs a very thick consistency.

We draw cheeks with pink icing, and then immediately need to apply white icing.

Fill a pastry bag with white icing. We paint over three blanks of rabbits.

Before you draw a light green shell, we wait 15 minutes until the white color dries. We fill the bag with light green glaze and draw a shell with a broken edge.

Draw ears with pink icing, then put white dots in them. With white icing, draw paws on the shell.

We mix a little red glaze, draw a flower and spouts.

We paint over a yellow flower on a light green shell, and mark the center of the red flower with yellow.

After 1 hour has passed since the application of the white glaze, draw the eyes with a culinary felt-tip pen. We leave the sweets in a dry place for 6 hours so that they gain strength.

Recipe 6, step by step: Easter cookies Hen

Prepare small gifts that are customary to give for Easter with your own hands. Easter cookie set is a great gift! It certainly won't gather dust in the closet until next year, although it can be stored for two months. Icing or painting icing is easy to make with protein and powdered sugar, and food-grade paints in a variety of colors are now sold everywhere. And you will find a template with which you can give the cookie a curly shape in the recipe. With a little time, you will prepare an exclusive, sweet gift for Easter.

for the test:

  • softened butter - 65 g;
  • sugar - 115 g;
  • flour - 155 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;

icing (icing):

  • powdered sugar - 190 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • food colors (1 g each): pink, light green, yellow, orange.

We cut out the chicken and eggs for it in the kit from thick paper. Cut out a few eggs from paper, so it will be more convenient to lay out the patterns on a piece of dough.

Mix the dough ingredients. Fold the finished dough into a bag. Roll out with a rock. Put in the refrigerator (preferably in the freezer) for 5-10 minutes.

Roll out a piece of dough on the board. Put it on a baking sheet. Attach a pattern of chicken and eggs to the dough, circle. Cut out with a sharp knife.

Remove any leftover dough. Cut out a few more cookie sets.

Preheat the oven. Bake Easter cookies for 10 minutes. Temperature 160 degrees.

Prepare the icing (icing). Strain the raw protein. Sift the powdered sugar. Mix and rub the mass with a spoon. On the basis of white icing, prepare colored paints: pink, yellow, light green and orange. Paint over the chicken with pink icing, as shown in the photo. Put yellow dots on its background while the pink paint is wet.

Wait for the pink color to dry (15 minutes), paint the light green details of the chicken and paint one egg with a light green color.

After the light green icing dries, draw a white eye.

Draw an orange beak and comb. Color the egg with orange icing.

Make yellow paws and a yellow egg.

Dot the edges of all the eggs with white icing.

Easter cookie set is ready. When the white icing dries, draw a black eye on the chicken with a culinary felt-tip pen. Put the cookies in a dry and warm room. Dry 5 hours.

Recipe 7: Bright Easter Cookies

Easter cookies are a flight of culinary fantasy, which simply has no limits. So this year I decided to test my own, and at the same time learn how to draw with icing sugar. We can say that we will study together!

I used industrial food dyes, but you can use natural ones for coloring - beet juice, spinach, turmeric. Okay, enough of the lyrics, let's quickly cook delicious and beautiful shortbread cookies with icing for Easter!

  • wheat flour - 250 gr
  • butter - 100 gr
  • powdered sugar - 100 gr
  • egg yolk - 2 pcs


This shortbread dough does not require the addition of baking powder - ready-made pastries based on it always turn out tender and crumbly. Put soft butter in a bowl and knead it with a fork or spoon.

After the required time, we take out the dough and roll it out between two sheets of parchment paper. No need to dust the dough with flour! The thickness of the layer is approximately 5-7 milliliters.

Then we cut out figures with notches and molds for dough - which ones we like best. I made blanks in the form of chicken eggs, rabbits and cockerels.

We shift the future cookies to a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Gather the rest of the dough into a ball, roll it out and cut out the cookies. Shortcrust pastry is very pliable, so all the scraps will easily come together and you won't have any leftovers. In total, from this number of products, you can make 30-35 medium-sized cookies.

We bake sand blanks in a preheated oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. The finished cookies will brighten and lightly brown on the bottom. It must be completely cooled before decorating with icing sugar.

Pour the protein into a small bowl and start adding the sifted icing sugar by a teaspoon. We stir everything until a homogeneous state, as if rubbing.

Add powder until the frosting is thick enough. By the way, depending on the size of the egg and, accordingly, its mass, the protein can also be different, so stock up on powder for the future (well, at least another 3-4 tablespoons). With this icing we will make a contour with a cookie.

We shift a third of the glaze into a new plastic bag and tie it. Cover the rest of the frosting in a bowl with cling film to keep it from drying out.

Cut off the end of the bag with scissors. The hole should not be large - literally 1 millimeter. The icing will flow out in a continuous thread that does not break until you yourself want it to. We trace the outline of cookies in the form of eggs - this is quite simple, especially after 3-4 pieces. In the photo, the first attempt to work with glaze, then everything went faster and more accurately.

It turned out to be more difficult to circle the rabbits, since there are bends there. But the icing is easy to control - just release the thread 2-3 centimeters and lead it in the right direction.

Everything, now the thick glaze needs to dry completely. By the way, by the time I finished tracing the last cookie, the first ones had already dried out.

Now turn on the fantasy! Approximately (or exactly) imagine how your pattern on a cookie will look like. And we dilute the glaze with dyes (industrial or natural - it's up to you) - separately in different bowls. Control the color saturation, do not overdo it - you need about a drop of liquid. And you also need to dilute the thick glaze, for which just a few drops add boiled water or lemon juice. Sugar icing should be of such a consistency that it is not liquid, but at the same time spreads well. You can try on one cookie.

We shift the finished glaze into bags and tie them. I have yellow and white basic colors for rabbits, cockerels and eggs. Pink for the ears and cheeks of rabbits, so there is little icing and it is in a bowl. We will paint the ears and other small details with a toothpick. I also spread some green icing for the cockerel tails. And I also made a little red for the tails, scallops and beaks of birds. The remaining red icing was used to cover the eggs and design on them.

We take and squeeze white icing out of the bag, filling the body of the rabbit. Little by little, otherwise the icing may come out of the edges. The sides of the thick glaze, which has already dried up, do not allow the liquid to spread, but still. Use a toothpick to push the frosting towards the edges. Then with another toothpick (each color has its own) fill the ears with pink. The rabbits are almost ready.

We take care of roosters. It is based on yellow glaze, with which we fill everything except scallops and beak. While she has not had time to grab yet, we draw a tail and wings in red and green. And finally, the red comb and beak.

We paint Easter eggs as you please - then my fantasy began to leave me. I just filled in the background with whatever glaze was left. Then it turned out what you have in the photo. I almost forgot: we will make cheeks for the rabbits - just a drop of pink icing. I made the eyes of the kids out of small sugar balls - I just opened a tube for milk (you can always buy such tubes from us in the store - large tubes filled with multi-colored granules through which they drink milk). And I also painted noses for the rabbits - painted quite a bit of glaze of any color with black dye.

Delight your kids with homemade cakes, but do not forget that everything should be in moderation. Cookies contain a large amount of sugar, so a couple of things with milk and no more!

Recipe 8: Easter Gingerbread Cookies (Step by Step)

Both children and adults are always very pleased to receive beautifully decorated edible figurines as a gift. You will be pleased to give such a gift, especially if it is made by yourself. And homemade cakes are much tastier than store-bought ones, as the soul of the hostess is invested in it. I have my own simple gingerbread cookie recipe that I have been using for years. It always produces delicious and beautiful homemade ginger figurines.

  • Flour 300-350 g
  • Eggs 1 pc.
  • Cream margarine/butter 100 g
  • Honey 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar 80 g
  • Soda 1 tsp
  • Dry ginger 1.5 tsp
  • Cinnamon 1.5 tsp

For glaze:

  • one protein;
  • sugar - 160 g.

To make cookies, we need very soft butter or margarine. Therefore, we take it out of the refrigerator in advance. Melt the honey in a steam bath. It will give the cookies a beautiful brown color and make the taste brighter and richer.

While the honey is cooling, take a deep bowl and beat the butter and sugar in it with a mixer turned on at medium speed. If you have such a wonderful kitchen helper as a food processor, then you can start preparing the dough in it.

In the same container, add honey and break the egg. Whisk everything together until smooth.

Pour two-thirds of the flour into a separate bowl. Add ginger, baking soda and cinnamon to the flour. Mix or sieve. You can also use fresh ginger, grated on a fine grater. In this case, it is added to the liquid part of the dough, which must be mixed properly. I like cinnamon gingerbread cookies, but you can leave it out. You can also add grated lemon or orange zest to the dough.

Pour the dry mixture into the honey-oil mixture. Mix thoroughly so that no lumps remain. It will be difficult to do this with a mixer with whisks. Usually I change the nozzles to spiral ones or stir with a spoon.

Add the rest of the flour and knead the dough. It should turn out soft, not swim and not stick to your hands.

We wrap the dough with a film or put it in a bag and keep it in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. During this time, the dough will harden, and it will be more convenient to work with it.

Before making the gingerbread cookies, preheat the oven to 180°C and cover the baking sheet with parchment. We take out the dough. We cut off half, and again hide the rest in the refrigerator. This dough can be stored in the freezer for up to a week and thawed in the refrigerator before use. Sprinkle the surface on which the dough will be rolled out with flour. Also coat the rolling pin in flour.

Knead the dough a couple of times with your hands, making a cake out of it. You need to do everything very quickly, until the dough is heated. We roll out the cake into a layer no thicker than half a centimeter.

We squeeze out various figures and put them on a baking sheet. To make stick figures, gently insert toothpicks. The dough will better lag behind the molds if it is lightly dusted with flour. Place the unused dough in the refrigerator.

Bake cookies for about 8-10 minutes. In the process of baking, it will acquire a beautiful dark shade and become smooth and even.

Carefully transfer the finished cookies to a flat dish. At first it will be soft, but when it cools completely, it will become hard and crispy. If you later want to hang the cookies, then just right, carefully make holes in it. Let the baking sheet cool, and during this time we take out the dough and make the second portion of cookies. Completely cooled figures are decorated with icing.

To prepare the glaze for gingerbread cookies, beat the protein for about 7-8 minutes in a stable foam. To make the mass denser, you can add a pinch of citric acid or a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Slowly add sugar and beat for another 5-6 minutes at the highest speed of the mixer. If possible, replace the sugar with powdered sugar or grind it in a coffee grinder. If you want to get glaze of different colors, set aside a little in a separate container and add a couple of drops of food coloring or a little colored powder.

We shift the icing into a confectionery syringe or a bag rolled out of parchment and paint the figures. For example, we draw a little man's face and buttons, decorate Christmas trees or star snowflakes with thin patterns, and so on. You can simply coat the surface with icing and decorate with multi-colored sprinkles or beads.

Decorated cookies should be tried not to stack on top of each other for several hours until the icing hardens. To make Easter gingerbread cookies, you need to cut and bake egg-shaped figures and decorate them accordingly. The classic iced gingerbread cookies prepared according to this recipe with a photo can be made in advance and stored in a box for about a week and a half.

Recipe 9: Easy Easter Gingerbread Cookies

The Easter table is famous not only for Easter cakes and Easter cakes, but also for various pastries - tasty, sweet and always bright, iridescent-colorful.

Every year I try to make something new, but since ginger shortbread is one of my favorites, this time I decided to repeat it.

Despite the fact that, judging by its name, gingerbread cookies are really dedicated to Easter, the recipe is good because the cookies can always be modified and adjusted to any celebration.

We will divide the set of ingredients according to the recipe into two stages. The first stage is the products needed for the dough, and the second is for decoration.

The dough for Easter cookies is shortbread. The finished cookies are surprisingly fluffy, soft, slightly layered, tender, with the condition that they are made correctly. And for this, you should strictly follow the recipe.

  • wheat flour - 340 gr;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs;
  • butter - 180 gr;
  • ground ginger - 1 tsp;
  • white chocolate - 50 gr;
  • dark chocolate - 50 gr;
  • vanilla sugar - 5 gr;
  • cream 30% - 70 ml;
  • powdered sugar - a glass;
  • apricot jam - 70 gr

The quality of finished products from shortcrust pastry is also greatly influenced by the ambient temperature. Everything should be cold: butter, eggs, dishes and hands. This is the first.

The second is to knead the dough very quickly.

Sift the flour and combine it with ginger. Add chilled butter cut into cubes.

With cold fingers, quickly rub the mixture of flour and butter into crumbs. We beat the eggs and knead the dough. We do everything quickly.

We collect the dough in a lump, wrap it with a film or cellophane and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

We roll out the finished dough with a thickness of 5 mm and begin to cut out the figures.

For "adult" cookies, I used a tartlet mold, and for "children's" cookies, I used curly shapes in the form of animals.

Since the finished cookies are double, the figures should be cut out in two identical pieces. One whole, and in the second to make a hole. I have a special notch for this purpose. If one is not available, you can simply cut it with a knife.

Cookies cut in this way are baked at a temperature of 180º until browned.

Put the finished cookies on a plate and give it time to cool.

During this time, prepare the rest of the ingredients.

For decoration, we will use apricot jam, creamy glaze and two types of chocolate - white and black.

Let's prepare creamy icing, by the way, for me, there is no tastier icing for Easter cakes.

In a heat-resistant bowl, heat the cream, add and bring a spoonful of butter to complete dissolution.

Remove the bowl from the heat, add vanilla sugar and a glass of powdered sugar to the hot cream, mix.

Beat with a mixer until the mixture cools and thickens. It should be remembered that the fatter the cream, the thicker the icing is.

Lubricate whole figures with creamy glaze. Place a small heap of jam in the center of the biscuit and cover with a biscuit with a hole.

The result is appetizing.

We will leave cookies for adults unchanged, and for kids we will cover them with chocolate icing.

To do this, melt black and white chocolate in separate plates, and lay out the children's cookies on a flat surface of the table.

To apply the glaze, you can use a pastry syringe or bag, a plastic bag, or simply apply in a thin stream with a regular spoon. I adapted a bottle with a thin spout for topping. Very comfortably.

We apply the icing with sweeping movements, not being afraid to smear the table. So the hand feels more confident.

Delicious cookies - simple recipes with photos

Delight your loved ones with original Easter cookies: all the nuances of cooking, baking, icing recipe and decorating cookies, as well as photos and videos.

25 min

389 kcal

4/5 (4)

On Easter, my children and I try to cook together, so that mom would have more fun, and the kids would not get bored with nothing to do. Especially for them, I bake not only Easter cakes, but also delicious Easter cookies, which can be made not only in almost any shape, but also very beautifully decorated - this is where children's imagination comes in handy.

Fragrant and attractive products are obtained simply for glory and quickly disappear from the table, and a new portion is easier to prepare than a lung, even a child can handle it. All thanks to great-grandmother simple recipe, according to which Easter cookies in the form of bunnies, chickens or an ordinary egg won a prominent place on the family holiday table.

Preparation time: 60 minutes.

Kitchen appliances

Please prepare everything in advance. necessary utensils and tools for successful Easter cookie baking:

  • a baking sheet with a non-stick coating with a diagonal of 25 cm;
  • several voluminous bowls with a capacity of 300 to 900 ml;
  • a piece of parchment paper and cling film;
  • tablespoons and teaspoons;
  • kitchen scales or other measuring utensils;
  • cutting board;
  • rolling pin;
  • linen and cotton towels;
  • pastry bag or plastic bag with a cut off corner;
  • fine sieve;
  • steel whisk.

Among other things, I strongly advise you to keep your mixer or blender ready so that you can knead the cookie dough correctly and efficiently.

You will need


Did you know? I sometimes add my favorite confectionery seasonings to the dough to make it more flavorful. Easter gingerbread cookies are made with the addition of a teaspoon of ground ginger.


  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1 egg white;
  • 4 - 5 drops of food coloring.

Important! If you wish, you can add a little lemon juice to the icing so that your cookies have citrus notes, and no one will forbid you to use plain vegetable juice instead of store-bought food coloring - it will be safer and healthier!

Cooking sequence


  1. We remove the yolks from the refrigerator, put them closer to the sun, in a warm place.
  2. Protein, on the contrary, is kept in the cold until it is needed.
  3. Butter cut into small pieces.
  4. We put it to melt in a warm place, but do not melt it into a liquid.

    Did you know? If you come across too hard (and therefore high-quality) butter that does not want to melt quickly, put it in the microwave for exactly 5 seconds at the highest power, and then transfer it back to a warm place. After a few minutes, the melting process should start successfully.

  5. Sift the flour with a sieve at least three times.


  1. Sprinkle melted butter with powdered sugar.

  2. Then rub them together with a spoon.

  3. After that, set to whip at the slowest speed.

  4. Pour in the yolks, brought to room temperature, beat for about 30 seconds.

  5. As soon as you get a light mass without lumps, remove the mixer.
  6. Pour half the flour, manually mix it into the prepared egg mass.

  7. Then add the second half of the sifted flour, mix.

  8. The resulting fragile, crumbling dough is rolled into a ball.
  9. Wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge.

  10. We stand the dough there for at least half an hour, and preferably the whole hour.

    Important! I usually make more dough so that I can divide it into several "balls" and put it in the refrigerator, and then, when necessary, quickly start making a new batch of cookies. You can store such tender shortbread dough for quite a long time, once I had a portion of the dough in the freezer for about a month, but this did not affect the quality of baking.

Cookie shaping

Bakery products



  1. Pour about a third of the glaze into a pastry bag.
  2. We cover the remaining glaze with polyethylene so that it does not freeze, do not put it in the refrigerator.
  3. We circle the edges of each cookie so that we get beautiful sides.

  4. Then let the icing on the cookies harden well, it will only take a couple of minutes.
  5. After that, add the main dye chosen in advance to the pastry bag.
  6. Stir it inside, trying to thoroughly color the whole mixture.
  7. We divide the glaze that we set aside in advance into as many parts as we have flowers.

  8. Add your own dye to each part, mix with a whisk.

  9. We distribute each color in plastic bags, cut off small corners.

  10. We begin to fantasize, filling the contours of cookies with bright colors to our liking.

  11. Let the finished masterpieces harden and transfer to a spacious dish.

That's all! Now you know everything about how to make and decorate Easter cookies with your own hands at home, without using newfangled and harmful additives.

Easter is a long-awaited holiday for children. After all, at this time all relatives gather, set a beautiful table with many delicious meals, you can arrange games with eggs and give each other cute Easter souvenirs. We will tell you how to make Easter cookies that kids will surely love.

What makes cookies "Easter"? Of course, the choice of thematic forms and traditional Easter plots is a priority. Eggs, rabbits and hares, chickens and chickens, flowers and baskets, butterflies and birds - do not limit your imagination, feel free to experiment!

Easter Cookie Recipe

Ingredients: 200 g softened butter, 1 egg, 300 g flour, 130 g sugar, 1/2 tsp. baking powder, vanillin. Optionally, you can add honey, cinnamon, ginger to cookies.

Cooking method. Mix eggs and sugar, beat with a mixer at medium speed. Add oil and stir until smooth and creamy. Gradually add the sifted flour, add vanilla. Knead elastic dough. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1.5-2 hours.

Take out in portions and roll into a thin layer, sprinkling with flour if necessary. Cut out the desired shapes.

You can use molds or pre-drawn and cut out templates from paper.

To make the edges of the cookies even and smooth, it is better to cut them out of raw dough!

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place cookies on it. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 10 minutes. Cool the finished cookies on a wire rack. Decorate with icing only after complete cooling!

shortbread recipe

Each housewife has her own recipe, tested and approved by the household. We offer another option for Easter cookies.

Ingredients: 85 g butter at room temperature, 5 g vanilla sugar, 160 g flour, 1 egg (yolk), 25 g milk.

Icing (icing) for Easter cookies

And now, the most important part - decorating Easter cookies. It is the decor that makes these Easter cookies.

Aising is a sugar-protein mass with which you can draw anything you like.

For glaze: 1 egg white, 6 tbsp. l. powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, food coloring.

Beat 1 protein with sifted powdered sugar. More powder may be needed (depending on the size of the egg). At the end of whipping, add lemon juice or citric acid on the tip of a knife. The mass should be smooth and elastic: not liquid and not too thick. Beat on low speed first, then on high speed for a couple of minutes.

The glaze dries very quickly, so immediately after preparation, cover it with a film.

Divide the glaze between bowls and tint with food coloring.

Icing is applied using a paper cone or a confectionery syringe.

First make a contour (the icing should be thicker so that the line does not spread). Give the contour half an hour to dry. Then cover the rest of the planes with a more liquid icing (dilute the composition with warm water). We check the consistency. Take a knife and draw a line in the middle of the finished icing, count out loud to three. On the count of three, the separated parts of the glaze should close together. The consistency is right! So that there are no bubbles on the finished product and the icing spreads evenly, you need to let the icing stand, knock lightly so that the air bubbles rise up.

Properly prepared glaze hardens quickly and does not stick to your hands. The shelf life of the finished icing in a tightly closed container is 4 days. Definitely in the fridge! Before work, the glaze must be mixed well and do not forget to cover it with a wet towel or film during work: the composition dries VERY quickly.

Since raw protein is used to make the glaze, eggs must be THOROUGHLY washed with soap or dry protein should be used. This will protect against salmonellosis and other "chicken sores".

How to wrap Easter cookies for a gift

If you want to give cookies, you can pack them in a transparent cling film and arrange them in beautiful boxes.

You can also stick it on a wooden skewer and decorate dishes on the table.

Easter Cookie Ideas

Of course, hens, cockerels, chicks and the eggs themselves are the main characters of the Easter theme in any decor, Easter cookies are no exception.

Do not try to make a cookie template with small details, they can easily break off. It is better to cut the dough along the most simplified contour, and just draw everything you need.

Any glaze can be tinted with natural juices. The color will be pastel shades, and the quality guarantee is 100%. This is especially true for children with allergies.

White icing looks very stylish. You can not tint the icing at all.

Try baking Easter egg-shaped cookies. Inside you can hide a small surprise, and decorate the outside with colored glaze.

The Easter box consists of several parts that are cut out according to a pattern, and after baking they are interconnected with icing or liquid chocolate.

Step by step tutorial on how to bake cookies for Easter with photos and videos!
Easy to do, great for painting. You can make Easter egg cookies!

To bake cookies you will need:
3 eggs (c1)
240 grams of butter (well, it happened)))
glass of sugar
2 cups of flour
vanilla pinch
Cocoa - a tablespoon with a mountain.
A teaspoon with a slide of baking powder for dough.

How to make delicious cookie dough:
Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer.

Add room temperature butter. Beforehand, the butter can be cut into cubes.

Beat until smooth.

Pour the flour immediately, on top of the slide a teaspoon of baking powder.
Add a little vanilla, at the tip of a knife or a little more.

Mix thoroughly, first with a spoon, then with your hand.
The dough will crumble, but when you start to interfere with your hand, it will seem that it is too soft.

Separate half and mix with cocoa by hand (the simplest cheap one will do).

Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for an hour or, if you are in a hurry, in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Take out in turn, roll out. I rolled out on a plastic board without flour. I rolled out the packaging of cling film, since the dough does not stick to it. If it becomes very sticky when cutting with molds, put the rolled dough in the freezer for 5 minutes. It turned out about half a centimeter layer, you can make it thicker.

Cut out with cookie cutters and use a sharp knife to lift off the board and transfer to a baking sheet.

How to bake cookies for painting:

I baked on baking paper, did not grease anything.

Place in preheated oven at 180 degrees. It baked quickly, 20 minutes, maybe 25, the bottom of the cookies remained almost the same color as the top. To check the readiness, I just broke one cookie and saw that it was not raw inside.

Also with brown cookies. Spread on the same paper, nothing stuck. The cookies are very tasty, amazingly fragrant, not hard, and it is convenient to paint them with icing.

How to make icing I wrote in the gingerbread recipe. To be honest, this time I just added powdered sugar to the protein from one egg. I also sprinkled food coloring there (I had dry Parfait dyes in a set, they are sold in supermarkets). Attention, you will use dyes, do not take them for eggs, firstly, they may not be suitable for ingestion, and secondly, they may be salty!

The powder must be sifted. Mixed with a fork, added a teaspoon of water, kneaded thoroughly.

And also for the first time I tried to make egg-free frosting!
She poured a little water and added powdered sugar to the eye, kneaded. In the photo you can see pink icing - it looks more marmalade, slightly transparent. I even liked it better than the traditional frosting!

How to paint Easter cookies with icing
I put the finished glaze in long bags and tied it in a knot, cut off the tip of the bag with nail scissors ... that's all wisdom) I also had a nozzle for painting, but I didn’t get to it - I didn’t have enough strength for fine painting, I painted everything from the holes of the bags) If you want to paint with icing - take it thicker, if you pour icing on cookies for the background - add a third of a teaspoon of boiled cold water.

Here are some ideas on how to decorate cookies with icing on Easter themes. By the way, molds for bunnies and eggs and some more of the kits for children's creativity from the Luch factory) Naturally, without plasticine)))

And now the video How to bake cookies for Easter with children !!!

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