Yarlsberg cheese recipe at home. Goat milk cheese recipes

Today we cook JARLSBERG CHEESE (similar to Swiss). It turns out very tasty, creamy. Nothing worse than Swiss. With charming holes)) JARLSBERG® CHEESE (similar to Swiss) 17 l milk 1/4 teaspoon MM101 1/16 tsp. Propionic bacteria 1/2 teaspoon rennet liquid (2.5 ml) ½ tsp calcium chloride Whisk Cheese knife Drain cloth 2 molds art.765 Colander Press Acidify and heat milk: Start by heating milk to 36C. Once the milk has reached 36°C, add the cultures and chloride and allow the bacteria to work in the milk for approximately 45 minutes. Milk must be kept all this time at a constant temperature - 36C. Coagulation with rennet: Then add about 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) liquid rennet and leave alone for 30 minutes while the culture works and the rennet coagulates the clot. Cutting the curd: Use a long knife to cut the surface into squares of about 2 cm in a grid pattern. Let rest for 3-5 minutes until the serum rises in the cuts. You can then use a ladle, spoon, or whisk to cut the curd into large peas. Continue mixing for approximately 20 minutes. Cottage cheese preparation: Heat slowly to 39C. After the cheese has settled to the bottom of the pan, remove 30% of the whey. Stir the curd again. This step will remove most of the lactose from the process and limit bacterial growth and acid production (make the cheese sweeter). Then add warm water. The amount is about 1/2 of the serum that was removed. The temperature is about 60 C. This water should be slowly added to the curd with slow stirring. Adding water should take about 20-30 minutes. (If you add all the water at once, the temperature rises sharply above 40 degrees and kills the bacteria.) The temperature will be around 38-40C. Keep the clot at this temperature for 30-45 minutes, stirring occasionally. In the final, the broken curd should be firm, and have moderate resistance when pressed between the fingers. When this point is reached, the serum can be removed. Removing whey: To do this, remove most of the whey, leaving about 3-5 cm above the curd. Then, using a large piece of cloth, we collect the cheese directly in the whey, take the cloth by the corners and put the cheese into the mold. The mould, fabric and curd mass are currently immersed in whey. First you need to put a press weighing 5 kg for 10-15 minutes right in the whey. Pressing: After that, you need to get the cheese, change the fabric and put it under the press already in the place where the cheese will be pressed. The initial weight is again 5 kg for 20-30 minutes. Then re-wrapped and put 12 kg for 4 hours. Turn the cheese over every hour. Since the bacteria are still working, the cheese should be kept warm, if possible at 24-26 C for another 2-3 hours, and then the temperature can drop to 18-20 C overnight, without weight, but in the mold . I used 2 forms - they fit well into each other, and I did not need a lid for the form. Salting: You must have a saturated salt solution prepared for salting this cheese. The simple formula of Brine is 3.8 liters of water to which is added 1 kg of salt, 1 tablespoon of calcium chloride (30% solution), and 1 teaspoon. white vinegar. Keep in brine for 8 hours. The cheese will float above the surface of the brine, so sprinkle 1-2 teaspoons of salt on top of the top of the cheese. Turn the cheese over and re-salt the surface. After brine, wipe down the surface and let the cheese dry for a day or two. The surface will darken slightly during this time. Aging: Phase 1: The initial phase will begin immediately after the cheese has been removed from the brine and dried. Aging occurs at a temperature of 11-13 C and 92-95% humidity. During this phase, the proteins will begin their initial breakdown and the cheese will begin to develop its firm texture. This is very important to ensure the occurrence of gas in the next step. This should continue for 7-10 days, but may be extended up to 14 days. Phase 2: This phase is the promotion of the development of propionic bacteria. The temperature should now be increased to room temperature 20-22 C and 92-95% humidity. I do this simply by placing the cheese in a covered plastic container and moving the cheese out of the fridge and into a warm place. This will continue for 4-5 weeks. During this period, the cheese must be turned daily and you should notice that the cheese will swell. Phase 3: Finally the cheese should be returned to phase 1. During this period, the cheese will continue to develop its flavor and texture as fat and proteins continue to break down due to enzymatic activity. The cheese should be ready in 3-4 months. But for a more piquant taste, you can hold it longer.

4-5 servings

8 ocloc'k

364 kcal

4.75 /5 (8 )

If you raise goats or can get milk cheaply, then you have a great opportunity to try your own homemade goat cheese: I'm just about to show you how to make it. I do not have a special cheese factory, so I use ordinary kitchen utensils and manual labor.

Cooking is extended in time, sometimes you need close attention and direct participation, and sometimes you just need to wait until this or that process is over, so you can do a lot of household chores at the same time as cheese making.

homemade goat cheese recipe

Necessary equipment: stove, 2 pots, kitchen thermometer with probe, glass, long knife, colander, slotted spoon, cheese mold, oppression, bowl, piece of gauze.


Step by step cooking

First stage

Second phase

Third stage

  1. We take an empty pan, set a colander on it. Place a cheese mold in a colander.

  2. We line it with a piece of gauze.

  3. We collect cheese grain in a saucepan with a slotted spoon and put it in a mold.

  4. We tamp with our hands so that the cheese mass occupies the entire volume of the mold.

  5. Carefully drain the whey from the pan, collect the remaining cheese grains and put in a mold.

  6. We cover the top of the cheese mass with the ends of the gauze cut.

  7. Insert the lid into the mold.

  8. We put heavy oppression on the press.

  9. We stand the cheese under pressure for 3 hours, after which we take it out of the mold and remove the gauze.

  10. Pour 1 liter of water into a bowl, pour 70-90 g of salt and stir until completely dissolved. Dip the cheese head in the brine for 2 hours.
  11. The cheese is ready, cut it into pieces and try.

Goat milk cheese recipe video

In this video you will see how to make young cheese from goat milk.

What to serve with

Goat cheese is perfect for tea and coffee, it goes well with honey, grapes and other berries and fruits. You can put it in a Greek salad or use it to top a puff pastry.

Did you know? Homemade goat cheese contains a high percentage of calcium, a lot of probiotics necessary for the health of the gastrointestinal tract, it has less fat, cholesterol and calories than cow cheese.

Recipe for hard Russian cheese from goat milk

calories- 364 kcal.
Time for preparing– 6-7 hours
Necessary equipment: stove, 2 pots, kitchen thermometer with probe, cup, long knife, colander, slotted spoon, 2 cheese molds, oppression, press, organza bag, medical syringe, skewer bent at 90°.


Buying ingredients

For this recipe, we need 2 starter cultures:

  • Thermophilic, which will give the cheese a special flavor. Instead of the universal T45 from the French company Danisco, you can buy Uglich MSTt or a thermophilic starter for Russian cheese.
  • To protect the cheese from pathogenic flora, a protective sourdough is needed. I use Uglich's "Bioantibut" starter, you can replace it with a similar one from another manufacturer.

Rennet can be used in liquid or powder form. Liquid can be accurately measured with a syringe, dry will have to be put very approximately, since a very light powder is almost impossible to weigh.

Milk should be perfectly fresh and healthy, collected in compliance with sanitary standards. From contaminated milk or taken from a sick animal, cheese will not turn out useful or will deteriorate during the aging process.

Step by step cooking

First stage

Second phase

  1. After an hour, the milk turned into a jelly-like mass. We cut it with a knife in two directions vertically, and then with a bent skewer horizontally. The smaller the grains, the harder the cheese will be.

  2. We mix the cheese mass and leave it in this state for 10-15 minutes so that the grain thickens and settles.

  3. We select a cup of about 3 liters of serum in another container.

  4. Pour 2 liters of water, heated to 42 °, into a saucepan with cheese grains.

  5. Stir and heat to 42°.

  6. For 30 minutes, continuously stir the contents of the pan, preventing the cheese grains from sticking together into large lumps.

  7. We drain the whey from the pan, only the cheese grain should remain at the bottom.

  8. We spread the grain in an organza bag or on a piece of gauze. We squeeze.

  9. We put the cheese mass together with the bag in the cheese mold and tamp.

  10. We put the form in a colander, which is placed above the pan to collect the whey, and leave for 30 minutes.

  11. We take out the bag with the cheese mass from the mold, turn it over and put it back on the other side.

  12. We put a lid inside the mold and put it under the press. We press the cheese for 12 hours, gradually increasing the pressure.

  13. We prepare ricotta from the drained whey: return it back to the pan, heat it to 95 ° -97 °, pour 30 ml of apple cider vinegar, cover with a lid and leave to cool slowly.

  14. After 12 hours, we take out the cheese head from the mold, free it from the bag and carefully rub 50-60 g of salt.

  15. Put the cheese head covered with salt back into the bag and lower it into the mold. Blocks should be placed under the mold so that the whey, draining down, does not moisten the lower part of the cheese head. It will be salted for 24 hours at room temperature.

  16. From the saucepan with whey, we take out the formed clots with a slotted spoon into a form with small holes.

  17. We put the form on a colander, which is placed above the pan. We remove the structure in the refrigerator. Once the whey has drained, the soft goat cheese is ready.

  18. We remove the salted cheese head until ripening in a separate refrigerator for cheeses. The minimum ripening period is 2 weeks. From 10 liters of milk, about 1 kg of hard goat cheese and 500-600 g of soft cheese are obtained.

Video recipe for making homemade Russian goat cheese

Be sure to watch this video before you start making goat cheese. In it you will see a simple design of the press and hear a lot of useful tips.

Sterilize all kitchen utensils and utensils that you will use (spoons, pots, measuring containers, etc.). Wash work surfaces where you will place kitchen utensils thoroughly with hot soapy water, then with clean water and disinfect.
Place a saucepan with milk in a hot water bath and, stirring slightly, heat the milk over medium heat to 33 ° C. Turn off the fire.
Put lactic acid cultures and bacteria on the surface of the milk and let it stand for about 5 minutes to curdle. Using a slotted spoon, gently move the cultures to the bottom in an up-and-down motion without shaking the milk. Cover the milk with a towel and hold for 45 minutes, keeping the temperature at 33°C.
Dilute the calcium chloride in 1/4 cup (50 ml) of cold water and add to the milk from top to bottom.
Dissolve rennet starter in 1/4 cup (50 ml) cold water and add to milk. Move the starter to the bottom with downward movements and mix the mixture well. Cover the milk with a towel and keep at 33°C for about 40 minutes.
Insert the long, flat blade of a cheese knife into the curd at a 30° angle and slowly lift towards the surface of the curd. If the curd cracks or breaks, it can be cut. If the break is uneven and slight, leave the curd for another 15 minutes and then try to cut again.
Using a knife with a long blade and a slotted spoon, cut the cottage cheese in a saucepan into 0.5 cm cubes. To do this, first cut it vertically into strips 0.5 cm wide. squares. After that, with a slotted spoon, cut off the top layer of cottage cheese to a depth of 0.5 cm so that cubes are obtained. Cut the remaining cottage cheese in the same way. Leave the curd for 5 minutes to separate the whey. Stir the cottage cheese with a slotted spoon for 20 minutes or until the pieces of cottage cheese begin to decrease in size and begin to stick together. Leave the curd to settle.
With a cup, pour off about a third of the whey, to the surface of the curd, and pour in a slightly smaller amount of water heated to 60 ° C, thus bringing the temperature of the curd to 38 ° C.
Heat the cottage cheese in a saucepan, stirring, in a water bath over low heat to 42 ° C for 30 minutes. Do not heat up quickly. Leave the curd to settle.
Place the cottage cheese in a cheesecloth-lined colander (set it on a cup to collect the liquid) and soak until it sticks together and forms a solid mass.
Line a large perforated cheese mold with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 10 cm with cheesecloth and put cottage cheese in it. Lift the ends of the gauze, collect over the curd and tie. Cover the mold with a lid smaller than the mold.
Place the mold in a cheese press and keep the cheese under medium pressing for 30 minutes. Remove the form with cheese from the press, untie the gauze, lay out the cheese. Line the mold with clean gauze. Turn the cheese over, put it in a mold and wrap the free ends of gauze. Place it back in the press and keep it pressed hard for a few hours or overnight.
Prepare the brine. To do this, mix water with salt in a ratio of 5: 1. Heat the water until the salt dissolves, then cool to 12°C.
Cheese (without form and gauze) soak in brine for 12 hours, turning over after 6 hours.
Remove cheese from brine. Dry on a cheese mat on a metal baking rack at room temperature for 2-3 days. Turn over 1-2 times during this time.
Cover the cheese with 2-3 coats of cheese wax. (Don't use paraffin!) Melt the wax in an unused cooking pot over low heat. Holding the head of cheese sideways at the top and bottom with your fingers, dip the bottom of its side surface into the hot wax. Slowly turn the cheese, as if turning the head around the axis, until its side surface is completely covered with wax. Hold the cheese over the pan for a few seconds until the wax stops dripping, then place on parchment. If necessary, repeat the procedure 2-3 times. Let the cheese dry before each subsequent wax dip. Wax the top and bottom of the cheese.
Let the cheese mature at 10°C for 2 weeks. Turn daily. Then keep the cheese at room temperature (18°C) until ripe for another 4-6 weeks, turning it twice a week. After that, the cheese is ready to eat.

To teach Norwegian milkmen how to make their Swiss classic savory, sweet, perforated cheese. Such cheese became very popular, and sold very well in Norway for several years, but then for some reason completely disappeared from the market. In the 1950s, scientists at the Norwegian Agricultural University made an attempt to restore cheese production. In 1956, cheese began to be sold in Norway, and cheese exports began in the year. The name Jarlsberg is reminiscent of the city where it was originally made.

According to Wikipedia.

cheese recipe Yarlsberg.


Whole cow's milk not UHT 15l

Cow's milk skim not 5l.

Dry mesophilic sourdough starter is good for Flora Danica ½ tsp.

Propionic bacteria powder, dissolve in 1

a cup of milk at room temperature 1/8 tsp.

Liquid rennet (veal) 1.1/2 tsp

dissolve in 50 ml of water at a temperature of 30-35ºС or rennet in another form, in a dosage, according to the instructions on the package

Calcium chloride, solution 10% 3 tsp

dissolve in 50 ml of water at room temperature or follow the dosage indicated by the manufacturer of the drug on the package; the maximum dose of application is 2 g of dry calcium chloride per 10 l of milk

Jarlsberg cheese step by step recipe

Slowly heat the milk in a bain-marie to 37°C, stirring constantly to evenly distribute the temperature. When the milk has warmed up, pour calcium chloride diluted in water into it.

Pour some milk into a cup, dilute the propionic bacteria in it: sprinkle the bacteria powder on the surface of the milk, let stand and absorb moisture for 3 minutes, then mix thoroughly.

Pour the starter into a saucepan with milk: sprinkle the powder on the surface of the milk, let stand and absorb moisture for 3 minutes, then mix thoroughly, distributing the starter throughout the volume of milk.

Then pour in the propionic bacteria diluted in milk, then mix thoroughly again. Cover the pot with a lid and let it rest for 45 minutes to activate the bacterial cultures.

Stir the milk, then slowly pour in the diluted enzyme, constantly stirring the milk from top to bottom to distribute it as much as possible throughout the milk.

Cover the pot with a lid and leave for 45 minutes to curdle the milk. [optional] To accurately determine the required clotting time and obtain a clot of the desired consistency, determine the flocculation point and calculate the clotting time using the formula K = F * M (multiplier = 3, F - flocculation time in minutes).

After the calculation, cover the pan with a lid and leave the clot alone for the remaining number of minutes.

Perform a clean compartment test.

If the clot is not dense enough, leave for another 10-15 minutes.

Cut the clot into identical small cubes with a side of 5-6 mm.

Cut vertically with a long knife, leave for 5 minutes to seal the edges,

And then use a metal whisk. Be careful: at first the clot will be tender and loose, it can easily be accidentally split into too small pieces.

After 20 minutes of stirring, leave the clot alone for 5 minutes. While the curd is resting, prepare a few cups of hot water (60°C).

Drain a third of the whey from the grain pan. Then begin to gently pour hot water in portions, constantly stirring the grain. The task is to heat the grain in this way to 39 ° C in 30 minutes.

Once the temperature is reached, stop adding hot water and just stir the clot for another 30-45 minutes.

Try to maintain the temperature all the time. After that, leave the grain to settle to the bottom of the pan (5-10 minutes).

Remove the whey so that its layer covers the layer of cheese grain by 3-5 cm. Gather the cheese grain under the whey into a single layer (do not forget to wear clean disposable gloves).

Take the prepared drainage cloth and collect the layer of curd in a cloth bag. Then put the cheese mass in the drainage cloth into the prepared mold for pressing. From above, cover the cheese in the form with the remaining corner of the drainage cloth, flatten the cloth and press down with the lid-follower.

Place back into saucepan with whey. Set the weight to 3.5 kg for 15 minutes and press the cheese under a layer of whey.

Put the mold under the press and press with a weight of 3.5 kg for 20-30 minutes. Remove the mold from the press, wrap the cheese in clean cheesecloth and put the other side into the mold.

Press cheese weighing 11 kg for 4 hours. Turn the cheese in the mold once an hour. Remove the mold from the press, wrap the cheese in clean cheesecloth and put the other side into the mold.

Leave the cheese overnight at room temperature in the form, the weight can be removed. Prepare a 20% salt brine (see ingredients for proportions), put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Take the cheese out of the mold, remove the gauze, weigh it. Place the cheese in the salt brine for 6-8 hours (2 hours for every 500g of cheese), during which time turn the cheese head over at least once in the middle of the term so that it is salted evenly on all sides. Place the brine container in the refrigerator for the entire salting time.

Blot the moisture off the cheese with a paper towel and place the cheese on a drainage mat. Leave to dry at room temperature for 2-4 days until the crust is completely dry.

Turn the cheese 3 times a day so that it dries evenly. When the cheese crust is completely dry, cover it with 2-3 layers of wax.

You can combine wax and latex coating to better protect the cheese from drying out. Place the waxed cheese in a cheese ripening chamber at 10-13°C and 80-85% humidity for 1-2 weeks.

Turn the cheese every day. It is at this stage that it acquires the elastic structure necessary for the formation of large eyes.

After 2 weeks, take the cheese out of the ripening chamber. For the next 4-6 weeks it will ripen at room temperature (18-22°C).

We continue to turn the cheese daily.

In heat, propionic bacteria will begin to work: they produce carbon dioxide, which forms large eyes in the cheese.

At this time, the cheese will round and swell, changing almost daily. If the cheese is coated with brittle wax, the coating may crack. After this period, the young Yarlsberg will be ready to decorate your table, but you can move it back to the cold chamber and let it ripen for another 3-4 months.

In this case, you will get an extra-class cheese with an amazing taste.

The recipe for Jarlsberg cheese.

Jarlsberg (English Jarlsberg, / jɑrlzbərɡ /) - Norwegian semi-hard cheese, is made from pasteurized cow milk with the use of rennet, has a characteristic sweetish piquant taste and large eyes. Yarlsberg has a crust of yellow wax and a uniform yellow color on the cut. Has a soft, creamy, spicy, sweetish taste. This cheese is good in cooking, and as a snack. Jarlsberg is left in limited quantities. It "s an old cheese, not less than a year old. Jarlsberg is related to Emmental and other Swiss puffed cheeses. In the 1830s, Swiss cheese makers arrived in Norway to teach Norwegian milkmen to make their Swiss classic piquant, sweet, holey cheese This cheese became very popular, and for several years sold very well in Norway, but then for some reason it completely disappeared from the market.In the 1950s, scientists from the Norwegian Agricultural University attempted to restore the production of cheese.In 1956, cheese was sold in Norway, and since 1961, cheese exports have begun.
Based on Wikipedia.


Cow milk whole, not ultra-pasteurized 15L
Cow's milk is not fat-free 5L.
Dry mesophilic starter gas is suitable for Flora Danica ½ tsp.
Propionic bacteria powder, dissolve in 1
a cup of milk at room temperature 1/8 tsp.
Liquid rennet enzyme (veal) 1.1/2 tsp.
dissolve in 50ml water temperature 30-35ºС or rennet enzyme in another form, in a dosage, according to the instructions on the packaging
Calcium chloride, 10% solution 3 tsp.
dissolve in 50ml of water at room temperature or follow the dosage indicated by the manufacturer of the drug on the packaging the maximum dose of application - 2 g of dry calcium chloride per 10 liters of milk

Step by step recipe for cooking Yarlsberg

Slowly heat the milk in a water bath to 37 °C, stirring constantly so that the temperature is evenly distributed. When the milk is heated, pour in it the calcium chloride dissolved in water.
Pour some milk into a cup, dilute the propionic bacteria in it: sprinkle the bacteria powder on the milk surface, let stand and soak up the moisture for 3 minutes, then mix thoroughly.
Pour the leaven into a saucepan of milk: sprinkle the powder on the surface of the milk, allow to stand and soak up the moisture for 3 minutes, then mix thoroughly, distributing the ferment over the entire volume of milk.
Then pour the propionic bacteria dissolved in the milk, then mix again thoroughly. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for 45 minutes, to activate the bacterial cultures.
Stir the milk, then slowly pour the diluted enzyme, constantly stirring the milk with movements from top to bottom, in order to distribute it as much as possible throughout the milk volume.
Cover the pan with a lid and leave for 45 minutes to roll the milk. To accurately determine the required clotting time and to obtain the bunch of the desired consistency, determine the flocculation point and calculate the time coagulation by the formula K = F * M (multiplier = 3, F - flocculation time in minutes).
After the calculation, cover the pan with a lid and leave the clot alone for the remaining number of minutes.
Do a clean compartment test.
If the cloth is not tight enough, leave for another 10-15 minutes.
Slice the clump into the same small cubes 5-6 mm side.
Cut vertically with a long knife, leave it for 5 minutes, so that the edges are sealed, and then use a metal whisk. Be careful: first the clot will be gentle and loose, it can easily be accidentally split into too small pieces.
Next, stir the cheese grain for the next 20 minutes, keeping the temperature at 37 °C. If you find too large uncut pieces - cut them with a knife to the desired value.
After 20 minutes of stirring, leave the cloth for 5 minutes alone. While the cheese grain is resting, prepare several cups of hot water (temperature 60°C).
Drain one third of the whey from the pan with the corn. Then start gently in batches of hot water, constantly stirring the grain. The task is to heat the grain to 39°C in 30 minutes.
Once the temperature is reached, stop pouring hot water and just stir the bunch for another 30-45 minutes.
Try to maintain the temperature all this time. After this, leave the grain to settle on the bottom of the pan (5-10 minutes).
Remove the whey so that its layer covers the layer of cheese grain by 3-5 cm.
Collect the cheese grain under the whey in a single layer (do not forget to put clean disposable gloves on).
Take the prepared drainage cloth and collect a layer of cheese mass into a tissue bag. Then put the cheese mass in the drainage fabric in the prepared mold for pressing. At the top, cover the cheese in the form with the remaining corner of the drainage fabric, flatten the fabric and press the lid-follower.
Put it back in a pot of serum. Put a weight of 3.5 kg for 15 minutes and press the cheese under a layer of whey.
Place the mold under the press and press it with a weight of 3.5 kg for 20-30 minutes. Take out the form from under the press, turn the cheese into a clean gauze and put it on the mold with the other side.
Press a cheese weighing 11 kg for 4 hours. Once per hour, turn the cheese over in a uniform. Take out the form from under the press, turn the cheese into a clean gauze and put it on the mold with the other side.
Leave the cheese overnight at room temperature in the mold, the load can be removed. Prepare salt brine 20% (for proportions see in the ingredients), put it overnight in the refrigerator.
Take the cheese out of the mold, remove the cheesecloth, weigh it. Place the cheese in the salt brine for 6-8 hours (2 hours for every 500 g of cheese), during this time turn the cheese head at least once in the middle of the period, so that it is salted evenly from all sides. Container with brine put in the fridge for all time salting.
Blot the moisture from the cheese with a paper towel and put the cheese on the drain mat. Leave to dry at room temperature for 2-4 days, until the crust is completely dry.
Turn the cheese 3 times a day to make it dry evenly. When the crust of cheese is completely dried, cover it with 2-3 layers of wax.

ou can combine wax and latex coating, to better protect the cheese from drying. Cover the waxed cheese in a cheese ripening chamber at a temperature of 10-13 °C and a humidity of 80-85% for 1-2 weeks.
Turn the cheese over every day. It is at this stage that it acquires the elastic structure necessary for the formation of large eyes.
After 2 weeks, get the cheese out of the chamber to ripen. The next 4-6 weeks he will ripen at room temperature (18-22 ° C).
We continue turning the cheese daily.
In the warmth, propionic bacteria begin to work: they produce carbon dioxide, which forms large eyes in the cheese.
At this time, the cheese will be rounded and swollen, changing almost daily. If the cheese is covered with brittle wax, it may cause cracks on the coating. After this period young Yarlsberg will be ready to decorate your table, but you can move it back to a cold cell and allow it to mature for another 3-4 months.
In this case, you will get extra-class cheese with an amazing taste.

Cheese recipe is taken from the site https:// cheese-home.

cheese at home
how to cook cheese at home
how to make cheese
homemade cheese recipe
cheese making at home
how to cook cheese
Cheese recipe
how to cook homemade cheese
hard cheese at home
how to make cheese at home
cheese making at home
homemade cheese recipe
homemade solid cheese

Method of manufacture, composition and the nutritional value Jarlsburg cheese. Benefits and harms of use. Dishes with a delicate and spicy product, Interesting Facts about him.

Jarlsberg is a Norwegian semi-soft cheese made from cow's milk. The texture is plastic, light, with a sheen similar to silk overflows; consistency - soft; color - light yellow; taste - sweetish, creamy-nutty, reminiscent of Emmental. When cut, you can see a lot of well-defined eyes of a rounded shape. Heads in the form of oblate cylinders of large size, smooth crust covered with yellow wax. The weight of heads reaches 10-12 kg. This product is widely used for making various dishes. It melts well and does not clog the taste of additional ingredients.

How is Jarlsberg cheese made?

The raw material used is cow's milk, which is pasteurized directly during cheese making and cooled to a temperature of 37°C. Making Jarlsberg cheese is a rather laborious process, and without special skills and a cheese factory, it is impossible to repeat the recipe.

To create an original taste, starter cultures are introduced - mesophilic and propionic acid bacteria, for curdling - rennet, to reduce acidity - calcium chloride. Yield: 1.7 kg of cheese from 17 liters of milk.

Jarlsberg Cheese Recipe:

  1. First, the feedstock is enriched, then sourdough and rennet are added for curdling, and the calla is cut into cheese grains. The active phase takes 3.5-4 hours.
  2. The passive phase - pressing - will take 12-15 hours. At the first stage, future heads are pressed under a layer of whey, then placed on a drainage mat and turned over every 1.5 hours.
  3. Drying of the crust is carried out at room temperature for 2-4 days. Ventilation or regular removal of condensate must be ensured. When the surface is completely dry, it is covered with wax with dissolved natural dye annatto in 2-3 layers.
  4. Maturation occurs in 2 stages. The first weeks it is necessary to provide a temperature of 10 ° C and a humidity of 80-85%. Only under special conditions, with daily 2-3 head flips, can a characteristic elastic texture be obtained.
  5. At the second stage, the heads ripen at 18-22°C. Under these conditions, propionic acid bacteria that produce carbon dioxide are activated. It is interesting to watch cheese at this time. During the formation of the eyes, the head changes shape daily - “swells up”, warps. If the wax is brittle, then cracks form on the surface.
  6. Next, Yarlsberg cheese is prepared, like other varieties - it is placed in a cold chamber or cellar.

Consumers are offered young fat-free Jarlsberg cheese with a fat content of up to 15% - the aging time is at least 3 months; classic - 4-10 months; aged - 10-18 months. Tasters can determine the aging time by taste: at the initial stage, lemon or lime notes are felt, almonds are clearly felt in the pulp of a mature head.

  • Read more about

Composition and calorie content of Yarlsberg cheese

The fat content of the variety can be changed artificially by enriching or skimming cow's milk. The longer the heads rest in a cool chamber, the higher the content of carbohydrates and inorganic substances.

On average, the calorie content of classic Jarlsberg cheese is 351-392 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 27 g;
  • Fats - 27 g;
  • Inorganic substances - 6.04 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.22 g.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin A - 270 mcg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.38 mg;
  • Vitamin B12 - 2.1 mcg;
  • Vitamin E - 0.22 mg;
  • Choline - 15.4 mg.

Macronutrients per 100 g:

  • Calcium, Ca - 800-1184 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 580-694 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 44 mg.

Trace elements per 100 g:

  • Iodine, I - 49 mcg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 4.3 mg;
  • Iron, Fe - 0.82 mg;
  • Selenium, Se - 22.5 mcg;
  • Copper, Cu - 0.032 mg.

Fats per 100 g:

  • Saturated fatty acids - 16.41 g;
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids - 7.515 g;
  • Cholesterol - 68 mg.

Yarlsberg cheese contains a rich amino acid complex of 18 compounds. The following amino acids predominate, which are very important for the normal functioning of the human body:

  • Leucine - comes only with food and is necessary for building muscle fibers.
  • Lysine - is needed for the transformation of proteins that come with food.
  • Phenylalanine - stimulates the hormonal system, is required for the production of tyrosine.
  • Tyrosine - without it, the reproduction of neurotransmitters is impossible.
  • Valine - promotes the absorption of amino acids.
  • Aspartic acid - with its lack, the possibility of learning is impaired, the ability to memorize is reduced.
  • Glutamic acid - retains moisture at the cellular level.
  • Glycine - is necessary for the normal functioning of the central nervous system and support for work capacity.
  • Proline - is responsible for the quality of the skin and tissues with keratin, stimulates the production of collagen.
  • Serine - is necessary for the formation of nerve sheaths and protein structures.

Since this fermented milk product is produced in several forms, low-fat cheese can be included in the diet for losing weight and in the diet of patients during the rehabilitation period.

  • see also

Useful properties of Jarlsberg cheese

Due to the high content of calcium, the use of a fermented milk product prevents the development of osteoporosis and increases the strength of bone tissue. But this is not the only beneficial effect on the human body.

Benefits of Yarlsberg Cheese:

  1. Stimulates the reproduction of sex hormones.
  2. Improves the work of the optic nerve, stops cataracts and glaucoma, facilitates the transition from light to darkness.
  3. Increases the body's defenses.
  4. Normalizes water-electrolyte and acid-base balance.
  5. Helps to quickly recover from anemia and dysbacteriosis.
  6. Improves the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
  7. Normalizes blood pressure and stabilizes heart contractions.
  8. Drinking 3-5 times a week will help to cope with emotional instability, making it easier to fall asleep.

It is possible to enter into the diet during diseases of the urinary system, since the amount of sodium in the composition is moderate. If you eat a piece before eating, the production of hydrochloric acid increases. This speeds up the digestion of food, prevents putrefactive processes in the intestines, and eliminates bad breath.

Supplementing the daily menu with Jarlsberg cheese during seasonal epidemics strengthens the body's defenses and reduces the possibility of "catching" colds.

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Contraindications and harm to Yarlsberg cheese

It is worth abandoning this type of product for lactose intolerance and allergies caused by microbiological cultures used for sourdough.

The harm from Jarlsberg cheese during overeating can occur during an exacerbation of gout, hypertension, cholecystitis, and with frequent bouts of tachycardia.

In case of obesity, a product with a fat content above 15% should be discarded.

Jarlsberg Cheese Recipes

This variety is served with light and fortified wines - red and white, used as an ingredient for salads, hot dishes and soups. Breakfast sandwiches with cheese are a great start to the day.

Recipes with Jarlsberg cheese:

  1. fluffy omelet. While the oven is preheating to 160°C, the eggs are beaten with a little milk and salted. Grate the cheese and pour into the egg mixture. Pour everything into a ceramic mold, greased butter, put in the oven and wait until everything seizes. When serving, sprinkle with herbs. Can be cooked in the microwave. Just be aware that the volume of the dish will double. Microwavable dishes should be half filled. The exposed power - 700 W.
  2. Asparagus pie. For kneading, take 180 ml of warm water, a small egg, a little less than 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1/2 tsp. salt and sugar, 1/2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar. Vinegar is diluted in water, then all loose ingredients are mixed in and the egg is broken. Pour into flour, folded in a slide, knead soft dough, wrap with cling film and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then a piece is cut into 4 parts, each of them is rolled out, the surface is greased with butter. Lay layers on top of each other, roll out again - thinner. Wound on a rolling pin, oiled, then make a side cut, roll out again. Remove to cool for 15 minutes, again wrapped in film. Preheat the oven to 200°C. The dough is rolled out again and spread on a baking sheet covered with parchment, pricked over the entire surface with a fork. Put the dough in the oven for 15 minutes to brown it. They take the sheet out of the oven, spread the asparagus in one layer, having cleaned the end in advance. Sprinkle with grated Yarlsberg - 2-2.5 cups are required, pepper and salt. Put the cake back in the oven. Take out when the cheese is melted. You can not wait for the formation of a crispy crust. Serve warm, pre-cut into small pieces.
  3. Simple cheese salad. Boil small pasta- if you have pasta on hand, you will have to cut it. Small curls, such as short horns, are best suited for the dish. Rinse with cold water so as not to stick together, cool. Tomatoes of a fleshy variety are dipped in boiling water, the skin is removed. Mix in a salad bowl 300 g cubes of cheese and low-fat ham, the same amount of canned corn, sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes and sweet peppers - 2 each. It is better to take multi-colored, for example, yellow and orange, or green and red, with a not very sharp taste. Pour in the pasta. Dressing to taste - mayonnaise or olive oil. Before serving, you can decorate with herbs or mint leaves.
  4. Zrazy. While the oven is preheating to 180 ° C, 100 g of stale white rolls are poured with milk. You need to count so that it is completely absorbed. Mixed in a gastronomy container 800 g of minced meat from chicken fillet, 3-4 crushed garlic cloves, bread, after squeezing, salt and pepper. Achieve complete uniformity. You can beat off a lot of minced meat by throwing it from hand to hand. 100-150 g of unsweetened corn flakes are ground in a coffee grinder or crushed to a state of flour, cheese, 150 g, cut into elongated rectangles. The baking sheet is greased with vegetable oil. Flat cakes are formed from minced meat, a piece of cheese is laid out in the middle of each, you can also add chopped greens, parsley or dill. Minced meat is folded, forming a zrazy, rolled in breading, baked for 40-45 minutes. Serve zrazy hot, with ketchup or sour cream.

According to historical archival documents in Norway, the variety was invented by farmer Larsen Bakke in 1848. He experimented with Dutch and Swiss recipes for a long time until he got a mild-tasting hybrid. A brief description of the discovery is given in the annual reports of the municipality of Jarlsberg-Larvik. The cheese maker did not want to share his secret with anyone, and the production of the fermented milk product ceased with his death.

There is another theory. Larsen Bakke did not achieve the desired result himself, but adopted the recipe from Swiss cheese makers. To find out the secret, he simply made the guests of the country drunk. And the preservation of the secret was caused only by the desire to get rich - the cheese had unique taste characteristics and immediately gained popularity among the nobility of the country.

The revival of the variety occurred already in the twentieth century. A professor at the Agricultural University of Jungsgård from the city of Os, together with his students, managed to restore the recipe for a fermented milk product with a silky texture and nutty taste. This variety quickly gained popularity not only among consumers in their country, but throughout the world. Currently, it is not only produced for export, collecting milk from all over the country, but they sell licenses that allow production. The industrial line has already been installed in the USA and Australia.

Young cheese spoils quickly, and its storage is problematic. Therefore, it is not produced for export. In stores, you can buy a subspecies with a stigma on the label "Jarlsberg Special Reserve" (to increase the shelf life, the heads are smoked). The Norwegian dairy cooperative Tine remains the largest producer - the cheese factory is located in the city of Elnesvågen.

Watch a video about Jarlsberg cheese:

When purchasing a Jarlsberg, you should pay attention to color and texture. The surface of the cut piece should be smooth, yellow, with numerous round eyes. Crumbling when cutting is not allowed. If the cheese exfoliates, white blotches are visible in it, it is better to refuse the purchase. Despite the complexity of preparation, this variety is faked much more often than others.

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