Homemade recipe for chocolate mushrooms. Orion Choco Boy cookies - “Are chocolate mushrooms and their composition so good? Let's try to figure it out together." Chocolate Mushrooms Choco Boy

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A bright box with a cheerful live mushroom, God forgive me, certainly attracts the attention of not only children, but also adults.

The box opens with a "pigtail"

One side of the package is dedicated to DHA - docosahexaenoic acid, which promises to have a very positive effect on the brain and development of the child. Marketers have done their best, useful sweets - not so often seen!

Is it so?


The composition makes you think. Substitutes, flavorings, antioxidants, other ingredients that are difficult to pronounce ... and the notorious preparation of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - source of DHA - 3rd from the end!

We know perfectly well that the composition is written in descending order according to the ratio of the share of the ingredient to the total composition of the product.

It is obvious that the useful substance, which is so beautifully painted on the packaging, is negligible! And in order to benefit, the child must eat these mushrooms in kilograms, which is certainly unacceptable.

Sources of docosahexaenoic acid are salmon and Atlantic herring, as well as other sea fish, but not these dubious cookies! If the child does not eat fish, fish oil capsules will perfectly replace it.

Very fat and carbohydrate, but the manufacturer assures us that without GMO. Looking back at the composition, you involuntarily remember that it is too chemically.


In the box we find a shiny package, there is enough air in the package along with cookies!

Undoubtedly, the package additionally provides such a long shelf life (1 year).

Finally we got to the cookies, those same mushrooms.

The package states that the legs are made of biscuit. In fact, these are ordinary hard cookies, nothing more. Not a single biscuit will survive a year)

Hats made of chocolate, not the most delicious. Feels unnatural composition. But chocolate is not hard, you won't break your teeth.

In general, a three.

For me, it’s better to make cookies together with your child, melt normal chocolate and make delicious treats yourself, without chemicals and other things.

These mushrooms are pampering, children are attracted only by the originality of the performance.

Cost: about 60 RUB per 100 gr.

About 600 RUB per kilogram, aren't toadstools expensive?

Thank you for your attention!

How to make Chocolate Hat Mushroom Cookies

Using cocoa powder is the easiest way to make homemade chocolate. An option for lazy cooks is to melt the finished chocolate bar from the store. It will taste better, but not healthier. Real luck is to get cocoa butter for making chocolate. It is very tasty, but it is difficult to buy it.

So, we begin to prepare the dough for cookies "chocolate mushrooms".

The butter needs to melt a little. To do this, cut it into pieces, put it in the sun or warm it up a little on the stove. Then add sugar to the butter.

We knead the butter with sugar and add the egg and sour cream (milk), and then mix everything.

We extinguish the soda in a teaspoon and add to the mixture. Salt to taste.

Now you need to add starch and add so much flour to make a soft dough. If milk was used instead of sour cream, then more flour may be needed than indicated in the recipe.

We roll small flagella from the dough and cut them into pieces - mushroom legs.

We send them to the oven (200 ° C) for 7-10 minutes.

While the base of the mushrooms is baking, let's start preparing the second part - chocolate caps.

Pour the milk into a small saucepan and place over a very low heat.

While the milk is boiling, add sugar and cocoa powder in portions. Stir continuously and constantly taste. Cocoa powder is bitter, if you pour it, then it will require even more sugar to remove the bitterness.

When the optimal flavor combination of sugar-cocoa is found, add butter.

Take the chocolate off the heat. The consistency of the mass should be similar to thick sour cream. Add a little flour (about a teaspoon) and bring the chocolate mixture to a boil again.

We lay out the chocolate in molds (you can use the form from under boxed sweets) and insert the legs. When the chocolate has cooled, we send the mushrooms to the freezer for several hours. The hardening time of the chocolate depends on the size of the cookies and on the capacity of the freezer.

After a long wait, you can treat yourself to sweets, homemade chocolate chip cookies ready.

In both dishes, to enhance the visibility of mushrooms, eggplant was used in support of fenugreek greens (Greek fenugreek, Trigonella foénum-graécum). This plant in Russia has long been called "mushroom grass". Now you can either grow fenugreek yourself or buy its seeds and dried leaves in Indian stores. This plant is known under the names "Shambhala", "Methi", "Fenugreek", "Helba". It is difficult to work with seeds in cooking, they are very hard, but I use the grass all the time, and sometimes I grow fenugreek myself.

Photo from the Internet

Fenugreek hay must be distinguished from blue fenugreek, Trigonella caerulea, which, in my opinion, gives the dish more spicy-nutty than mushroom flavor and aroma. This plant is familiar to everyone in Georgian cuisine under the name "utskho-suneli".

The dish can be given a taste and aroma similar to mushroom, if you use lovage and celery (leaves), soy sauce, fried onion. This is what I checked. Perhaps there are some other interesting combinations of ingredients - come to the flash mob, tell us about them :)

I have two more dishes in which eggplant imitates mushrooms only due to its taste, although you can add any spices of your choice to them.

Eggplant may not always resemble mushrooms, but in this case, the vegetables were pre-cut thinly and fried, which gave them a certain flavor.