Potato roses with filling in the oven. Potato roses

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Ordinary mashed potatoes, served in a special way, can turn into a real culinary masterpiece. This dish is perfect for a buffet, when all the dishes are served in portions. The dish will look very attractive festive table. Roses from mashed potatoes goes well with meat snacks, and with everything that is usually served with simple mashed potatoes. Preparing potato roses is not at all difficult; even a novice cook can handle this recipe, and the result is an exquisite side dish for your table.
Let's get started!

- potatoes - 1 kg;
- chicken eggs - 2 pieces (yolks only);
- whole chicken egg - 1 piece (for greasing);
- butter 82% fat - 50 g;
- salt.

How to cook with photos step by step

Wash the potatoes under running water, peel, cut into small pieces, and boil until tender in lightly salted water. When the potatoes reach the desired state, pour them into a convenient bowl and let them cool slightly. Now you will need to rub the potatoes through a sieve so that there is not a single lump. In this case, neither a blender nor a mixer will suit us, but only a sieve.
If you have a kitchen machine, use the K-shaped nozzle.
Separate the whites from the yolks, add the yolks to the potato mixture, add softened butter, and add salt to taste.

Mix everything thoroughly, or beat it with a kitchen machine.
The result should be an airy potato mass, without lumps.
You can add spices if desired (white pepper, nutmeg).

Place the mashed potatoes into a pastry bag and attach a star tip. Squeeze out the potato mixture in small portions onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Brush each rosette with beaten egg using a brush. We do this in order to achieve a beautiful shine.

We send roses from mashed potatoes to bake in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 8-10 minutes. Monitor the condition - if the potatoes are slightly browned, then it’s time to take them out. During cooking, the potatoes should expand slightly.

That's all! A beautiful side dish for your culinary delights is ready. Duchess potatoes are served hot. If desired, you can decorate green peas, herbs or olives.

Potato roses are a French dish, so the traditional version uses Parmesan cheese. You can add this delicious cheese and it will add a special zing to the side dish.

Experiment and create your own culinary masterpieces with us!
Enjoy your meal!

Starinskaya Lesya
Also see how else you can

With cheese - one of the favorite dishes in every family. And we offer original recipe potato rosettes that will decorate the holiday table

Parmesan Potato Rosettes will not only make an elegant decoration for a holiday plate, but will also provide an unforgettable, warm, buttery and crispy taste. Just half an hour of preparation and the fragrant dish with cheese is ready, but if you decide to encroach on a perfectly beautiful rose, be prepared to spend a couple of minutes more.

Ingredients for potato roses:

  • 2 large potatoes
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted melted butter
  • 2 tablespoons finely grated Parmesan cheese (reserve extra cheese for garnish)
  • 2 teaspoons thyme leaves, coarsely chopped
  • Salt flakes
  • Pepper

From the suggested amount of ingredients you will get about 24 mini roses.

How to cook potatoes in the oven with cheese: step-by-step instructions

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Grease a muffin tin and set aside.
  2. Slice the potatoes very thinly to create petal slices.
  3. Cut each “petal” in half and place them all in a bowl of cold water.
  4. Melt the butter over low heat.
  5. Dry the potatoes by placing them between two waffle or paper towels.
  6. Take 15 petals and twist them as tightly as possible, then place them in the cake pan of the baking pan. To complete the rose, add a few more petals.
  7. Cover the resulting roses with melted butter. Then sprinkle with grated Parmesan, salt and pepper.
  8. Bake for 20-30 minutes until the edges are golden brown. Leave the roses to cool for 5 minutes.

  • To ensure beautiful roses, choose potatoes that are approximately the same size
  • Do not cut the slices in advance to prevent the potatoes from oxidizing.
  • Use a slicer or vegetable cutter to speed up the process and make the petals uniform
  • The fresher the ingredients, the better. Use fresh thyme and fresh cheese, grated before cooking
  • To add flavor, add garlic or shallots to the oil.

These baked potatoes with cheese will become your favorite dish, and can decorate any table! Bon appetit!

To make regular mashed potatoes look delicious and festive on the table, you can decorate them with roses.

In order to make roses for decoration, we will need potatoes, cheese, egg yolk, and a pastry syringe (bag) with nozzles.

Let's cook the potatoes on the basis that each medium tuber will yield approximately 3 roses. When cooking, you can add a clove of garlic and bay leaf to the water.

321_rose.jpg 600 x 450 mashed potatoes

Grind the mashed potatoes very carefully so that there is not a single lump (otherwise they will get stuck in the nozzle of the pastry syringe when squeezing out). Salt.

Add grated cheese to the hot potatoes so that it has time to melt, at the rate of 1 tablespoon for each potato. Mix quickly. Add egg yolk. Check again that there are no lumps in the puree.

Method 1: Using a flat attachment

Fill the pastry bag. Since the puree is hot, you have to wear a mitten on the hand that holds the bag.

We will need 2 attachments: a round one for the core of the rose and an oval one, flattened at one end, for the petals.

Using a round nozzle, we plant the cone - the core - onto a small square of parchment paper.

Then take a piping bag with a flattened tip. Thickened edge down. We make a revolution around the top edge of the cone. The next turn is a little lower.

We continue to squeeze out rose petals, changing the angle of the nozzle. The result should be a whole rose.

Method 2: Using a star attachment

You can make stylized roses.

For this we will use a star attachment.

We will hold the pastry bag vertically, turning our hand in a spiral motion.

We will also plant roses on parchment paper.

Baking rosettes from mashed potatoes

Bake in an oven preheated to 230 degrees until golden brown.

Serve the roses on a bed of mashed potatoes as a garnish or with greens as a stand-alone side dish.

Bon appetit!

Every housewife knows that setting a delicious holiday or everyday table is half the battle. It is much more difficult to decorate dishes beautifully and originally. Cooked potato roses in the oven is one of the many options for decorating a familiar side dish. In general, there are many options for preparing this decoration, in the deep fryer, in the microwave and in the oven. The cooking method affects the taste and appearance of the treat. Deep-fried potato roses will be high in calories, microwave roses will look more like, and oven roses will be identical to the usual baked potatoes, but with a beautiful blush and unusual presentation. We will look at how to cook roses from potatoes in the oven.

Be sure to practice making the decoration in advance so you don’t rush to learn at the last moment.

What you will need:

Cooking method:

  1. To make roses from potatoes in the oven, wash the tubers, peel them, rinse them in clean water, and cut them thinly, as in. You can cut it this way using a shredder on a grater or a blender. It is better to choose tubers of approximately the same size.

  2. Take paper molds for preparation, lightly grease them with vegetable oil. Metal or silicone molds are also suitable for preparing potato roses in the oven.
  3. Place the prepared potato slices on the surface of the table or board, slightly overlapping them on top of each other.
  4. Carefully twist the resulting path into a tube and place it in the prepared form.

  5. Lubricate the roses with oil with a brush, add spices to taste.

  6. Place all this beauty in an oven heated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. You need to be guided by the readiness of the potatoes and the desired degree of brownness.
  7. Remove the finished roses from oven, cool slightly and remove the paper shell from them.

Potato roses in the oven can be served as an independent treat or placed on holiday dishes.