Useful components of wines. Benefits of wine Benefits of red wine

Many scientific studies have been devoted to the benefits of red wine, you can often find recommendations to drink a glass of red wine a day, even doctors sometimes recommend it to their patients. Is red wine useful and what is its effect on the body, let's try to figure it out in this article.

Although experts do not doubt the positive effect of moderate red wine consumption, disagreements still remain in explaining the mechanism of this effect. So, after deciphering the genome of the dark grape variety Tanna, scientists from Uruguay established a high content of procyanidin (a flavonoid, a natural antioxidant) in it. Another study conducted at Queen Mary University of London showed that the procyanidin content of Tanna grapes is 3-4 times higher than that of another well-known Cabernet Sauvignon grape variety.

Other scientists insist that red wine contains the substance resveratrol, synthesized by plants of dark grape varieties, which can inhibit the development of inflammatory processes in the body, hearing loss, aging in general, as well as senile changes in the brain, and so on.

In addition, red wine belongs to the category of foods high in antioxidants. Another similar product is green tea. Antioxidants also slow down the aging process, help in the fight against serious ailments such as Alzheimer's disease.

How is red wine made?

When it comes to whether it is healthy to drink red wine, the question arises of obtaining this drink. Red wine is made from dark grape varieties, that is, from "purple" grapes, as they are called in wine-growing regions. It is collected at a time strictly defined for each variety, when the ratio of sugars and acids in the berry reaches the level that is necessary to obtain the planned result.

It is noteworthy that in countries with a long history of winemaking, such. like Italy and Spain, the grape harvest has its own name: in Italy it is "vendemia" and in Spain - "vendimia". The time of grape harvest in the northern hemisphere is from July to October, and in the southern hemisphere from February to April.

And, although special machines for grape harvesting have already been created, however, the best varieties wines are obtained by hand-picking it, which is more gentle for the plant and berries. After the grapes are harvested, they are subjected to maceration and pressing, and the resulting must goes through the stages of fermentation, filtering and bottling.

Benefit for health

It is understandable that the notoriety of alcohol makes one doubt whether red wine is healthy. However, studies conducted in Europe have shown that drinking 22-32 grams of alcohol per day protects a person from death from many causes. And comparing the use of wine with other alcoholic beverages proves the greater benefit of the former.

In addition, a small amount of dry red wine will reduce the harm caused to the body by smoking - a habit that cannot be definitely discussed whether it is useful. Red wine for blood vessels will not hurt due to the positive effect on their endothelium. Smoking impairs the ability of blood vessels to contract or, conversely, relax. The restoration of endothelial cells restores this ability, including contributing to the normal functioning of the heart. Therefore, the answer to the question “Is red wine good for the heart?” also positive.

According to a study conducted by the University of Massachusetts (USA), red wine in limited doses contributes to weight loss, as it inhibits the formation of new fat cells and helps in the fight against existing ones.

Italian researchers have studied whether red dry wine is useful in the treatment of inflammatory gum disease. It turned out that some components of this drink inhibit the reproduction of harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity, helping to prevent tooth decay, gingivitis and sore throat.

Red wine can improve the state of brain activity, more than 70 scientific studies have been devoted to this. The antioxidant properties of the drink and the reduction of blood clots in the vessels explain its positive effect.

The University of California has proven that moderate consumption of red wine can improve mood due to the release of endorphins. At the same time, it turned out that wine brings more pleasure if it is drunk in rooms with furnishings in red and blue tones.

Red wine can reduce the risk of lung cancer, prostate cancer, and also slow down the development of breast cancer, but you must strictly adhere to the norm.

Drinking red wine increases the proportion of "good" cholesterol, has a positive effect on vitamin C levels, and reduces an allergic reaction.

How much can you drink?

The benefits of red wine can only be discussed when its use is limited. Is it good to drink red wine every day? Yes, but only if the amount does not exceed one glass for women, and two for men. In addition, this glass of wine can be drunk not at any time, but at the same time as a meal. It is clear that based on our lifestyle, if you work in a team, then it is better to drink a glass of wine with dinner so as not to embarrass your colleagues with the smell of alcohol.

What is the difference between dry wine and semi-sweet and sweet?

The difference in the remaining sugar content of wine explains its classification by type: dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet. To obtain sweeter types, the fermentation process is artificially delayed by adding some reagents or by physical influence: cooling the product at the required level of sugar content.

Is red semi-sweet wine healthy?

After discussing the question “Is it good to drink?” red dry wine is compared with red semi-sweet and sweet wine. If you are at risk of diabetes or already suffer from it, then there can be no question whether red sweet or semi-sweet wine is good. You need to choose only dry and strictly adhere to the consumption rate.

controversial points

After the discovery of various beneficial components contained in red wine, scientists and doctors were inspired by the idea of ​​creating a drug based on it that can fight many diseases. However, these studies have not yet yielded significant results.

In addition, when discussing whether red wine is useful in the prevention of cancer, it must be remembered that in addition to useful components, the product contains alcohol, which can provoke the development of certain types of cancer.

It should also be borne in mind that the beneficial components contained in wine do not come from the skin or pulp of the berries, but from the seeds, which release them during fermentation. However, not all modern varieties are produced in such a way that the substances have time to flow from the seeds into the drink. Therefore, when discussing whether red wine is healthy, it is better to choose one made according to traditional technologies.

Red dry wine: benefits and harms. The best red dry wines

Red wine is made from various varieties of red and black grapes. A glass of such a drink can do much more than just help you relax during a date or after a hard day at work. Especially dry red wine. The benefits and harms of such wine have long been the subject of research and debate among scientists. As with almost all products, there are supporters of both the first and second points of view.

Doctors who consider the drink useful talk about longevity, reducing the risk of heart disease and lowering cholesterol. Opponents are reminded of the calories that it contains, a decrease in the reaction rate and a long way to the scourge of the Russian people - alcoholism.

Increased life expectancy

Researchers from Harvard Medical School confirm that resveratrol is able to resist aging by stimulating the production of a protein that protects the body from "age-related diseases." This powerful plant antioxidant is found in the skins, seeds, and to a lesser extent in the leaves of grapes. In the process of making wine, it remains in the drink, along with a whole collection of other equally useful and interesting components, such as tannins, flavonoids, tannins, quercetin.

Memory improvement

A good dry red wine can improve short-term memory. After a 30-minute test, the researchers found that participants who took resveratrol supplements showed significant improvement in word memory as well as better hippocampal function. This part of the brain, according to modern science, is responsible for new memories, learning and emotions.

Reducing the risk of heart disease

In 2007, the results of a study were published that collected evidence to support the hypothesis that procyanidins, compounds found in red wine tannins, help support the cardiovascular system. The content of these components is especially high in wines produced in the southwestern regions of France and Sardinia. People, in general, also live longer there.

Another study by the Harvard School of Public Health found that moderate red wine consumption reduced the risk of a heart attack.

Improves eye health

Dry red wine, the benefits and harms of which are constantly being studied, has also been noted in connection with the state of eye health. At the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, the results of several years of research conducted in Iceland were presented. Conclusions - people who drink red wine moderately are half as likely to develop cataracts than those who drink a lot or do not drink at all.

At the same time, moderate drinkers meant those who drink no more than 2-3 glasses a day and at least 2 glasses a month.

Reducing the risk of cancer

According to the findings of researchers from the University of Virginia, a component found in the skin of grapes can destroy cancer cells. I mean resveratrol. It works by blocking the development of a key protein required by these degenerate cells.

Improving dental health

The polyphenols in wine can slow the growth of bacteria in the mouth and potentially help prevent cavities in the teeth. This is reported by a summary of observations published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (from the American Chemical Society). During the study, the bacteria responsible for tooth damage were exposed to various liquids. Wine has shown a fairly high efficiency in the fight against them.

Cholesterol Reduction

Another study conducted in Madrid proved that good dry red wine, such as Tempranillo and Rioja varieties, can lower cholesterol. In healthy study participants, after consuming the components found in wine, the level of "bad" cholesterol fell by 9%. The results of those who consumed the same wine components of people with elevated cholesterol levels showed a drop in its amount by 12%.

Help protect against colds

This drink is also a good protection against colds (thanks to the antioxidants it contains). For those who drink more than 14 glasses of wine during the week, the risk of getting sick is 40% less.

Is it harmful?

There are many research results that lead to the conclusion that everything that dry red wine brings is good. And there is harm, however, from it too. Wine is not for everyone. And most importantly - it is not useful in any quantities. In various publications, recommendations about the amount fluctuate - from 50 to 200-300 grams per day. Most often, you can find advice to drink no more than three glasses for men and one and a half for women.

An amount over 300 grams per day will no longer bring benefits - on the contrary, the effect becomes exactly the opposite. At the same time, it is important to distinguish which wine is used, since only a natural, good drink helps health.

The best red dry wines

The age of wine is comparable to the age of civilization: the real proof of this is the vessels with drinks found by archaeologists, made 2 thousand years ago. These are products made from rice and other components (and not white or red dry wine) - the benefits and harms of drinks with such an aging cannot be assessed, because hardly anyone would dare to evaluate them personally. The taste is also unknown - tasters cannot taste this, as it may be unsafe for health, but this find illustrates the popularity of the vine very eloquently.

In the modern world, good drinks are made in several regions of the planet - among them France, Italy, Spain, Georgia, there are excellent varieties in the USA, New Zealand and Australia, in the expanses of the former Soviet republics.

The best dry red wines of Georgia are Saperavi and Mukuzani. Mukuzani is made and considered one of the best wines from Saperavi grapes. Aged for at least three years and goes well with meat. Saperavi wine is also made from the same variety (it is aged for at least a year), which, like red wines in general, goes well with meat.

Among the wines of Spain it is worth mentioning Pingus 2006, which received the highest scores from wine expert Robert Parker. It goes well with meat dishes and hard cheeses, but its cost is over 1000 euros.

Unico Reserva Especial NV, Vina El Pison 2007, L`Espill, Vega Sicilia Unico 1998, Enate reserva especial 1998 are excellent dry red wines, reviews and high marks were given by famous tasters and connoisseurs.

Dry red wines of France - Chateau Bessan Segure Medoc, Chateau Grand Medoc Ferre CORDIER, Chateau Gillet Bordeaux AOC, Tour de Mandelotte Bordeaux AOC (suitable for almost anything), Premius Bordeaux AOC, Castel Bordeaux AOC (for meat or chocolate), Bordeaux Collection Privee CORDIER (Perfect with pâtés and cheeses).

By the way, French wines are divided into several quality categories, and AOC is the highest of them. These are real jewels among wines - the quality and characteristics of these drinks are controlled by a special institution (INAO).

It is impossible to ignore Italy - this is one of the oldest wine-growing regions of the planet, and drinks here are made of the appropriate taste and quality. The best of them were assigned the DOCG category, a level slightly lower - DOC.

The best red dry wines of this region are Barbaresco (one of the ten best wines in the world), Barolo, Chianti, Salice Salentino, Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, Valpolicella. These are drinks that deserve the highest ratings (and have them) and must-tasting for anyone who wants to try great wine.

Produced in different regions of Italy, they are united by taste, quality and reputation in the category "Top class". These wines are quite capable of competing with the best products of France, Spain and other wine-producing countries.

The red dry table wine of these regions is not considered high-class, but it tastes very worthy, and you can safely buy it for dinner or lunch.

The benefits of red wine - its beneficial properties and harm to health

Hippocrates singled out the beneficial properties of red wine, and Louis Pasteur spoke no less positively about the effect of wine. In many countries (particularly in France), red wine is considered a national drink and is consumed by the majority of the population as a daily mandatory drink.

The benefits of red wine as a natural product obtained from the fermentation of pure grape juice are undeniable. This drink contains a lot of useful, necessary and indispensable substances for health. The composition of red wine includes micro and macro elements: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, chromium, rubidium. Thanks to this “bouquet”, red wine has a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system: dilates blood vessels, reduces the level of bad cholesterol, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, magnesium and potassium strengthen the heart muscle. Wine has no less positive effect on blood composition, increases the number of red blood cells, increases the level of hemoglobin (reduces the risk of anemia), removes radionuclides and reduces blood density.

The use of red wine has a stimulating effect on the digestive tract: it increases appetite, enhances the secretion of glands, helps maintain a normal level of acidity in the stomach, and enhances the production of bile. The substances contained in red wine normalize metabolic processes, in particular, chromium is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids (therefore, in many diets, with a restriction in the diet of many foods, the use of red wine is allowed).

Red wine is a source of bioflavonoids and antioxidants (quercetin, resveratrol), these substances not only fight free radicals and prevent premature aging of cells, they also prevent the formation of blood clots, reduce the risk of developing cancer. Resveratrol has a beneficial effect on the gums, strengthens them, prevents the formation of plaque and prevents harmful bacteria (such as Streptococcus mutans) from sticking to tooth enamel.

It also consists in its tonic and anti-stress effect on the body. When drinking this drink, the endocrine glands are stimulated, metabolism increases, immunity increases, and sleep improves.

About the dangers of red wine

What is remarkable beneficial features red wine appear only when it is consumed in limited doses - no more than 100-150 ml per day. If the consumption rate is higher, then the harm of red wine becomes obvious. Indeed, in addition to useful substances, red wine contains alcohol, which has a devastating effect not only on the physical state, but also on the human psyche. The tannin contained in wine can cause severe headaches.

Harm of red wine, applied to the body with excessive use is also obvious, as is the benefit when using small doses. In large quantities, wine negatively affects the functioning of the liver, causes jumps in blood pressure, can cause the development of hypertension, osteoporosis, and provokes the development of cancerous tumors. In addition, the intake of alcoholic beverages slows down the reaction of a person, causes changes in the psycho-emotional background, and can cause the development of such severe mental illnesses as delirium.

For people suffering from ulcerative lesions of the gastroduodenal region, coronary heart disease, as well as pancreatitis, cirrhosis of the liver and depression, the use of red wine will definitely be harmful and is completely contraindicated.

Which wine is healthier (red or white) and why?


Red wine - more than just delicious drink, but also very rich in useful substances - antioxidants called flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on the health of the heart muscle.
Red wine contains substances that are antioxidants. The largest amount of wine contains such an antioxidant substance as resveratrol. In nature, it is found in the seeds and skins of grapes. In the process of making wine, this substance accumulates and reaches a significant amount in the final product.
White wine also contains resveratrol, but at a much lower level than red wine, because the seeds and skins are removed earlier in the white wine-making process than in red wine. Wine also contains the following antioxidant substances: saponins, catechins. They prevent the harmful effects of free radicals on the cells of the body. Antioxidants also prevent the process of cholesterol oxidation, its deposition on the walls of blood vessels.
Resveratrol prevents platelets (blood cells involved in the formation of blood clots) from connecting with each other, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Ekaterina Gerasimova

The antioxidants contained in white wine are stronger than in red wine, but they are much less quantitatively in white wine than in red wine. Therefore, it is traditionally believed that red wine is healthier. here is a very interesting article about the treatment of various diseases with wine, sometimes white is more useful.


Wine, like any other alcoholic drink, cannot be healthy. Any amount of alcohol, in addition to being a foreign substance for the body, also dulls the clarity of the mind, reduces the speed of thinking, the speed of reaction. What's the use here?

Yaroslav Popov

of course red, because wine turns red due to the fact that it ferments along with the grape skins remaining after squeezing the juice. Biologically active substances that are extremely useful for the body get into the wine from the skin, which color the wine red. Of course, the grapes should be red, not white. If the juice of red grapes ferments without the skin of the berries, then it turns out not red, but white wine. Of course, dry wine is the most useful. Drink it every day, observing two rules: no more than 300 grams per day and drink exclusively at meals, and take the first sip of wine not earlier than the middle of the meal, when there is already food in the stomach, this will avoid stress on the liver, because. ethyl alcohol contained in wine is digested not only in the liver, but also in the stomach.


Dry white wine is lighter, but red wine breaks down fats from food better. That is why it is better to drink fatty foods with dry red wine. White table wines have significant diuretic properties, relieve fatigue, and are useful for weakened cardiac activity. Red table wines contribute to the elimination of radionuclides from the body (especially Cabernet), are useful for anemia, prevent thrombosis, which in four out of five cases are the cause of strokes. Wine has not only bactericidal, but also hematopoietic properties, since in it, unlike white, there is almost no residual sugar. Therefore, it is recommended for diabetics and people of dense build. For indigestion, red wines such as Saperavi and Cabernet are recommended. Red wines are generally healthier than white wines, as they contain more healing substances. Wine also has antioxidant properties that protect against many diseases, including cancer.

Which wine is healthier - red or white?


The French say that red wine is made for health and pleasure, rose wine is for love, and white wine is for thirst quenching. :-))
Studies have shown that it is red wine that has a significant beneficial effect on weakened human health. In 1998, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of the following experiment: several volunteers drank half a bottle of red wine every day for two weeks, while another group of people from among these volunteers drank the same and in the same quantities. White wine. The level of antioxidants recorded in the volunteers' blood plasma peaked within half an hour or so after they drank red wine and continued for another 2-4 hours. Drinking white wine had no effect at all.

White wine made from peeled grapes does not contain resveratrol. It is believed that resveratrol is the cause of the so-called "French paradox" (high intake of fatty foods and low levels of heart disease) in terms of moderate consumption of red wine.
White wine is not as dense as red wine. The taste of white wines contains berry and fruit tones. It is these drinks that quench thirst well. To quench your thirst in the heat, there is a recipe using white wine. To do this, chilled white wine is diluted with the same amount of cold water and an ice cube is added.
On the other hand, it cannot be said that there is absolutely no benefit to human health from white wine. According to the "Enotherapy Code" of the French doctor Eylo, drinking light white wines is good for maintaining the heart muscle, and dry white wines, again with mineral water, will help with atherosclerosis. In addition, dry white wines with a strength of less than 12% are recommended for metabolic disorders, stomach diseases and anemia. And white wine is also called "light for the lungs". A study by the University of Buffalo found that drinking white wine is good for the lungs. The results were presented at a meeting of the American Thoracic Society, where scientists announced that drinking white wine improves lung function.
Regardless of whether the wine is red or white, its aging time does not affect the health benefits in any way. Over the years, only the price increases, and not the amount of vitamins or flavonoids. If we talk about red wine used for treatment, then first of all we mean dry red wine. And preferably young. Semi-sweet varieties, and especially fortified ones, are less useful.

Ponomarev Victor

Red. The difference is that white is obtained by fermenting grape juice. All components of the berry are involved in the production of red wine: skin, pulp, seeds. Accordingly, more nutrients pass into the drink. Of course, if the wine is real grape: "fruitful" is often tinted.


British biochemists have shown that red wine has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Scientists believe that the healthiest red wines come from southwestern France and the Sardinian province of Nuoro.

Olga Ivanova

Red wine has more antioxidants, but white wine is smaller, more easily absorbed into body tissues, and therefore more effective. There are more useful substances in red wine, especially in the one that came from well-ripened grapes with thick skins. Of these wines can be called: French Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Chilean wines, Cahors. Resveratrol - a substance that increases life expectancy - most of all in the red wine of Bordeaux, in Burgundy Pinot Noir, in Italian wine from Valpolicella.
It is precisely because wine is a good anti-stress agent that many begin to abuse it.
"The first cup belongs to thirst, the second to joy, the third to pleasure, the fourth to madness."

Inna Lee

Someone likes red wine more, someone prefers white. It's a matter of taste. And which wine is better? Scientists have found the answer to this question.
From a scientific point of view, not all wine is equally good for the body. Studies show that it is red wine that has a significant beneficial effect on a person's weakened health. In 1998, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of the following experiment: several volunteers drank half a bottle of red wine every day for two weeks, while another group of people from among these volunteers drank the same and in the same quantities. White wine. The level of antioxidants recorded in the volunteers' blood plasma peaked within half an hour or so after they drank red wine and continued for another 2-4 hours. Drinking white wine had no effect at all.
Scientists also found that red wine significantly reduces the production of endofelin-1 protein in the body, the excess of which leads to atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases. White wine does not affect the amount of endofelin-1 in any way. Among the 23 varieties of red wines, the most effective were those that contained the highest amount of so-called polyphenols. In particular, these are wines made from Cabernet and Sauvignon grape varieties.
It is believed that the amount of anthocyanin dyes contained in 200 g of red wine will fully satisfy the daily human need for vitamin P, which helps to absorb ascorbic acid. There is very little of this vitamin in ordinary foods, although it is extremely important for metabolic processes.
The reason for such a cardinal difference in the properties of white and red wines lies in the production technology. The fact is that grape skins give their beneficial substances to red wines. Whereas white wines are made exclusively from grape juice with pulp.
The French say that red wine is for health and pleasure, rosé for love, and white wine for thirst quenching. Therefore, white wine should be drunk in those months of the calendar, in the names of which there is no letter "r": May, June, July and August. Summer is the time for this golden light drink. No wonder white wine is usually served chilled to 6-8°C, and high-quality white wine - to 4-6°C.
White wine is not as dense as red wine. Summer wines have higher acidity, less tannins, and therefore are not as tart. The taste of white wines contains berry and fruit tones. It is these drinks that quench thirst well. Sauerkraut health benefits and harms Raspberries health benefits and harms Which fish is the most healthy for humans

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E If drunkenness and alcoholism have always been violently cursed by mankind, then grape wine itself has been enthusiastically glorified from ancient times to the present day. "Milk of Venus", as Aristotle called wine, contains a large number of biologically active substances. Grape wine has an extremely complex chemical composition, including about 600 components, the main of which is water. The content of the extract in wine depends on many conditions. On average, in white wine it is about 22 g / l (grams per liter). Red wine has a higher extract content - about 30 g/l. Even higher extractiveness - up to 40 g/l and sometimes even up to 60 g/l - for strong and dessert wines.

The chemical composition of wine

Carbohydrates in wine are represented by glucose and fructose, various polysaccharides. The content of ethyl alcohol ranges from 9 to 14% in table wines, from 12 to 17 in dessert wines, and from 17 to 20 in strong wines. Grape wines also contain small amounts of highly toxic methyl alcohol, for example, in white wines - from 0.2 to 1.1 g / l, and a number of other higher alcohols. Of the polyhydric alcohols, wine contains glycerin. Its quantity can be different - from 0.7 to 14 g per 100 g of ethyl alcohol. If the wine is made from grapes affected by noble rot, then the glycerin content can reach 30 g/l.

Grape wine contains various organic acids: malic, tartaric, lactic, volatile acids, as well as nitrogenous substances: amino acids and peptides, proteins and ammonia. It is the amino acids that are involved in chemical transformations that lead to the formation of the characteristic features of a particular wine.

Phenolic substances actively involved in the formation of the taste and color of wine are present in a wide range - up to 0.1 g/l in whites and up to 5 g/l in reds.
Wines also contain aldehydes, acetates, esters, which are involved in creating the aroma and bouquet of wine. The mineral composition of wine is varied: manganese, fluorine, zinc, titanium, cobalt - a total of 24 trace elements. Wine does not contain a very large amount of vitamins C, B,1, B2, B6, B12, PP, but their effect on the human body is extremely favorable. At the same time, the wine is rich in vitamin P, which promotes the absorption of ascorbic acid.

Chemical composition wine, its properties depend on a combination of many factors: climatic, soil conditions and topography of grape growing areas, agricultural practices, wine production methods, etc. Due to the unique content of various nutrients, wine is rightfully considered the most valuable hygienic drink with bactericidal properties, as well as with a variety of beneficial effects on the human body. The main thing is the moderate consumption of wine.

How much wine to drink

There were traditional social demands for moderation: three cups of wine per drinker per day. Probably, it was this dose that led to the creation of a wine bottle of a strange, at first glance, capacity - 0.75 liters, sufficient, for example, to hold three glasses of wine for each of two drinkers.
The demands of moderation date back to ancient times. The Athenian statesman Eubulus described the effects of drinking wine in 375 BC:
"I must mix three cups: one for health, the second for love and pleasure, the third for good sleep. After drinking three cups, the wise guests go home. The fourth cup is no longer ours, it belongs to violence; the fifth to noise; the sixth to the drunk revelry; the seventh to black eyes; the eighth to peacekeepers; the ninth to suffering and the tenth to madness and the collapse of furniture. The maximum dose of wine these days is limited by the amount of alcohol it contains. It is believed that for an adult man, the norm of wine drunk per day with a strength of 10% should not exceed 400 grams.

How to open wine

This operation is especially delicate and requires a certain skill and skill. In every bottle of good wine the cork is covered with a special cap. Incorrect or inept removal of it can disrupt the aesthetic appearance of the bottle. In addition, if the wine is old red, then special care is required so as not to disturb the tannin sediment that forms in the bottle. That is why a bottle of red wine must be placed in a vertical position a day or better two before it is opened. In this case, the sediment will sink to the bottom.
If a bottle of red wine was not put in a vertical position in advance, then a special "cradle" is used. The bottle is placed in it with the label up, the cork is carefully removed with a corkscrew and the wine is poured, firmly holding the "cradle" along with the bottle. So, it is necessary to remove the cork cover (cap). To do this, cut it with a sharp knife right under the protruding part of the neck of the bottle. After that, the upper part of the cap can be easily removed and does not interfere with the bottling of wine. Then you need to pull out the cork with a corkscrew.
Invented around 1790 by an English gunsmith, a bottle opener called a corkscrew has been improved and improved many times. Currently, there are many different designs of corkscrews. However, they all have the same principle of operation: a spiral with rounded edges (so as not to chop the cork) up to 5.5 cm long penetrates the cork and removes it from the bottle without much effort.
In 1979, the Englishman Allen developed the Scropull corkscrew model, which became popular all over the world. The corkscrew is screwed into the cork strictly in its center and vertically. If possible, the cork should not be stuck through to avoid small crumbs getting into the wine. But it is also impossible to screw in the corkscrew weakly either: this will inevitably lead to repeated screwing, but already through and with the formation of small crumbs from the cork. The corkscrew with the cork should be pulled gently and silently, avoiding unnecessary popping.
After uncorking, the neck of the bottle is again wiped with a napkin. Experienced sommeliers, having pulled out the cork, imperceptibly sniff it. If the smell is unpleasant, then this indicates a "corky taste", this bottle will need to be replaced. Pouring some wine into a glass, the waiter invites the customer to taste it. If the wine is liked and approved, they start serving all the guests. In this case, the wine is poured without fail on the right side. The bottle is held in such a way that the label can be seen. It is indecent to hold a bottle "by the throat", to pour wine through the back of the hand. The art of pouring also lies in the fact that, after filling the glass, slightly turn the bottle. In this case, not a single drop will spill.
If the owner of the house pours wine at the table, then he should start with his glass, filling it halfway, and then offer it to all guests clockwise (from left to right).
Particular attention should be paid to uncorking an old port wine that has been aged for more than thirty years. The cork in such drinks is usually very difficult to remove in the usual way. For these purposes, in Portugal, special tongs are used, called tenash (tenaz). This traditional tool is first heated red-hot, then they are wrapped around the neck of the bottle below the cork for about ten seconds. Then tenash is removed, cold water is poured onto the neck, and its upper part, in which the cork is located, gently breaks off from the bottle.

Useful properties of wine

The wine has pronounced antibacterial properties. It is noted that during epidemics the number of cases in wine-growing regions and among people who regularly drink wine is somewhat lower. During the research it was noted that wine suppresses the bacteria of tuberculosis, cholera, malaria, etc. Moreover, almost the same effect is produced by wine diluted twice with water. Therefore, during epidemics, especially in regions prone to them, doctors recommend drinking table wine, half diluted with water, instead of drinking water. In addition, dry white table wine perfectly quenches thirst. Natural wine is also useful for colds and chronic diseases such as influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. With such diseases, mulled wine + hot red table wine with spices and sugar, such as Cabernet or Merlot, for example, should be consumed. For disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, red wines with a high content of tannins are useful, for example, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet. Such wines, due to the presence of tannins, have a strengthening and healing effect on the stomach, especially with scars and stomach ulcers. With obesity and metabolic disorders, wines also help. They remove slags and toxins from the human body, normalize metabolism. A particularly valuable property of wines is the ability to lower the cholesterol content, which has been confirmed by numerous experiments, for example, with rabbits. It has been established that in the same area, people who regularly drink wine have a low cholesterol content. Wine also helps with radiation. So, in the former Soviet Union, people who, on duty, work in the nuclear and similar industries and in conditions associated with increased radioactive danger, were regularly prescribed the use of Cahors (for example, submariners on nuclear-powered ships). With diabetes, dry grape wines with a low content of sugar and glucose (less than 4 grams per 1 liter) are suitable. Light white and especially champagne wines contribute to the maintenance of weakened cardiac activity. So, white semi-dry wines have a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots and myocardial infarction. And champagne also improves ventilation of the lungs, stimulating the respiratory centers.

Useful properties of red wine

Red wines contain vitamins B2, B1, C, P, iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, manganese, gold. The healing properties of red wine are explained by the high content of essential amino acids in it, as well as natural antioxidants - flavonoids, one of the tasks of which is to protect plant genes from damage by ultraviolet radiation. In the human body, such a substance is melanin. This property of red wine made it possible to use it in the prevention and treatment of cancer. The positive properties of red wine include:

  • protection against cancer (on the one hand, with the help of resveratol, wine protects the cells of the human body from the damaging effects of ultraviolet and X-ray radiation, on the other hand, saponins, wine catechins serve as an antioxidant and protect cell DNA molecules from free radicals).
  • prevention against atherosclerosis (increases the level of "good" cholesterol in the blood, which has a high density, and removes "bad" cholesterol from the body, which protects the body from strokes and heart attacks).
  • prevention of blood clots in the lumen of blood vessels (resveratol thins the blood and prevents blood platelets from sticking together).
  • prevention of anemia, large blood loss, beriberi.
  • warm red wine diluted with water helps fight colds, pneumonia, flu, bronchitis. Dose 50 g 3 times a day.
  • help with diarrhea (it is recommended to drink 50 grams of cool red wine, which has astringent and antitoxic properties).
  • help with insomnia (30 g of sweet or semi-sweet red wine at bedtime in severe cases).
  • from bruises and bruises, from pain from injuries and sprains, compresses with cool red wine help to quickly get rid of.

Useful properties of white wine

Numerous healing qualities of white wine have been known since ancient times. Even Hippocrates in ancient Greece said about him: "Wine is surprisingly adapted to the human body, both healthy and sick." And much later, but just as true, Louis Pasteur noticed the same truth, saying: "Wine can rightfully be considered the healthiest and most hygienic drink."

Benefits of white wine include:

  • it increases appetite
  • enhances the secretion of the endocrine glands
  • promotes better secretion of gastric juice and maintenance of normal stomach acidity
  • dilates blood vessels
  • destroys bacilli in the stomach and intestines
  • support the heart muscle
  • improve lung function
  • help restore metabolism
  • useful for anemia
  • antioxidants, although contained in small quantities, are absorbed more easily than from red wine, since they are smaller in size.

Did you know that red wine is healthy for good health? It is one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages worldwide. It is part of the cultural heritage of many countries and is considered an important source of nutrients beneficial to human health.

Drinking too much wine can be detrimental to your health, but 1-2 glasses of red wine a day are beneficial. Red wine is a source of important antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that can provide both physical and emotional benefits.

The main active ingredient in red wine is resveratrol. It protects your body cells from the negative effects of free radicals. As you know, the latter accelerate the aging process.

There are many reasons to drink red wine is healthy in small quantities. In today's article, we will share 8 reasons to include this drink in your diet.

Benefits of red wine

1. Protects the brain

Due to the high content of antioxidants, including resveratrol, red wine is able to protect cells from oxidative stress.

Antioxidants in wine promote the regeneration of brain tissue and regulate blood circulation. As a result, the brain receives more oxygen.

  • One glass of red wine a day can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, dementia and other diseases of the nervous system.

2. Prevents depression

People who are going through a difficult life period and depression are better able to endure the trials that have fallen to their lot by regularly drinking a small amount of red wine.

This healthy drink stimulates the production of neurotransmitters such as endorphins and serotonin. The latter are well known as .

  • Drinking 3-4 glasses of red wine a week will be enough to improve your mood.

3. Promotes Oral Health

Drinking too much red wine can damage tooth enamel, but a small amount of red wine is beneficial to oral health.

It protects teeth and gums from infections. The antimicrobial components of wine prevent the growth of certain types of bacteria that can lead to caries and gingivitis.

  • To this end, it is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of red wine per week. Do not forget to keep it longer in your mouth.

4. Red wine is good for the respiratory system

Red wine's main antioxidant, resveratrol, creates a protective barrier against infections in the respiratory tract.

Thus, the risk of irritation of the respiratory tract and the development of diseases caused by toxins and pathogenic external agents is reduced.

It should be noted anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect of antioxidants contained in wine. Thanks to them, the respiratory tract remains clean, excessive sputum production and associated congestion are excluded.

  • A small glass of red wine a day strengthens the immune system, reducing the likelihood of contracting the flu and colds.

5. Takes care of heart health

It is hardly possible to argue with the fact that the abuse of alcoholic beverages negatively affects the health of the cardiovascular system. At the same time, a small amount of red wine, on the contrary, is beneficial.

  • In order for wine to benefit the heart and blood vessels, women are advised to drink a glass of red wine daily. As for men, they can afford up to 2 glasses of this drink.

6. Fights urinary tract infections

Red wine is your true ally in the fight against.

Due to its diuretic properties, this drink stimulates the excretion of fluid from the body. Together with it, bacteria that multiply in the urinary tract are also removed.

On the other hand, the astringent properties of red wine are good for the bladder. Thanks to them, the risk of inflammation of this organ due to exposure to irritating substances and toxins is reduced.

  • It is recommended to take a glass of red wine every day when symptoms of urinary tract infections appear.

7. Energizes

Red wine can help with morning fatigue. The nutrients contained in it are able to fill the body with energy, increasing physical and mental activity.

Red wine has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. At the same time, the supply of oxygen to all cells of the body improves, and fatigue disappears.

  • Have a glass of red wine whenever you feel weak or tired.

8. Protects against premature aging

To stop the aging process in the body, it is important to healthy lifestyle life. As for red wine, the regular use of this drink can support the body in the fight against premature aging.

Resveratrol protects cells from degenerative processes caused by exposure to toxins.

  • To protect against premature aging, it is recommended to drink at least 4 glasses of red wine per week.

Red wine is good for your health. The most important thing is to drink it in small amounts and from time to time. Only in this case, the nutrients contained in the wine will benefit the body.

Many people know that red wine is good for health. This is due to the fact that the substances contained in this drink can prevent many diseases, and some of them can even alleviate or minimize symptoms. However, how much of this noble drink will benefit the body, and how much - vice versa? It is better to understand this in more detail. When drinking any alcoholic drink, you should understand that you need to know the measure in everything. One glass can benefit the body, and several can only harm. A lot also depends on the choice of drink. It is better to spare no expense and buy worthwhile wines that are produced in the area next to the vineyards.


To understand which red wine is good for the body or will bring it the maximum benefit, you should figure out what types of this drink are in general. First of all, it is worth noting that red wine has more nutrients than white wine. Therefore, it is the first that is called extremely useful.

So, what kind of red wine is good for a person? The present! That is, it should contain only a minimum set of ingredients, namely grapes. Dry wine often brings more benefits than sweet or semi-sweet, but this does not mean that such pleasant products should be discarded.

You should also pay attention to the quality of the drink. The label must necessarily indicate where the wine is produced, where it is bottled, and also where the grapes are grown. The smaller the distance between these points, the better. This ensures that whole berries were used and not grape essence, from which the so-called powdered wine is obtained.

In addition, Isabella wine, so beloved by many, is deprived of a number of useful properties, that is, its use for the most part is just a pleasant pastime.

What is "powdered" wine?

It should be noted that this term is erroneous. None of the drinks are made that way. However, if you have to transport raw materials for making wine to another area, to another factory, then the berries are processed, fermented, and the resulting mixture is used.

This is fraught with the fact that less quality grapes can be used, that is, one that did not suit the owners of the vineyard. Also, due to improper storage and transportation, the finished product may turn out worse. In this case, it is not worth talking about the benefits.

Help for the heart and blood vessels

What are the benefits of red wine? It is often associated with cardiovascular disease. This is due to the substances that are contained in the drink itself. For example, resveratrol, which is found in the skin of red grapes, has a huge number of useful properties.

So, the beneficial properties of red wine due to this substance are much higher than that of a white drink. Resveratrol helps lower bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol. That is, with existing problems with nutrition, it is permissible to use red wine.

Also, this mysterious substance has a beneficial effect on memory. A number of scientists are engaged in its use in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. What the results are is not yet clear, but it is known that red wine, consumed regularly but in small doses, can improve the brain's ability to remember both visual and sound patterns.

Wine for a good figure

Is red wine good for a diet? Oddly enough, yes. The fact is that some of the elements that are contained in this alcoholic drink can affect the metabolism, and positively. That is, red wine, drunk in small quantities, helps heavy food to be digested, facilitating the work of the stomach and intestines. Also, red wine helps to stop the growth of fat cells! However, in this case we are talking about obesity. A little overweight in this way will not work.

It should be understood that we are talking about a small amount of this drink! If you drink more than one or two servings, that is, more than 250 milliliters, then you can lose control of your appetite. Thus, much more will be eaten than planned.

It is precisely because alcohol dulls some of the senses, while inciting the feeling of hunger and the desire to have something to eat, that it is forbidden in diets. However, a small dose will not cause harm, on the contrary. But this method can be used only if the person who is losing weight knows for sure that he will be able to control himself.

Wine for the fair sex: are there any advantages?

Why is red wine good for women? It turns out that drinking a quality drink helps with one serious problem, namely the prevention of breast cancer. Every year more and more women suffer from this disease.

The fact is that red wine lowers estrogen levels during menopause, increasing testosterone levels. This leads to the fact that the risk of the disease is reduced. The paradox of this whole situation is that all other alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, on the contrary, increase the development of oncological diseases, and red wine is a pleasant exception.

It is also recommended to drink red wines in order to establish the process of hematopoiesis. This is especially true during periods of heavy menstruation. Saperavi variety products are recommended for this.

Skin and teeth: a beauty drink

What are the benefits of red wine? It helps not only to fight a number of diseases, but also improves skin condition. Wine increases the tone of the integument, eliminates their dryness. Also, this drink is often used in cosmetology. It is noteworthy that for each problem they choose their own variety. For example, it is sweet wine that helps with dry skin, dry wine will not cope with it.

Also, this drink can be a salvation for those who suffer from caries or gum disease. How useful is red wine in this case? It eliminates bacteria in the oral cavity, produces a kind of disinfection, which further reduces the risk of gum disease and teeth.

Why drink wine in the evening?

It is often recommended to drink red wine with dinner. Why? It turns out that it has a sedative effect. That is, a glass of this drink before going to bed helps to put the nervous system in order. It is also worth noting that wine helps to improve sleep, so people who suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders can take this technique into service.

However, in this case, it is also worth remembering the dose. The drink has a beneficial effect when it is drunk in small quantities. So, the optimal dose is one hundred milliliters.

Help for the eyes

What are the benefits of red wine? Many options have already been listed, but they still do not end. It is noteworthy that ophthalmologists have found a direct link between the strengthening of the muscles of the eyes and the use of red wine. That is, with its regular use, you can reduce the likelihood of vision problems in old age.

How useful is dry red wine in this case? It is an excellent means of preventing angiogenesis, that is, the formation of new blood vessels in the eye. Thus, this drink helps to reduce the risk of blindness or senile glaucoma.

Everything needs a measure!

How much should you drink red wine so as not to harm the body? Quite modest. That is, if we are talking about a glass of wine at dinner, then you should limit yourself to just this amount of drink.

It is customary to consider one serving of wine one hundred and twenty milliliters. Women are allowed only one drink per day, otherwise the harm from alcohol will outweigh all the benefits of wine. Men are a little more fortunate, they are allowed two servings. However, it is also better to limit yourself to one glass.

Who shouldn't drink red wine?

Is dry red wine healthy? Of course, yes, when it is drunk in the right amount. However, everything is not so clear. With a number of diseases, it is worth abandoning this drink altogether.

Oddly enough, it is strictly forbidden to drink wine with depression, as it can aggravate the situation. We are talking about the case when the diagnosis was made by a specialist.

It is also worth giving up a glass of wine for those who have coronary heart disease, hypertension, liver disease, or pancreatitis. In the presence of these ailments, you should not rely on the healing properties of the drink.

Who better to think?

There are a number of diseases in which you should limit the use of red wine, both dry and sweet. These include the following:

  • Inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Recent stroke or heart attack.

In these cases, you should beware and do not try this drink.

It is also recommended to take care of those who suffer from diabetes. In this case, you can drink red wine, but only in combination with food, it is better to drink in small sips in order to regulate your well-being. Excessive consumption of the drink can lead to a sharp drop in blood sugar levels.

What can frequent use lead to?

As already mentioned, it is useful to drink red wine only in small portions. Only in this case it will be beneficial, not harmful. And what are the consequences of improper, excessive use of the drink in question? Sad enough.

By the way, many note that after drinking sweet wine, their blood pressure rises, headaches, migraines occur. This is mainly due to the presence of sulfur dioxide in the drink. Now they are trying not to use this element, replacing it with rooibos. Winemakers believe that it will be a good alternative to preservatives. Therefore, dry wine remains preferable.

Excessive consumption of any alcohol, including red wine, can negate all its beneficial properties. So, there may be a risk of cancer, tumors. It is also worth noting that the regular abuse of wine can increase the risk of having children with pathologies. For the same reason, it is not recommended to drink this drink during pregnancy.

Liver diseases, including cancer and cirrhosis, can appear precisely because of the inability to drink wine in small portions. This can also be attributed to an increased risk of stroke, especially if there were already prerequisites for its occurrence.

Are there any benefits to drinking red wine? Of course, however, it is worth remembering that it is better to drink it in small portions, it is also worth monitoring your well-being. If discomfort occurs, alcohol should be discontinued. There is also a list of diseases in which red wine is contraindicated. It is also worth noting that many of the beneficial substances of this drink are also contained in the red grapes from which it is made. Therefore, it makes no sense to lean on alcohol. It can be replaced with just a delicious fruit.

It is also worth paying attention to what is written on the label of a bottle of wine. It must necessarily indicate where it was produced, from which grape variety. It is worth reading the composition, it should not contain dyes, preservatives or flavorings.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common hormonal endocrine disorders, affecting about 5-10% of women of childbearing age. It is characterized by an increase in the level of male hormones and insulin in the body. Resveratrol, a natural compound and powerful antioxidant found in red wine, grapes, raspberries, and peanuts, may help address this hormonal imbalance, the researchers believe.

PCOS is known to disrupt the functioning of the ovaries. The main symptoms of this disorder are irregular periods, an excess of androgens (male sex hormones) in the body and polycystic ovaries.

The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but the syndrome has been linked to abnormal hormone levels, including elevated insulin levels. Increased levels of male hormones can contribute to infertility, weight gain, acne, and excess body hair.

The study involved 30 women with polycystic ovary syndrome, who were divided into two groups: one received 1500 mg of resveratrol daily, and the other received a placebo. At the start of the study and after three months of supplementation, the women had blood samples taken to determine levels of testosterone and other androgens. Participants were also subjected to a glucose tolerance test at the beginning and end of the study.

It turned out that the group taking resveratrol experienced a decrease in testosterone levels by 23.1%. But in the group that was given a placebo, on the contrary, the level of this hormone increased by 2.9%, writes Medical News Today.

In addition, the group that received resveratrol supplements had a 22.2% decrease in the levels of another male hormone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, while the second group increased its levels in the body by 10.5%.

The researchers also found that resveratrol not only reduced androgen levels, but also had a positive effect on the risk factor for diabetes. For example, in the women in the resveratrol group, fasting insulin levels decreased by 31.8% during the three-month experiment. In addition, they have increased insulin sensitivity.

"The results suggest that resveratrol may improve the body's ability to use insulin and potentially reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Resveratrol supplementation appears to be able to help reduce the chance of metabolic problems that are common in women with PCOS," said study lead author Anthony J. Duleba (Antoni J. Duleba) from the University of California at San Diego.

Other studies confirm that resveratrol can have a beneficial effect on health. So, earlier scientists found that resveratrol has anti-inflammatory properties that, as experiments on rodents have shown, are capable of. It is also believed that this compound reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease.