Canape recipes with chicken duck and turkey (photo). Delicious canape on skewers duck breast (20pcs) Chicken fillet canape with pineapple

Today is a continuation of my topic with a collection of canapes. Everything else I have here (we go through the picture):

Canape with turkey

Cut the turkey fillet into cubes (2x2 cm), wrap each cube in a thin strip of bacon, bake on a baking sheet until done. Dip the finished pieces in barbecue sauce and pin to a round bread toast. Pickled corn will complement our elegant canape.

Tartlets with chicken and jam

Break a piece of smoked breast into fibers with your hands. put 1/2 teaspoon of jam, chicken fillet, a spoonful of sour cream mixed with herbs on the bottom of a tartlet or volauan. Gorgeous!

Rolls with duck breast

Sprinkle the duck breast with salt and pepper and bake in the oven until tender (you can also use vegetable oil in a frying pan). cut into thin slices only after complete cooling! We wrap a slice of ripe persimmon in duck meat. Decorate with berries (blueberries, cranberries, raspberries) and a mint leaf. Pompously...

With chicken and cherry

In a preheated pan, fry the crushed clove of garlic, put the chicken fillet cut into cubes. Fry until cooked, salt, pepper, put on a plate. In the same oil, fry whole cherry tomatoes for 1 minute. string on a skewer, before serving, heat in the oven.

Vol-au-vents with chicken and champignons

Boil 800 g chicken fillet, cut into pieces. Heat in a pan 2 tbsp. spoons butter, fry 1/2 bunch of chopped green onions (about 2 minutes), salt, pepper, sprinkle with flour (2 tablespoons), pour in 500 ml of broth, let it boil for 5 minutes. Add chicken fillet and mushroom slices, salt and pepper, add lemon juice to taste.
Divide the prepared mixture into volutes.

Chicken fillet canape with pineapple

You need a few chicken fillet chops (beat off, roll in a salted raw egg and crushed breadcrumbs, fry for 10 minutes on each side). Cut each chop into rectangles. Pineapples can be used canned. Prick a piece of pineapple on a skewer and chicken meat. Now dip the bottom of the canape in lemon-honey sauce (1 tablespoon of honey - 1 tablespoon of lemon juice) and sesame seeds.

Smoked duck breast, cherry tomatoes and lettuce are a win-win classic combination of flavors. Thanks to a piece of white bread, which is lightly grilled, the appetizer becomes not only extremely tasty, but also quite satisfying. The set includes 15 canapes, which is quite enough for a fairly large company. Be sure to try this appetizer and treat your friends or colleagues!


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The food of the participants should be hearty and light, since active games do not involve long gatherings at the table, which, as a rule, are organized at the very end of the event. The solution to the problem with treats can also be appetizing canape duck or turkey.

Hearty, but at the same time not heavy meat will give energy to the guests of the event and will allow you not to be distracted during the games by the feeling of hunger.

In this article, we will consider several options for hearty canapes with poultry meat.

Recipe 1. Canape with turkey and bacon

Dietary turkey meat combined with tender and juicy bacon will become the basis for hearty canapes with an unusual taste.

Cut the fillet into small (2x2 cm) cubes, bacon into thin strips. Wrap each piece of turkey with a piece of bacon and secure with a skewer or toothpick to keep their shape while cooking. Bake mini-rolls in the oven, dip each in barbecue sauce. The basis is bread toasts cut out in circles: chop meat rolls with sauce on them, decorate with pickled corn seeds on top. Canapes with turkey are ready!

Recipe 2. Tartlets with smoked chicken breast and jam

The main secret of the appetizer is the original combination of smoked chicken taste with sweet and sour jam. The bottom layer of the filling of each tartlet is half a teaspoon of jam, hand-chopped chicken meat is placed on top (ready-made smoked breast is ideal).

The top of tartlets or vol-au-vents with chicken and jam will be decorated with a spoonful of sour cream with finely chopped greens, and do not forget about skewers. Canape with smoked chicken you can safely put it on the table!

Recipe 3. Duck breast rolls

Pre-salted and seasoned with pepper, the duck breast is sent to the oven for baking or to a frying pan for frying in vegetable oil. The finished fillet must be completely cooled, and then cut into slices, trying to make them as thin as possible.

The filling for exquisite mini-rolls will be pieces of persimmon, and the decoration will be a fragrant mint leaf and fresh berry (for different impressions, you can experiment with the tastes of raspberries, blueberries, cranberries).

Recipe 4. Canape with chicken fillet and cherry tomatoes

Put the pieces of chicken fillet, crushed in the form of cubes, into a pan with the pulp of one garlic clove previously fried in vegetable oil. When the chicken cubes are fried, add salt, pepper and remove from the pan to a dish.

Then put cherry tomatoes (whole, without cutting) into the same mixture in a pan and fry for one minute. Thread the ingredients onto a skewer. Just before the guests arrive, the canapes should be slightly warmed up in the oven.

Canapes with chicken are ready (we hope that yours will come out as beautiful as in the photo)!

Recipe 5. Vol-au-vents with chicken fillet and champignons

Boil chicken fillet (about 800 g) and cut into small cubes. Then prepare the sauce for the mixture by frying finely chopped green onion feathers (half a bunch is enough) in two tablespoons of butter for a couple of minutes.

After that, add salt, pepper, two tablespoons of flour, half a liter of broth, bring the sauce to a boil and leave it to boil for five minutes. Then put chopped chicken meat and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bchampignons into the pan, salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Fill the flounces with the mixture.

Recipe 6. Canape with chicken and pineapple

Prepare chicken chops: beat the fillet, dip on all sides in a mixture of crushed crackers, raw eggs and salt, fry each side for 10 minutes.

Cut the finished chicken meat into rectangles or cubes. Assemble canapés by first chopping a piece of canned pineapple, then a piece of chop. Dip the meat part in a sauce of lemon and honey (mixed in equal proportions), then dip in sesame seeds.

Recipe 6. Canape "Chicken in Peach"


  • processed cheese (50 gr.);
  • mayonnaise (50 gr.);
  • canned peach (halved, 300 gr.);
  • butter (50 gr.);
  • smoked chicken fillet (150 gr.)
  • paprika (to taste)


  1. Cut chicken meat into thin strips.
  2. Grate cheese on a fine grater. Add paprika, oil, mayonnaise and mix well.
  3. Add shredded chicken to cheese mixture.
  4. Dry the peaches with kitchen towels and stuff with the resulting mass.
  5. Garnish with cranberries and parsley.

More canape recipes:

12 Canapes with seafood
mushroom canapes
Canape with cheese - holiday recipes with photos