Gado-gado salad. Two more Indonesian cuisine recipes - imagine vegetarian! gado recipe

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    Finely chop the cabbage. Peel the carrots, cut into strips; cut the celery in the same way. Cut the cucumber lengthwise into 4 parts, remove the seeds, cut the flesh into long slices. Steam the carrots, celery and cabbage until soft, about 10 minutes. Cool down. Pour boiling water over the bean sprouts, put in a colander, dry and arrange on a plate. Top with carrots, cabbage, celery and cucumber.

    For the sauce, mix tamarind paste with 3 tbsp. l. warm water. Clean the ginger, grate it. Chop the onion and garlic, fry in hot oil over low heat for 2 minutes. Add the ginger, cumin and cayenne pepper and cook for 1 more minute. Add tamarind paste (or lime juice), peanut butter and sugar. Mix everything. Cook until the peanut butter is completely dissolved (add 1-3 tablespoons of water if necessary). Cut the chile into rings. Also chop the shallot, fry it in oil until golden brown, 7 minutes, put on a paper towel to drain excess fat. Place a spoonful of the sauce on top of the vegetables, and garnish the salad with fried onions, peanuts, and chile slices. Serve the rest of the sauce separately. Deli Tip Pressed tamarind bars or canned pasta can be purchased at an Indian spice store. Tamarind has a light sweetish-sour smell and rich taste - sour and refreshing, reminiscent of prunes. In the original, instead of ginger, Indonesians add galangal root, its closest relative. It gives the dish a more spicy and refined aroma, a bit reminiscent of coniferous. If you can find it, follow the original. In general, in this salad, you can use any vegetables that you currently have in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your meal!!

To begin with, we went to the local market, the sellers of which do not speak English at all and are very willing to shortchange "boules" - white tourists. In order not to be deceived and upset, I often go to the market with Bella, they sell her products at the regular price and they never put spoiled tomatoes in a bag. Of course, you can go to the supermarket, but I advise you to buy products for this dish in the market, where the vegetables are fresh and at the same time you can help some grandmother who sells vegetables from her garden

It is summer here all year round, so vegetables can be bought at any time of the year, it will most likely be more convenient and cheaper for you to cook this dish in summer

So we put in the package:

  • Local long green beans Vigna 2 bunches, regular green beans 0.5 kg will do for you
  • sprouted soya beans- 300 grams
  • Soy cheese tofu - 5 large pieces
  • Tepme - a fermented food product made from soybeans - 1 small briquette. You can leave it out or replace it with falafel patties.
  • Onion - we have it small and red, we used 6 small heads, one medium onion is enough for you
  • Large cucumber - 1 pc.

For sauce

  • Peanuts - 300 grams
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Red capsicum - 2 pcs. But if, like the Balinese, you like the sharpness of the “dragon” degree, then put 5
  • Lime - 1 pc.
  • Sugar -1 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste


Rinse all ingredients. Boil chopped green beans for 5 minutes. Scald with boiling water or boil sprouted soybeans. Fry the tofu and sliced ​​tempeh in oil. After frying, the cheese must be cut into cubes. Slice the cucumber. Mix everything in a bowl

For sauce:

Mix the pre-roasted peanuts, garlic, chilli peppers, lime juice, salt, sugar and water in a blender until it covers the entire mixture. Turn on the blender and grind everything until a thick sauce is formed.

Separately, fry very finely chopped onion until brown.

Pour the vegetable mixture with sauce, mix well and sprinkle with fried onions. Serve with rice, how could it be without it, because if in Ukraine “bread is the head of everything”, then here rice is not only the head but also the legs, arms and heart

In general, gado-gado translates as all sorts of things, so you can add potatoes, cabbage, eggplant, carrots, tomatoes and other vegetables to the stew to your taste

Guests are always welcome in Bella's house, which is why we ate our gado-gado with Pasha, who introduced us to Bella and with whom we lived for several weeks, with Ira and Tolik - Ukrainian travelers, whom we also included in Pasha's, with Pashin friend Sergei from Moscow, who came to Bali for only two weeks, so to speak, on vacation and mother and son from Ufa, whom we met while living in a villa, and then settled them in Bella's house. Invite your guests too, surprise them with this exotic dish and eat to your health!

EIf you ask what is my favorite dish Indonesian cuisine, without hesitation, I will answer - gado-gado, a traditional salad of steamed vegetables, fried tofu or tempeh and a boiled egg seasoned with peanut sauce. This variation is classic Balinese, ingredients may vary slightly in other parts of the country.

The list of what you need may be intimidating, but everything is more accessible than it seems. Many oriental spice shops sell kaffir lime leaves (also called kaffir lime), sambal chili (which can be replaced with any chili paste) and sweet soy sauce ketsap manis. The latter, as well as fried shallots Bawang Goreng, are optional, you can completely do without them.


Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 2 50 g cabbage
  • 250 g green beans or long green beans
  • 250 g mung bean sprouts
  • 1 carrot
  • 200 g young potatoes
  • 100 g spinach
  • 2 eggs

For fried tofu:

  • 200 g tofu
  • 100 g coconut cream
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • garlic clove
  • 1 tsp extra virgin coconut oil
  • salt, pepper to taste

For peanut sauce:

  • 250 g roasted shelled peanuts
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • sweetener
  • 4 kaffir lime leaves
  • a piece of white ginger - about 4 cm
  • chili to taste
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

For submission:

  • a handful of roasted and chopped peanuts
  • shrimp crackers
  • sweet soy sauce ketsap-manis
  • fried shallots Bawang Goreng
  • sambal chili sauce


Boil eggs and potatoes, cool. Cut the tofu into rectangles and marinate for 15 minutes (and if you have time, it is better for several hours) in coconut cream with turmeric and garlic, salt and pepper. Then fry over low heat in coconut oil on both sides until lightly browned.


Chop green beans and carrots into strips, cut off a thick side from a head of cabbage. Steam or stew vegetables until al dente so they are still crunchy but not soggy. Blanch spinach by dipping in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then transfer to a colander.


For the peanut sauce, fry the garlic, chili and white ginger in vegetable oil for a couple of minutes, then transfer to a mortar and grind with a pestle, gradually adding the roasted peanuts in small portions. If you don't have a mortar, you can use a blender. And another very quick option is to add peanut butter (it should be sugar-free). Transfer the prepared thick mass to a saucepan, put on fire, add 3 cups of water, kaffir lime leaves, sweetener, salt and pepper. Simmer the sauce over low heat until it thickens, then refrigerate.


Arrange the vegetables on two serving plates - cabbage, green beans, carrots, potato halves, spinach, egg halves, fried tofu. Above - mung bean sprouts. Drizzle with peanut sauce and ketsap-manisom , sprinkle with chopped nuts and fried onions, serve with crackers. Gado-gado can be served cold or hot with a spicy sambal sauce. Selamat makan!

gado gado salad

Gado-gado salad is an Indonesian salad made from raw vegetables seasoned with spicy walnut sauce. The way it is prepared can vary greatly from island to island. In general, this dish is easy to prepare - the main thing in it is sauce and seasonings. From the usual vegetable salad gado-gado is distinguished only by peanut dressing - but what a delicious one it is! Gado-gado in our version is an Indonesian salad of cabbage and bean sprouts with hot peanut sauce.


1 more green cabbage, thinly sliced
2 bags of bean sprouts (Chinese sprouts)
1 bunch green onions, finely chopped
200 grams of peeled and roasted peanuts

For sauce:

Juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon sweet paprika
1/2 cup sweet chili sauce

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
4 tablespoons sesame oil
1/4 cup canola oil
5 minced garlic cloves
Salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. Put all the ingredients for the balsamic sauce into a covered jar and shake well. Put in the refrigerator for an hour.

2. In a large wide bowl, combine shredded cabbage and bean sprouts. Transfer the already mixed mixture to a salad bowl.

3. Sprinkle with green onions, not sparing it at all, then sprinkle with roasted peanuts (necessarily only already cooled down).

4. When serving, pour over the salad with chilled balsamic dressing, and then immediately pour over with warm peanut sauce, the recipe for which is given below.

Indonesian falafel (you can say meatballs, or you can just balls) from tofu

Before you start trying these tofu balls, make sure you have a wok or deep frying pan and wooden skewers in your home kitchen bins.


250 grams of good quality tofu with a neutral taste, from which all the liquid has been glassed
1 teaspoon minced fresh chili pepper
1 beaten egg
1/2 cup flour
5 minced garlic cloves
Large bunch of green onions, finely chopped (only the green part of the stems)
1 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup sweet soy sauce
canola oil

Cooking method:

1. Grate the tofu into a large bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix by hand so that a homogeneous mixture is obtained, resembling porridge in consistency.

2. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour. During this time, the taste of the mixture will manifest itself most strongly.

3. Remove the mixture from the refrigerator and make balls the size of Walnut.

4. Heat oil in a deep frying pan or wok. It is important not to burn the oil, it should be at a medium temperature, since the mixture contains sugar, which, if too hot, can turn the balls brown and burn. We recommend frying 5 balls at a time until they become dark golden in color.

And finally, we recall the recipe for peanut sauce (it has already been given)

Sate peanut sauce (sometimes pronounced satay) is used in Indonesian cuisine with everything that gets into the kitchen: it is served with beef, chicken, tofu, salads. This sauce is the main component of traditional dishes. Here is his basic recipe, which fits the two above vegetarian dishes. If you master it easily, then the glory of a great culinary specialist is already close!


2 shallots, peeled and finely chopped
1 tablespoon canola oil (rapeseed)
3 garlic cloves, peeled
3 cm piece of peeled ginger root
Half a chili pepper
150 grams peeled peanuts, roasted and coarsely ground
A can of coconut milk - condensed, concentrated or regular - which you can find in the shop next door
Half a cup of peanut butter - with or without pieces, as you prefer ...
1/2 cup sweet soy black sauce

Cooking method:

1. To start making the sate sauce: In a medium skillet, sauté the shallots until translucent.

2. Very finely cut the chili, garlic and ginger. Add to skillet and cook over medium heat for a minute.

3. Add coconut milk to the pan, and when the mixture begins to bubble, add the peanut butter. Stir constantly until the sauce has a uniform consistency. Add soy sauce and roasted peanuts. The sauce should not be overly thick and that is why it should be served hot.

with salad gado-gado now I have funny memories connected)) Yesterday, my daughter and I were returning from the Antonio Blanco Museum in Ubud and on the way I saw calendars with recipes. Although a couple of days ago I told myself that two books about the cuisine of Indonesia I had bought earlier would be enough for me, my eyes already cast a glance at such little things out of habit. A lovely lady came up to us. Her gaze was kind, and the image itself was associated with something soft and warm. Short stature, wide feminine hips, round face. Working in this small shop, a native Indonesian was in a hurry to help us with the choice. “Hello little cute girl,” she said with a wide smile, referring to my daughter. I explained to her that I love to cook and would like to see the inside of the calendar, because they were all packed. At first, her gaze quickly turned to the calendar, which clearly contained the recipe for gado-gado. She rolled her eyes like a child who has seen something delicious... Then she drawled, "Gado-gadooo, mmmm." After that, she licked her lips so appetizingly and swallowed saliva that I could not help but believe her!))) It became clear to me that this salad is really loved by the inhabitants of Bali and is not in vain considered traditional dish. After everything, of course, we looked inside the calendar, chatted for a few minutes, and I left the store with a purchase. For a few more minutes I smiled and our way back was filled with positive.

Gado-gado salad was the first Indonesian dish I tried when I arrived in Bali. As I remember now... It was our first evening. We had just arrived, then had a little sleep at lunch and in the evening went for a walk on the promenade of Double Six beach. Despite a short day's rest, the condition was difficult and we so wanted to sit in silence, burying our eyes in the ocean and listening to the sound of the waves. We went to the shore and saw a cafe where there were the fewest people, we settled there. In the menu of establishments that are located in tourist areas, there are always dishes familiar to a person of any nationality. But I still have time to eat ordinary food in Ukraine. Finding the table of contents "indonesian cuisine" , for some reason I decided to choose something with the most funny and unusual name. It was the gado gado salad. In general, this salad is considered Javanese, but nevertheless, now it is so popular that there was no other menu where I did not see it.

As part of it, there are necessarily many types of vegetables and all this is seasoned with peanut sauce. Here, of course, I can display its content with greater accuracy, because in all the places where I tried the salad gado-gado he walked with sprouts. In Kyiv, I did not see them for sale, at least in those places where I usually buy products. But even then, I can tell you that it was difficult for me to find some plants for salad here. The reason for this is ignorance of the Indonesian language, because the inscriptions on local food are written in the local language. For example, the composition of the gado-gado salad from the book includes some kind of water spinach (or water morning glory, or water convolvulus), fermented soybeans (not strong in soy products). Well, that's okay. You can take ordinary spinach, soybeans, as I understand it, can be replaced with cheese. But... Now the most interesting. Do these product names mean something to you? Chayote (or Mexican cucumber, chayote) and momordica charantia (or bitter cucumber, also called Chinese bitter gourd, in English bitter gourd). Oh, you are probably already in shock, you think why I came here, I’ll go and boil myself mashed potatoes and to hell with this one. Yes ... I myself at some point thought so when I bought leaves that looked like basil in a supermarket, and when I brought them home it turned out that they were absolutely tasteless and did not smell like basil there. But I am a persistent person in my goals. If I decided to do it, but at least a simplified version, but I will do it!

Yes, this dish is far from my slogan "recipes for every day", but I sincerely believe that there are people who are interested in looking for some unusual ones. And now the gado-gado salad itself.

Ingredients :

  • 2 medium potatoes;
  • a handful of green string beans (about the same as potatoes);
  • fresh young cabbage, an amount equal to two parts of beans (or the same potatoes);
  • a handful of bean sprouts;
  • 1 medium cucumber;
  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • about 100 grams of soy cheese, diced;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 1 small carrot (I ignored this item);
  • deep-fried shallots (crispy, golden onion).

Peanut Sauce :

  • 200-250 grams of peanuts;
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 stalk of lemongrass (necessarily only fresh, because the inner soft part is taken);
  • 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 500 ml coconut milk (dilute 200 ml coconut cream with water);
  • 1 teaspoon salt (approximately);
  • 3 teaspoons of sugar (also about).

Cooking :

  1. First, it will be logical to prepare the sauce, so that then only a little remains. I prefer to buy fresh peanuts and then roast them myself. If possible, do the same for you. Take a non-stick frying pan, send nuts there and fry until a pleasant aroma and brownish color appear. The process can take from 5 to 15 minutes, see if the nuts are ready. It depends on the thickness of the pan, fry over medium heat. Using a blender, then grind the nuts, garlic and lemongrass into a smooth paste. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan and return the pasta to it, fry for about 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Add the rest of the ingredients, stirring with a spatula until fully combined, let the sauce warm up well, then remove from heat. Leave until completely cool.
  2. For the gado-gado salad, boil the eggs and potatoes. Blanch green beans for two to three minutes in boiling salted water, then pat dry. While everything is cooking, fry the soy cheese. Heat a little oil in a frying pan, send the cheese into cubes and fry on all sides until golden brown, salting. Cabbage, carrots and sprouts also need to be blanched for a couple of minutes in boiling water, then drained. Cut the cucumber lengthwise, remove the seeds and cut into pieces.
  3. When all the ingredients for the salad are prepared, it remains only to arrange it beautifully on a plate and serve with the sauce. Gado-gado salad is ready. Enjoy and bon appetit!

To cook fried shallots, you need to cut them into rings or half rings, pour oil into a frying pan and fry with a little salt for about 5-7 minutes over medium heat. As I wrote above, the onion should be crispy and ruddy. But keep in mind that seconds can separate you from rosy to black coal. Carefully watch the pan and move the fried onions to a disposable paper towel. Place in the center of the salad bowl.