Who invented choux pastry. "Lightning" eclairs: the history of custard cakes

Dough, in which, at the beginning of cooking, partly or completely flour is brewed with boiling water. It takes more time to prepare it, more yeast, but the products (bread, bagels, Easter cakes) are tastier, and most importantly, they last longer. ... ... Culinary Dictionary

Choux pastry is made by mixing 1.25 cups (or whatever volume) of flour with 2 volumes (2 cups) of liquid, half water and half melted butter. Boil oil and water...

choux pastry

For pizza Dough, an intermediate product in baking, lamb, confectionery and pasta industries, as well as in the preparation of flour products at home, formed by kneading flour, water, yeast, salt, sugar, oil, etc. ... ... Wikipedia

Custard, custard A definition given to those flour products and their semi-finished products (dough), in the technology of which flour is partially or completely boiled with boiling water at the beginning of cooking. Choux bread, choux pastry, choux… Culinary Dictionary

A definition given to those flour products and their semi-finished products (dough), in the technology of which flour is partially or completely boiled with boiling water at the beginning of cooking. Choux bread, custard dough, custard bagels ... ... The Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Arts

Yeast dough intermediate; dough made from flour, water and yeast. Salt, sugar, milk, fat and fruits are added depending on the final product. Products from yeast dough baked in an oven or in fat, over steam or in hot water ... Wikipedia

The style of this article is not encyclopedic, instead of a general description of the dish, its recipe is given. Please, please transfer the recipe to the cookbook (will not be deleted ... Wikipedia

A type of dough whose main ingredients are flour and honey. It is used for the manufacture of various confectionery products (in particular, gingerbread and gingerbread). Contents 1 History 2 Dough ... Wikipedia

eclair dough- plikyta tešla statusas Aprobuotas sritis konditerijos gaminiai apibrėžtis Konditerinė tešla, ruošiama užplikant miltus ir cukrų (arba be cukraus) verdančiu skysčiu su jame ištirpintais riebalais, po to atvėsintą masę sumaišant su kiaušiniais ir… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)


  • Festive baking. Sponge cake with black currant, pear cake with cottage cheese, "Truffle" cake, baby cake"Watch-watch", tiramisu, cakes "Nuts for a squirrel", petit fours "Chocolate Cheesecakes", Florentine ...
  • We bake from yeast, shortbread, custard, gingerbread and puff pastry, Marina Romanova. You will learn how to cook fresh, yeast, shortbread, custard and puff pastry. And the house will be filled with aromas of freshly baked rolls, bagels, cakes, cookies, muffins, croissants, eclairs, ...

Its name is translated from French as "lightning", "flash" - either because of the brilliance chocolate icing, with which it is covered, or because of the speed of preparation - there is no single version. For most Russians, it is associated with Soviet catering ... and the film "DMB".

However, the history of one of the most common desserts in the world is much more interesting and confusing than it seems at first glance.

It is somewhat reminiscent of a historical detective story, as is usually the case when most "culinary bestsellers" appear.

Innovations of Catherine de Medici

History of occurrence choux pastry, which is invariably used by culinary specialists for the preparation of eclairs and profiteroles, (and at the same time the history of all French cuisine in its modern form), began already in the 16th century, and more specifically, in 1533, when Catherine de Medici moved from Portovenere to Marseille to marry the king France by Henry II of Valois.

With her, the future queen took with her the chefs and culinary specialists, most famous for their culinary skills throughout Tuscany, the necessary utensils and kitchen workers.

This act will not seem to us an excess dictated by the habit of luxury, given that at that time France's own culinary traditions were in their infancy, Italy was the legislator in this area. Together with the large retinue of Catherine de Medici, the cook Panterelli moved to France.

Together with this move, large-scale reforms began in the organization of the kitchen of the royal court, which finally made it possible to move away from medieval remnants to the principles of naturalness, naturalness and hygiene.

Still: the Renaissance is already coming to an end, and in France the principles of serving have not yet been developed and there is no sense of proportion when preparing and serving dishes on the table.

Thus, Catherine de Medici initiated the following changes in the organization palace cuisine king:

  • the introduction of a strict sequence in serving dishes to the table;
  • plentiful feasts were replaced by the principle of naturalness, when all the best taste qualities and beneficial features ready-made products;
  • the appearance of salads - an independent dish;
  • the diet includes greens, vegetables, fruits, many of which were imported from Italy;
  • desserts were put into practice as a separate part of tarpeza.

Choux pastry: start

As French cuisine was transformed, adopting the achievements of Italian, new dishes appeared.

In 1540, the same cook Panterelli came up with his own recipe for dough, which was named after him (pâte à Panterelli). Choux pastry buns were appreciated at court, and then became famous throughout France.

The grains fell on fertile ground: at first, French confectioners, picking up the idea of ​​their Italian colleagues, came up with the Duchess cake.

Later, on its basis, the now popular eclair cake was created. The author of the recipe is the famous French chef Marie-Antoine Karem, who literally fed such prominent personalities as the diplomat Charles Maurice Talleyrand, George IV, James Rothschild.

Karem essentially changed the shape that the same cake had: made it finger-shaped, excluded almonds and apricot confiture, instead added cream, which could consist of coffee, chocolate, or vanilla.

Miniature buns also came into use - shu- which are served with soups and hot dishes instead of bread.

The choux pastry received its current name about two decades after the death of Marie-Antoine Careme.

l "éclair in French means" lightning. "One of the versions: this name is due to the fact that the dessert is eaten very quickly, literally on the go.

The American "brother" of eclair - "long john" (English long john) - an elongated donut.

Recipe for homemade eclairs

Ingredients for custard dough:

  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Flour - 150 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Water or milk - 240 g
  • A pinch of salt
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon

For custard:

  • Milk - 0.4 liters
  • Sugar - 80 grams
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Vanillin - a pinch
  • Starch - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

Pour milk or water into a saucepan. Put the saucepan on the stove. Add oil and salt to it.

Wait for the butter to melt and melt, then add the flour, sifting it. Keep stirring the mixture continuously. After bringing the mass to readiness, remove the pan from the stove and wait until it cools to room temperature.

Now add the eggs while beating the dough with a whisk.

Put the dough in a pastry bag (or a regular bag, after cutting off one of the corners from the bottom) and squeeze 10-15 cm long strips of dough out of it onto a baking sheet at a distance of about 5 cm from each other. To do this, use a spoon, but before that, be sure to warm it up by holding it in warm water.

Place the strips at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other.

Preheat the oven to 220°C. Bake the eclairs at this temperature for 10 minutes, then increase it to 190 °C.

Now start preparing the vanilla cream. Mix egg yolks with sugar and vanilla. Pour flour, granulated sugar, starch. Mix thoroughly and quickly and melt the mixture in the microwave on full power for 3-5 minutes, stirring thoroughly every minute.

Carefully cut the eclairs and pour the custard into them.

Prepare chocolate icing using a water bath or microwave. Spread the resulting chocolate icing on the surface of the eclairs.

Buy eclairs in Moscow

Organizing a buffet, a children's party or a tea party, it is not always possible to find time to prepare treats. with delivery in Moscow means to solve the problem of table setting promptly and at the highest culinary level.

Our eclairs are prepared according to the classic French recipe, using quality ingredients from trusted suppliers.

A lot of people love custard cakes with cream, with condensed milk. They are airy, tasty, nutritious. How to cook custard cake at home? Custard cakes have been loved by many people since the times of the USSR. It was not difficult to buy them at that time, because. their price of 22 kopecks was affordable even for a schoolboy. Today, not everyone can afford to buy pastries, and cakes do not have that taste.

The history of the creation of custard dough

Choux pastry is believed to have been invented by Catherine de Medici's cook Panterelli in 1540. Over time, the original recipe changed, and with it its name: the dough became known as Popelini, later - pâte à Popelin. "Swaddling blankets" created the shape of a female breast - this is what the ardent Italians thought. In 1760, the Frenchman and confectioner Jean Avis invented the choux buns. The fact is that this was previously in French cuisine already in the 18th century. In the 1750s, similar buns were prepared like this: boil potatoes, knead them. Add the eggs and with a spoon shape into balls like cabbages. Then baked. The wise Jean Avis, who knew the ideas of his predecessors, simply changed the potatoes for brewed flour and got unusual buns. Why did you choose buns? All because in those days he worked as the chief confectioner in the famous Parisian confectionery on rue Vivienne and prepared food and dishes for the table of the great French diplomat and gourmet Talleyrand. Later student of Jean. Karem made some changes to his teacher's choux pastry recipe. The buns began to be called "pâte à choux", - "dough for cabbage sprouts".

custard recipe

  • Ingredients:
  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Cream margarine - 1 pack (250 gr.)
  • Flour - two glasses
  • Eggs - 8 pieces
  • For cream:
  • Condensed milk - 1 can (400 gr.)
  • Butter - 300 grams.


We start cooking by putting milk and margarine in a saucepan and put on fire. As soon as the milk boils, remove the pan from the heat and pour in the flour, knead well. Then cool slightly. Add eggs to the resulting mass. Be sure to add the eggs one by one, mixing well each time. We put the resulting dough in a pastry bag and squeeze out cakes in the form of sticks on a baking sheet greased with margarine. Keep in mind that the dough will increase in volume as it bakes. If there is no pastry bag, then the dough can be laid out on a baking sheet with an ordinary spoon in the form of balls. Bake until golden brown for about 15 minutes.

Baked cakes stuffed with cream. If there is a pastry bag, then we fill it with it, piercing each cake and squeezing cream into it. If there is no pastry bag, then we cut the cakes and put the cream there. Cream for custard easy to prepare. Condensed milk is whipped with a mixer with butter until fluffy.

Choux pastry is known to everyone: both professional confectioners and “mere mortals”. Well, who among us has not tried at least once in his life "Custard with butter cream", "Eclair" or "Dream"? There probably aren't any among us. These cakes have long been known to everyone and seem to be something quite ordinary. But few people thought about what this choux pastry is and how it appeared.

In fact, choux pastry is not only sweet cakes, in which they feel so comfortable whipped with sugar, but also dumplings, pancakes and even the famous Borodino bread. This dough got its name from the method of preparation - the flour is either brewed with boiling water and boiled, or simply steamed (if we are talking about Borodino bread made from rye flour). In history, choux pastry is mentioned as early as the time of Catherine de Medici, who, having married the French king Henry II, took her best chefs with her from Florence to Paris. Among them was a certain Popellini, a dessert chef who in 1540 prepared and wrote down a recipe for profiteroles from choux pastry. However, the Neapolitans are trying to challenge the authorship and claim that in the Kingdom of Naples there was a recipe for such a test, dating back to more ancient times.

But not only profiteroles and eclairs are “one” - the dough itself is made from several unpretentious ingredients and tastes completely unsweetened. This means that you can make not only a dessert out of it, but also an original snack by filling the baked buns with liver pate, finely chopped crab salad and other interesting delicacies.

Choux pastry recipe

Ingredients: 125 gr butter, 1 cup water, 1 cup flour, 4 eggs, a pinch of salt.

Preparation: Boil water in a saucepan or saucepan, dissolve the oil in it, lightly salt, add flour and mix thoroughly. Heat for a couple of minutes, then remove from heat and cool slightly. Then stir in one egg at a time. The dough is ready. We shift it into a pastry bag (or a regular plastic bag) and squeeze small round or oblong buns onto a greased baking sheet. Bake in an oven heated to 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes. In order for the buns to bake evenly after 15 minutes, the temperature in the oven must be reduced to 150 degrees. Let the buns cool and fill with the filling of your choice.

Toppings - here you can not limit the flight of fancy. These are heavy cream whipped with sugar, and butter cream, and custard, and with raisins. Or you can mix cottage cheese with Baileys liqueur and you can mix cottage cheese with chocolate syrup and orange. You can mix cottage cheese with sour cream, dill and salted salmon or salmon. You can use any "non-current" salad, only cut into smaller pieces. In general, for appetizers and desserts.

Profiteroles and eclairs, adored by everyone since childhood, are made from custard dough. This dough is airy and light, and products from it are hollow inside. The custard dough has a bland taste, which leads to a variety of its applications. The empty space inside the product is filled with any cream or fillings (both sweet and unsweetened).

Choux pastry is very capricious, but despite this, even a novice hostess can cook delicious custard cakes and profiteroles! It is enough to follow the basic rules for working with this type of test.

Subtleties of cooking custard dough

  • Water with butter melted in it should not be allowed to boil for a long time: the liquid will evaporate, and the proportions of dry and liquid ingredients in the dough will change. Because of this, the custard dough will be thicker than necessary, and the products may turn out to be tough.
  • You need to pour flour into the liquid instantly, and not in a thin stream, as many people think. It is better to pour the amount of flour required according to the recipe in advance into such dishes, from which it would be convenient to tip the flour into a boiling liquid. A wide cup or small bowl is fine for this.
  • Before you drive eggs into the already brewed dough, it should be slightly cooled. If you add eggs to a too hot dough, they can curl up, and if the dough is already noticeably cool, then after adding eggs to it, it will be difficult to achieve a delicate creamy texture. Therefore, eggs should be added to the dough only when it has reached a temperature of 40-50 ° C (at this temperature, you can touch the dough with your hand and not burn yourself).
  • Eggs vary in size and weight. Therefore, the number of eggs that need to be put in the dough is often determined "by eye". Adding eggs one at a time, it is necessary to bring the dough to a soft, but not liquid consistency: if you run a spoon over the dough, the furrow should hold its shape for some time. Dough of the correct consistency should not spread or spread.

How to properly bake choux pastry

  • After the dough has already been laid out in portions of the desired shape (balls, tubes) on a baking sheet, it is better to immediately put it in a hot oven. Otherwise, a crust may form on the surface of the dough, which will make it difficult to rise as expected. As a result, the finished products will be flat (which is very disappointing).
  • Also, pastries made from choux pastry can settle if you open the oven during cooking and let cold air into it. Usually products are baked for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 200-220°C. During this time, they manage to rise and completely bake. If you follow the temperature and baking time recommended in the recipe, there is no need to open the oven door during cooking.
  • After turning off the heating, it is better to leave the finished products to cool directly in the oven, and only after they have completely cooled down, you can start adding your favorite filling to them.

Thus, novice housewives should not be afraid of choux pastry. With experience, all these rules are carried out automatically, without any serious effort, so not only the process of eating is enjoyable, but also the process of making homemade eclairs and profiteroles!