Milk fat in chocolate. Milk fat substitute - what is it? What is harmful substitute for milk fat

Increasingly, the Russian buyer on the shelves of grocery stores began to notice products with the abbreviation ZMZH - a substitute for milk fat. What it is? Some people are wary of new products, others, on the contrary, prefer such products. They are especially popular among people who care about their health. In our article we will talk about products containing ZMZH. Let's try to answer the question of how harmful milk fat substitute is for the human body.


What does milk fat replacer mean? It is a mixture of several vegetable oils that are pre-refined and well processed. The production process is carried out under the influence of high temperature and using a catalyst. As a result of their interaction, olein is formed, which is able to replace milk fats.

For this purpose, traditional products are used: rapeseed, soy, corn, etc. However, exotic varieties can also be used: palm, coconut, etc. Each component has an individual fatty acid composition. Therefore, the quality characteristics of the product depend on the choice of oil. That's what a milk fat substitute is. The union of components directly affects the properties of the product.

According to statistics, products containing milk fat substitute are regularly eaten by the adult population of the following countries: France - 7%, Spain - 9%, Italy - 15%, Germany - 18%.

Difference from natural product

Milk fat substitute - what is it? What are the similarities and differences between HMF and natural milk fat? Products have different composition and quality characteristics. These indicators determine the degree of their use in some areas of the food industry. Visually, the properties of products can be analyzed using a table.

As can be seen from the table, the products have a different fatty acid balance. The composition of the milk fat substitute is stable, does not contain cholesterol, which in excess can cause chronic pathologies in the human body. However, it has a high specific gravity of fatty acids. These indicators indicate that HMF is more nutritious than a natural product.

The melting point of the product is higher, which allows it to be used for the production of ice cream. It is able to retain taste, aroma and texture for longer under a variety of conditions. Natural products spoil quickly and are a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes. The shelf life of products containing HMF is higher. In addition, such products have a stable oxidative balance.

Reasons for production

Why did they start making milk fat substitute? What is it, from the point of view of a modern manufacturer? Why buy exotic polysynthetic oils for manufacturing traditional products? There are some reasons:

  1. Lactose intolerance. Some people cannot stand this component, which is part of dairy products. Chronic diseases of the food system are considered an additional condition in the development of such a pathology. Intolerance to a component may develop with age. There are cases of congenital pathology, which is associated with the absence of certain enzymes in the body.
  2. Compatibility. ZMZH is considered a product capable of replacing the milk fats contained in natural products by 85%.
  3. High content of vitamins. Food products, which include ZMF, are well provided with vitamins A and E. According to the technical standard (GOST), milk fat replacer contains a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for the human body.
  4. Low calorie. Products containing ZMZH, experts are allowed to use in hypertension and in cases of problems with excess weight. Healthy fats are perfectly absorbed and do not settle on the walls of blood vessels.
  5. biological value. Food products, which include ZMZH, have a positive effect on the human body.
  6. Low cost. Nutritious, vitamin-rich products at an affordable price can save the population from hunger for a long time.
  7. No contraindications. Food products containing FMF do not cause allergic reactions in consumers.

According to the latest data, lactose intolerance is observed in the adult population: the CIS - 19%, Europe - 39%, Africa - 80%, Asia - 95%. The closer people live to the equator, the more they suffer from this pathology.

Harm done

Is milk fat substitute harmful? And what is this harm? Despite a number of advantages, there are some negative points that expose the milk fat substitute. The harm of the product depends on the factors that make it dangerous to use:

  1. Recently, many myths have arisen about palm oil, which, in excess, is considered a carcinogen that clogs the body with toxins. According to the RF Labor Code No. 163, this product is prohibited for use in its pure form in Russia. HMF does not contain palm oil, but olein, which is safe to use. However, the products in which it is included, it is better not to use in children's diet. The product promotes the excretion of calcium from the body.
  2. Harm is noted in the abuse of products containing ZMZH. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a restriction has been introduced on its permissible amount in products: no more than 50%. Experts recommend carefully getting acquainted with the composition of the goods. Excess fatty foods in the diet will not benefit the body. However, the same can be said about butter.

In what areas is it used

ZMZH is used in the food industry for the production of products that traditionally included milk fats. It is used in the manufacture of confectionery, dairy products and baking. Their list can be continued again and again. For example, the following products contain it:

  • ice cream;
  • margarine;
  • pasta;
  • condensed milk;
  • chocolate products;
  • cheese products;
  • sour cream.

Value in the commodity market

ZMZH recently appeared on store shelves, but has already gained fame among nutritionists and people leading healthy lifestyle life. In developed European countries and the USA, the product has long been used and welcomed by ordinary people. The secret of its popularity lies in its availability, low cost and nutritional value.

The food industry has ceased to be directly dependent on the livestock industry. This allows you to increase the range and volume of products, which are no longer affected by seasonality, conditions during transportation. Increased product shelf life. All this is of great importance for the Russian food industry and has a beneficial effect on the development of the industry.

But why is there so much talk about HML? The reason is the ignorance of the population. Everything unknown seems dangerous. In addition, the media winds up fear. There are many unscrupulous manufacturers who deceive the consumer.

Whether extra centimeters will grow or not depends on the amount of fat consumed and the correct combination with other diet ingredients.

Due to its biochemical composition and relatively low melting point, it is easily absorbed by the body and, unlike others, has a pleasant taste.

Nutritionists recommend using milk, cottage cheese and cheese fats for the absorption of vitamins. Eat dairy products, then nails and teeth will become strong. Refusing to take them, women are faced with the problem of hair loss and deterioration of the skin.


The harm and benefits of milk and its products is a popular topic of discussion among nutritionists. From one point of view, such fat is a source of energy and strength for the human body, and on the other, it is the cause of an increase in blood cholesterol levels, which leads to heart disease. Therefore, milk fat is prohibited for people who suffer from atherosclerosis, blockage of blood vessels, or are prone to heart attacks.

Excessive consumption of the product causes harm to the body, as a result of which “bad” cholesterol rises. Another negative factor in the influence of milk fat is the stimulation of the formation of bile by the body.

Harm is caused to a person by fat from store-bought milk, which has been processed to kill bacteria and extend the shelf life. The danger of the product is represented by viruses, the carriers of which become a cow.

The presence of an allergic reaction to the product causes unpredictable consequences (rash, itching and even bronchial asthma).

Milk fat substitute

Today on the labels we see the inscription: “based on milk fat replacer (LMFA)”. Such inscriptions are found on packages of ice cream, sour cream, cottage cheese and other products.

Manufacturers have been supplying substitutes to store chains for a short time, but this product quickly gained popularity. The reason for this was the massive concern about problems with obesity. People who want to lose weight and those who prefer a healthy diet come up with new diets, urge you to carefully look at the composition of the product from the supermarket.

The choice is considered correct if the composition of the product is balanced. The requirement is met by a milk fat substitute, since fats in the content of substitute products are concentrated in equal proportions, which cannot be said about natural milk fat.

A substitute is obtained by processing tropical oils, mainly palm. Producers convince opponents of the use of palm oil that it is used exclusively as a feedstock for the extraction of olein. It turns out that the substitute is safe for the body, as it is a combination of two oils.

Mass panic among the people appeared when manufacturers indicated tropical oils instead of ZMF on ice cream labels.

Substitute Benefits:

  • The composition does not include cholesterol, which does not increase the risk of heart disease;
  • Contains unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to the consumer;
  • The smell of the substitute is similar to the smell;
  • When adding a substitute, the consistency of the product improves;
  • The substitute is cheaper, resulting in a more affordable end product.
  • Substitute-based products are not prohibited for people with diabetes, hypertension, or lactose intolerance.

The use of products with fat substitutes also causes negative consequences in the form of metabolic disorders and excess weight. Harm to the body is the excess of the mass fraction in products with a substitute for palmitic acid.

Application methods

Since dairy products contain elements that prevent fat deposits, consumption is recommended to consolidate the result of the chosen diet. Thanks to phosphorus and calcium, cravings for sweets are reduced.

Milk fat is allowed for women during pregnancy and lactation, the elderly and adolescents to absorb calcium.

Dairy diets are recognized as useful and low-calorie. Nutritionists advise buying medium-fat dairy products. It is not at all necessary to replace natural cottage cheese with an appropriate product and drink low-fat yogurt, because in this way you will not receive the required dose of calcium for the beauty and strength of teeth and nails. Nutritionists say that when losing weight, it is not fats that are excluded from the daily diet, but carbohydrates. To get the effect of losing weight, milk is drunk warm from before 7 am and after 7 pm.

Milk fat is of value when applied to the skin, as it cares for it no worse. There are 10 million small fat globules in a drop of milk, so it is absorbed and absorbed by the skin. Regular washing with milk will achieve elasticity, youthfulness of the skin and smoothing wrinkles.

Few people know about the property of dairy products - lightening age spots and freckles. For such procedures, kefir or sour milk is used.

Face masks prepared with the addition of sour cream or cream make the skin soft and velvety, improve the metabolism in the skin. You can prepare such a mask at home in combination with sour cream with products that are found in the kitchen: carrots, or vegetable oil, lemon juice, oatmeal and others. The exposure time of the masks is up to 20-30 minutes. Then the mask is washed off with warm water, after which the skin is rinsed.

The secret to losing weight is to find a middle ground between healthy and unhealthy fats.

Solution: it is better to get the daily allowance of animal fats we need along with dairy products than by eating fatty sausages or sausages.

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Under the concept milk fat the most commonly understood fat is cow's milk. In cow's milk, fat is in the form of a thin emulsion, which is a huge amount of tiny fat globules surrounded by a protein-lecithin shell and evenly distributed among the water part of the milk. The fat content in milk can vary between 2.7-6.0% and mainly depends to a large extent on the composition of the feed. With prolonged settling of milk, the fat part is collected from above, since the specific gravity of fat is less than water (0.918-0.925).

Composition of milk fat

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See what "Milk fat" is in other dictionaries:

    milk fat- Dairy product with a fat content of at least 99.8%, neutral in taste and odour, made from milk and/or milk-derived products by processes resulting in almost complete removal of water and dry skimmed …

    milk fat- 60 milk fat: A dairy product with a fat mass fraction of at least 99.8%, which has a neutral taste and odor, and is produced from milk and/or dairy products by removing milk plasma. Source: GOST R 52738 2007: ... ...

    milk fat- 54) milk fat milk product, the mass fraction of fat in which is not less than 99.8 percent, which has a neutral taste and smell and is produced from milk and (or) dairy products by removing milk plasma; ... Source: ... ... Official terminology

    milk fat- pieno riebalai statusas Aprobuotas sritis pieno produktai apibrėžtis Vienalytė, lengvai formuojama vandens riebaluose emulsija, gauta vien tik iš pieno ir (arba) tam tikrų pieno gaminių, kurių sudedamoji dalis yra riebalai. Jiems gaminti gali… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

    milk product- A food product made from milk and / or its components and / or secondary milk raw materials without the use of non-milk fat and protein in it. Notes 1. The dairy product is made from natural, normalized, reconstituted ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    lactic- 74. dairy [milk] product with coffee [with chocolate, egg, egg white, egg yolk, creme brulee, with chicory, with honey, with nuts, with peanuts, tea, with wine, with cognac, with liquor, with rum ]: Dairy [milk-containing] product,… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    milk product- 3 dairy product: A food product made from milk and/or its components without the use of non-dairy fat and protein, and which may contain components functionally necessary for milk processing.

Chocolate is recognized as the most beloved and popular delicacy all over the world. Not only children, but also adults eat it with great pleasure. Absolutely everyone knows about it, since such sweetness is in the first place for most of the sweet tooth. This is not at all surprising, given that it is not only tasty, but also healthy if it is real.

Composition and varieties of delicacies

There are several varieties of gourmet treats, namely milk, black and white chocolate. As for milk, it is quite light, it has a delicate and mild taste. Milk fat in chocolate of this type is listed in the largest proportion than in all others. This is what gives it a delicate, delicate taste, making it very useful for children.

Dark chocolate contains a lot of cocoa beans, so it has a dark color, as well as a predominantly bitter note. White lacks cocoa beans, which explains its creamy, very light hue. The main ingredient of white chocolate is cocoa butter, which has no taste, but has a bright and rich smell. Ingredients: cocoa butter and powder, as well as grated cocoa, powdered or condensed milk. In addition, there are fats in chocolate - often milk fat is used, which is needed to completely or partially replace cocoa butter.

In production, it is allowed to use 3 types of fats: vegetable and milk, as well as cocoa butter. As for the natural cocoa ingredient, everything is very clear with it, since the final color and taste of the product depends on it. What is milk and vegetable fat, what are they used for?

It is necessary to focus on the fact that any kind of fat in the delicacy should be present in minimal quantities. This is explained by the fact that they have harmful properties, the production of fatty acids during heat treatment. When they accumulate in large quantities in the human body, one can observe a load on the functioning of the pancreas. After a certain period of time, this can lead to the development of a dangerous disease, for example, diabetes. It is important to remember that trans-isomers of acids provoke the development of oncology, pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Of particular importance is milk fat, which has the form of a concentrated fatty milk product made from high-quality cow's milk. It has excellent quality. It is milk fat that is used in the production process, as it provides exquisite tenderness, melting taste and unsurpassed lightness of taste and aroma. When it is added, there is a reduction in the amount of cocoa butter consumed. Interestingly, dark and bitter chocolate cannot contain milk fat!

Fasting and chocolate

Everyone knows that during fasting, many products are not allowed to be consumed. In this case, a completely logical question arises, is it possible to eat chocolate and sweets from it in fasting? Before you know whether such sweetness is possible in a post or not, you need to familiarize yourself with some important nuances.

Chocolate is on the list of products that are not eaten to satisfy hunger, but for pleasure and enjoyment. Given this circumstance, we can say that it is forbidden to eat chocolate during fasting. It is during fasting that a person should be spiritually cleansed, abstain from pleasures. During this period, a person cultivates his own willpower. That is why, when asked whether chocolate can be fasted, the answer will be no. In a similar situation, you can see that cakes, cookies and pastries, waffles, marmalade, caramel and sweets are banned.

Some people who suffer from high cholesterol believe that they just need to eat less chocolate and cholesterol will go down. But this product is associated with pleasure. Is it really necessary to deny yourself it in order to lower cholesterol?

Chocolate tastes sweet, is characterized by a high content of fat and calories, so it should be consumed in moderation. It has firmly taken its place as a good gift for a variety of people. Most of us perceive it as a treat and try not to use it often.

According to marketing research, very often chocolate is bought on impulse, at the last moment, in front of the counter.

Savvy marketers have adapted to put it on public display on the counters in front of the checkout, that is, where people often have to stand while waiting for their turn. Many peck at this publicity stunt and buy chocolate of far from the best quality.

The chocolate industry has grown significantly in recent decades. Many pseudo-scientific studies are biased and sponsored by chocolate manufacturers interested in biased praise of their product. However, this does not mean that all varieties of this product are unhealthy or useless. Chocolate and cholesterol - insidious accomplices or casual fellow travelers? Let's figure it out.

Composition and types

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. The cocoa tree is native to Latin America but is now grown in tropical regions around the world to ensure sufficient cocoa production to make this product. The cocoa beans are harvested, fermented and then dried or roasted. Cocoa powder is mixed with other ingredients (such as sugar, milk, cocoa butter, or vegetable fats) to make this product.

There are many different types of chocolate. Depending on the ratio of the main ingredients (cocoa powder, cocoa butter, milk components), four types of this product are distinguished: white, milk, dark (black), bitter.

In fact, bitter chocolate is a type of dark (black). White chocolate contains milk components but no cocoa powder. Dairy contains both milk and cocoa. The black type is characterized by an increased proportion of cocoa products and cocoa butter (more than 40 and 20%, respectively). In dark chocolate, the share of cocoa products and cocoa butter is the highest (more than 55 and 33%, respectively). The production technology can be very different, often various additional ingredients are used (fruits) and variety of options packaging.

Chocolate contains a variety of ingredients, which include many substances that affect the functioning of the body in different ways. Depending on the relative ratio of cocoa, milk and other ingredients, the benefits of different types of this product can be extremely different. For example, chocolate containing a large amount of milk and its derivatives (white or milk type) has a higher calcium content. The dark type, containing more cocoa, has more caffeine and antioxidants in its composition. The presence of various auxiliary fillers also significantly affects nutritional value this product.

Chocolate contains minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber and proteins. The list of minerals present in it in significant amounts includes:

  • Magnesium. They are used for protein synthesis, energy production, transmission of nerve impulses and muscle relaxation. The amount of magnesium in the dark type is almost twice the amount of this mineral in the milk type.
  • Copper. Used by the body to synthesize collagen and neurotransmitters. Copper deficiency is associated with cardiovascular problems, especially in the elderly. A standard milk chocolate bar contains approximately 19% of the recommended daily intake of copper, while dark chocolate has 34%. Copper deficiency in the diet is common in developed countries.
  • Potassium.
  • Calcium.

It also contains fiber, although in a relatively small amount. 100 g of the dark variety contains 5 grams of fiber, which corresponds to 20% of the daily requirement. It also contains a small amount of protein.

Chocolate contains a huge range of substances that benefit the body, but most often we hear that it is "rich in antioxidants." Most people know that foods rich in antioxidants are good for health. Antioxidants protect the body by neutralizing free radicals. The good news for chocolate lovers is that it has record concentrations of antioxidants per unit weight of product. The reason for this is that it is made from ground cocoa seeds, which are a storehouse of antioxidants.

Bitter chocolate and cholesterol

If you're a fan of bittersweet and dark chocolate, you might be drawn to its health benefits. With high cholesterol, this is the best variety to eat. Eating the bitter variety gives you energy, healthy fats, minerals, and antioxidants to help maintain good health. The main benefit comes from the high content of cocoa derivatives (cocoa powder and cocoa butter). The higher the content of these ingredients, the better the quality of the chocolate. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the description of the contents on the package.

Do not forget that dark chocolate, like other types, contains a lot of calories (600 calories per 100 g). Therefore, both with high cholesterol and with normal, it is not worth abusing it, although it is useful in small quantities. It should be remembered that even the bitter type contains a lot of sugar and fat, it is very high in calories and, if consumed excessively, can lead to obesity and provoke the development of diabetes. The bitter type is very rich in useful minerals (iron, magnesium, copper and manganese). Moreover, in this form of chocolate, these minerals are more than in other types of this product.

Like other types of chocolate, bitters are high in antioxidants (such as polyphenols). However, the content of these beneficial substances in the bitter type is the highest among all types of chocolate. According to studies, consumption of polyphenols is beneficial for high cholesterol, and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

People don't always realize that chocolate contains caffeine, which is addictive. The caffeine and theobromine contained in this product stimulate the nervous system and help fight fatigue. The bitter type contains the maximum amount of caffeine for all types of this product.

Effect on high cholesterol

Many doctors recommend avoiding chocolate to lower high cholesterol. There are reasons for this - a significant part of the brands of chocolate purchased by people can lead to high cholesterol and contribute to obesity. Many types of this product contain hydrogenated oil, milk fat, vegetable oil and sugar as the main components. All these components are harmful to people suffering from high cholesterol levels.

It is important to mention at once one very important detail. There is a widespread belief that removing cholesterol-rich foods from the diet is the guarantor of lowering high cholesterol. Unfortunately, everything is much more complicated. According to a number of studies, 70-80% of the cholesterol in the body is actually synthesized by the cells of the body itself. At the same time, efforts to eliminate foods with cholesterol do little in terms of combating high cholesterol.

In this situation, one of the best strategies is to eat foods rich in antioxidants, as these compounds remove excess cholesterol from the circulatory system. Dark (and even better bitter) chocolate is one of the foods that are very rich in antioxidants. "Bad" LDL (low density lipoproteins) clog arteries, "good" HDL (high density lipoproteins) help vessels clear cholesterol plaques. Regular use of the black type reduces LDL and increases HDL, which is confirmed by scientific studies. Although the black type contains saturated fats, most of them do not raise cholesterol levels.

Many health advocates rightly blame some varieties for being high in unhealthy fats and for causing high cholesterol. They are right, most brands of this product are high in unhealthy fats and sugars. However, you can learn how to choose healthy options for chocolate by learning more about its contents.

Chocolate contains 3 main types of fats:

  1. oleic fatty acid - 35–41%
  2. stearic acid - 34–39%
  3. palmitic acid - 23–30%
  4. linoleic acid - less than 5%

Oleic acid is considered a healthy fat because it helps lower high cholesterol. This type of fat is also found in other fruits, such as avocados and olives. Stearic acid is a saturated fat, but it does not raise cholesterol levels. In a number of studies, it has been found that, unlike other fats, it is poorly absorbed by the body and leaves the gastrointestinal tract at an accelerated rate. The part of stearic acid that is still absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract is broken down into safe oleic acid. Due to this, the risk of high cholesterol is low.

If you see “saturated” fats mentioned on the label of chocolate, which contains only cocoa butter among all the oils, then know that the majority of these unsaturated fats are safe stearic acid. If you see a mention of the presence of milk fat or hydrogenated oil, then know that such unsaturated fats will be much less useful and can lead to high cholesterol.

To enhance the oxidative properties of chocolate, it is useful to use it with pomegranate juice and sesame seeds, which also help lower cholesterol levels. For amplification useful properties dark type to lower cholesterol, it will be useful to use it in combination with almonds and walnuts.

Fats in Chocolate: Good or Bad?

The only "bad" fat that is part of cocoa butter is palmitic acid, it can really increase cholesterol. Fortunately, since palmitic acid makes up only 25% of the total fat in cocoa butter, these actions are balanced by the action of the three “good” fats mentioned above. Studies have shown that individuals who consumed cocoa butter as a substitute butter, experienced a decrease in the level of harmful and an increase in the level of beneficial HDL.

Linoleic acid, the rarest of the fats in cocoa butter, is an essential fatty acid that is extremely important for the body. Essential fatty acids are those that the body cannot synthesize and must obtain from food. The presence of linoleic acid in chocolate is an important advantage of this product.

Excessive interest in diets to reduce fat in the diet has led to a decrease in the consumption of not only harmful fats, but also useful ones, including essential fatty acids. Many people develop a subconscious denial of any fat, and in fact it is often a useful and important element of a healthy diet. Passion for low-fat foods often leads not only to a lack of essential fatty acids, but also to switching to sweet foods as a compensation for hunger. And excess sugar consumption is a sure way to high cholesterol. The body needs healthy fats, including those found in chocolate. The main thing is to understand exactly what fats are contained in the foods you consume and be able to dose them in the diet.

Flavanols are a useful ingredient

Flavonoids are polyphenols, which are antioxidants. These beneficial substances are present in large quantities in the cocoa contained in chocolate. Their highest content is typical for bitter chocolate, and they simply do not exist in white. The content of flavonoids in different varieties of the bitter type may differ, as it depends on the area where the trees grow. It may also depend on the nature of the processing and preparation of the chocolate. The intake of flavonoids in the body also depends on what additional components are included in this product. Some of them can promote the absorption of flavonoids in the digestive tract, while others can interfere.

Chocolate does not contain toxic or hazardous substances.

Due to its high sugar content, saturated fat and high calorie content, it often leads to obesity and increases sugar and cholesterol levels when consumed in excess.

Sometimes the use of this product can lead to migraines caused by excess caffeine, food allergies and acne. Excessive consumption of chocolate can lead to dental diseases, which is associated with the high sugar content in this product.