What happened to the former owners of the Einem factory. Why did the Einem factory workers refuse to speak out against their exploiters? Elite handmade sweets

A box of chocolates has long been a universal gift for any occasion. So versatile that it is often not taken seriously. Handmade sweets are a more refined version of the “duty” present. Such a gift will no longer look banal. Individual, unique decor, beautiful packaging - and the usual set of sweets becomes a symbol of a special relationship to a person.

Elite handmade sweets

Exclusive handmade sweets and chocolates are a kind of edible jewel. There is even a legend according to which, at one of the receptions, the Spanish Queen Elizabeth of Valois, in addition to semi-precious stones and other jewelry values, was presented with a box chocolates. At that time, they were made exclusively by hand, and each confectioner had his own secret proprietary recipe. The august person was most delighted with the sweet gift. She countered the reproach of King Philip II on this occasion, saying that sweets are much tastier than diamonds. It is hard to argue with such a true statement!

Gift sets of sweets do not lose their relevance even now. However, in the modern world, their sale and production are well established and put on stream, so you can please not only the most august persons, but also ordinary citizens with a sweet souvenir. And the more highly valued are gift sets of handmade sweets, because in a sense they demonstrate a “royal” approach to those to whom they are addressed.

At the same time, it is important that they are of good quality and meet all the necessary requirements and standards. It happens that original natural sweets bring only disappointment if you buy them in an unverified place. Therefore, it is better to choose a set created by masters of large and famous confectionery factories, such as the Babaevsky concern, the Rot Front or Red October factories. It is here that, in accordance with the highest standards, sweets and chocolate are produced from natural cocoa beans. Unlike small confectioneries, which, when creating "expensive handmade sweets", use ready-made industrial chocolate, the origin and composition of which can hardly be vouched for, large factories make their own chocolate and cocoa butter, controlling the entire production process, starting with the processing of raw materials. .

The quality and taste of the products of large factories are time-tested. For example, handmade Apricot sweets are still valued, although the famous confectionery factory changed and glorified its other name a long time ago - the Babaevsky concern. Another famous factory, Einem Partnership, now Red October, continues to produce handmade chocolates in a set, created according to old recipes and packed in antique-styled tin cases.

original sweets

In our time, when even high-ranking officials are often given something standard and stereotyped, an individual approach is especially highly valued. Handmade sweets are its sweet embodiment, because with such an abundance and variety of factory-made sets, the donor chose something unique and handmade, deliberately complicating his task. The further progress goes, the less around something special, individual. The result of handmade is always unique and unrepeatable. Moreover, the simpler and more banal the thing itself, the more valuable is the fact that a living person had a hand in its creation, pushing aside an impartial machine.

Exclusive candy sets are one of the best illustrations of this statement. It would seem a simple and everyday sweetness, nothing special. But the soul of the master is invested in each of the handmade sweets, it is almost a work of art, and not just a “box of chocolates as a gift”. In addition, exclusive chocolates are always extremely high quality, unique design and original recipe.

If you want something completely exclusive, you should think about elite chocolates to order. They can be made into any shape, in the form of a chocolate sculpture, for example, or you can put a special pattern on each candy in the set to make a message.

Gift sweets are especially popular on the eve of the holidays. They are especially actively given to women: it is believed that they should be presented with beautiful things as a gift, and for men - practical and status. Nevertheless, beautiful candies of exclusive work will charm not only a sophisticated lady, but also a respectable man, especially since a handmade item is a rather status item, even if this item is edible.

Expensive candies in a set

The cost of handmade sweets is always higher than that of a product that has rolled off the assembly line: the price for 100 grams of handmade sweets is, on average, about 1.5 times higher than usual. However, they are worth it. Beautiful handmade sweets combine sophistication, individual approach, high quality and excellent taste.

Of all varieties, truffles are considered the most expensive and status. On the other hand, they are quite boring, though tasty. Therefore, in boxes most often there are sweets with various fillings, and there are not 2-3 types of them, as in ordinary assorted sets, but 10-12.

Handmade chocolates are suitable for any occasion just like a regular box of chocolates, but at the same time they stand out from it. Such a gift will emphasize special attention to a person and will definitely be remembered.

If you don't know what to give, but don't want the gift to look simple and banal, give handmade candies. Online store "Alenka" offers a large selection variety of options such a present. In addition, they can be bought in bulk inexpensively to please everyone who wants to present something exquisite and unusual at once. Delivery is another reason to order candies online, especially given the cost of handmade candies, their delivery may well turn out to be free.

In 1851, a small workshop for the production of chocolate and sweets was opened on the Arbat, in which only four masters worked. It belonged to the German Theodor Ferdinand von Einem, who came to Russia "to do business". During the years of the Crimean War, Einem supplied his products to the front - the profit received allowed him to expand production and transfer the factory to Myasnitskaya Street. In 1869, entrepreneur Julius Heuss joins Einem. Together they open a confectionery shop on Theater Square, order the latest steam engine from abroad, and build the first factory building on Sofiyskaya Embankment of the Moscow River.

For every pound of new biscuits sold, Einem donated five kopecks of silver, of which half went to charitable institutions in Moscow, and the other half to the German School for the Poor and Orphans. The first official record about the company "Einem. The partnership of the steam factory of chocolate, confections and tea cookies "appears in 1867 in the reference book" Factory enterprises of the Russian Empire. By this time, the company already had awards from the All-Russian Manufactory Exhibitions: bronze (1864) and silver (1865) medals. Einem produced caramel, sweets, chocolate, cocoa drinks, marshmallows, cookies, biscuits, gingerbread, glazed fruits, marmalade.

After the death of Einem in 1876, Julius Hayes took over the factory, but he did not change the name of the company, which had become popular among Muscovites.

In 1889, in connection with the expansion of production, Hayes acquired several plots on the Bersenevskaya embankment. One of the first buildings built on the new site was the production building designed by the architect A. V. Flodin. Later, according to the project of the architect A. M. Kalmykov, several more production buildings and tenement houses were erected, which formed the basis of the factory ensemble. The formation of the ensemble of the factory was completed in 1914 by joining the apartment building of the Cloth Factory, converted into garages. In total, 23 buildings were built for the Krasny Oktyabr factory on the Bersenevsky site, which became the main one.

In 1896, at the All-Russian Industrial and Art Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod, Einem products were awarded a gold medal, in 1900 the company received the Grand Prix at the World Exhibition in Paris for the assortment and quality of chocolate. In 1913, Einem was awarded the title of supplier to the court of His Imperial Majesty.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Einem owns two factories in Moscow, branches in Simferopol and Riga, several stores in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. After the October Revolution of 1917, the factory was nationalized and became known as the State Confectionery Factory No. 1, formerly Einem, in 1922 it was renamed Red October, which name it has retained to this day.

During its heyday, Einem was one of the most famous brands of confectionery in the whole country. But he was remembered by many of his contemporaries for the fact that he produced a wide variety of postcards in addition to his sweets and cookies. Today, most people know the series "Moscow in the 23rd century" of eight futuristic postcards from 1914, which demonstrate how, according to the author, Moscow was to look like in the 22nd and 23rd centuries: from 2114 (card "Central Station") to 2259 (card "St. Petersburg highway").

Central Station. Winter is the same as with us 200 years ago. The snow is white and cold. Central Station of Terrestrial and Air Communications. Tens of thousands of people come and go, everything is going extremely quickly, systematically and conveniently. At the service of passengers - land and air. Those who wish can move with the speed of telegrams.

Moskvoretsky bridge. The Kremlin also adorns the ancient Belokamennaya and with golden domes presents an enchanting spectacle. Here at the Moskvoretsky Bridge we see huge new buildings of trade enterprises, trusts, societies, syndicates, etc. Against the background of the sky, the carriages of the suspended air road slide harmoniously ...

Lubyanskaya Square. Clear evening. Lubyanskaya Square. The blue of the sky is drawn by clear lines of luminous airplanes, airships and carriages of the air road. Long cars of the Moscow Metro take off from under the bridge square, which was only talked about in our presence in 1914. On the bridge over the Metropolitan, we see a slender detachment of the valiant Russian army, which has retained its form since our times. In the blue air, we spot the Einem commodity airship flying to Tula with a supply of chocolate for retail stores.

Moskva river. Lively, noisy banks of the large navigable Moscow River. Huge transport and merchant cruisers and multi-storey passenger steamships rush along the transparent deep waves of the wide commercial port. The entire fleet of the world is exclusively commercial. The military was abolished after the peace treaty in The Hague. In the noisy harbor one can see the diverse costumes of all the peoples of the globe, for the Moscow River has become a world trading port.

Petrovsky park. We are transported mentally to Petrovsky Park. The alleys are expanded beyond recognition. The ancient Petrovsky Palace has been restored, and the Museum of the Petrine era is concentrated in it. Everywhere beat, sparkling, wondrous fountains. Deprived of microbes and dust, airships and airplanes cut through completely clean air. Crowds of people in bright costumes of the 23rd century are enjoying the wondrous nature in the same place where we used to walk, great-great-great-grandfathers.

The Red Square. The Red Square. The noise of wings, the sound of trams, the horns of cyclists, the sirens of cars, the crackle of engines, the screams of the public. Minin and Pozharsky. Airship shadows. In the center is a policeman with a saber. Timid pedestrians are saved in the place of execution. So it will be in 200 years

Petersburg highway. Beautiful clear winter of 2259. A corner of the "old" rejoicing Moscow, the ancient "Yar" still serves as a place of great fun for Muscovites, as it was with us more than 300 years ago. For the convenience and pleasantness of communication, the St. Petersburg Highway has been completely turned into a crystal-ice mirror, along which graceful snowmobiles fly, gliding. Right there on small aero skids, traditional hitters and sellers of hot aero skis dart. And in the XXIII century Moscow is true to its customs

Theatre square. Theatre square. The pace of life has increased a hundred times. Everywhere lightning-fast movement of wheeled, winged, propeller and other vehicles. The Muir and Merlis Trading House, which existed as early as 1846, has now grown to fabulous proportions, and its main departments are connected with air railways. Numerous motors fly out from under the pavement. Somewhere in the distance there is a fire. We see an automobile fire brigade, which will end the disaster in a moment. Biplanes, monoplanes and many air spans rush to the fire

However, in addition to these futuristic postcards, there were many other series that were published in huge quantities and served not only to send "open letters", but also to broaden one's horizons, and are also an excellent item for collecting.

series "Game quartet"

series "Hunting in Russia"

series "On the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov dynasty"

series "1812"

series "Types of peoples of the globe"

and here, for example, geographical cards depicting a map of Russia. Note that it is referred to as "Constitutional Empire". There were cards with other countries, but I did not come across them.

Well, and other very different series of postcards:

All this is now a monument to an irretrievably lost era, which reaches us in such postcards. They were published "for fun" for themselves, but it turned out that they are much more important for us as a memory of that country that we never knew ...

Confectionery factory "Red October" until recently it was located at Bersenevskaya embankment, 6 on the spit of the island formed by the Vodootvodny Canal and the Moscow River, but in 2007 it was transferred to the territory chocolate factory"Babaevsky".

Photo 1. Former buildings of the confectionery factory "Einem Partnership" and "Red

October" in Moscow

The beginning of the history of the chocolate factory "Partnership Einem"

The production was founded by Theodor Ferdinand von Einem, a native of Germany, who arrived in the Mother See in 1850 from the German town of Württemberg.

Fyodor Karlovich (this is how the entrepreneur began to introduce himself in the Russian manner) noticed that sawn sugar began to be in special demand in Moscow, after which, having shown his enterprise, the German began its production.

A profitable business went well, and already in 1851 Einem opened a small workshop for the production of chocolates. Only four people worked in the workshop at that time.

Deliveries of sweet products to the front line during the Crimean War and, of course, successful trade in the city of Moscow, brought Einem a profit, thanks to which he is already opening a chocolate factory.

Photo 2. Address of the former production Bersenevskaya embankment, No. 6

In 1857, Fyodor Karlovich makes acquaintance with Julius Geis. An outstanding entrepreneur first helped open a pastry shop in the center - on, and eventually became Einem's companion.

The business continued to develop successfully, which helped the partners to purchase a special steam engine in one of the European countries and start building a new factory already on.

The first newly built building - a three-story building - housed production workshops for the production of caramel, marshmallow, different types cookies and gingerbread, chocolate and glazed fruits, as well as cocoa drinks and marmalade.

Although the Einem Partnership was officially registered in 1867, by that time its products already had a number of awards received at manufacturing exhibitions in the Russian Empire: Odessa (1864) and Moscow (1865).

It is worth noting that the partners donated 5 kopecks of silver from each pound of cookies produced to charity, and half of the funds went to the school of the German community for the poor and orphans, and the remaining money was distributed among various Moscow charitable institutions.

And again, everything went well for Einem and Geis, which required the construction of new factory buildings already on Bersenevskaya Embankment, opposite the one on the opposite bank of the Moscow River.

The production complex impressed with its architectural appearance and "stuffing".

For organization chocolate production Qualified European confectioners were involved, who had experience working on the installed modern equipment. Interestingly, due to the mechanization of processes, only a few dozen Russian masters worked at such a large production, but only professionals from Great Britain were engaged in the production of the first biscuits in Russia - traditional English desserts.

Before his death in 1878, Einem completely transferred the reins of control of the confectionery factory to his partner, to whom the founder's widow subsequently transferred her shares. Even having concentrated everything in his hands, Julius Geis did not change trademark"Partnership Einem", correctly judging that this will only benefit now his business.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the company owned several stores in large cities - Nizhny Novgorod and the city of Moscow, the products of which were supplied from two Moscow confectionery factories and two production facilities in Riga and Simferopol.

In 1899, Geis redeems the first of the eight plots he had in the neighborhood from the merchant Ushakov, and in 1914 the last of them also went to the firm. By that time, Einem Partnership had become the largest confectionery production in the Russian Empire.

It will be interesting to learn about the organization of labor in the factories of Julius Geiss.

During his reign, the working day lasted 10 hours. A hostel was arranged for non-residents and meals were organized. A school was opened for children working at the factory as apprentices. After 25 years of work, the craftsmen were given a pension and a silver badge.

In 1914, during the First World War, the workers and employees themselves raised funds and built a military hospital in Moscow, and the company itself, in addition to monetary donations, arranged for the dispatch of wagons with cookies to the front line.

Also interesting, as they say today, is the marketing that Julius Geis established.

Being a creative person, besides being passionate about photography, he paid special attention to the design of packaging and the names of sweets, as well as other sweet products. Boxes covered with silk, velvet and even leather contained photographic postcards, various theater programs and small cherubs made of tin.

The architectural ensemble was almost completely formed after the construction of the Caramel Shop in 1906, the project of which was completed by the architect. In 1911, he also designed the new Administrative Building at Bersenevskaya Embankment, 6.

Confectionery factory after the revolution

The Einem Partnership was nationalized by the Bolsheviks who came to power in 1918 and already in 1922, at a general meeting of the collective, they approved a new name - Red October. True, for a couple of years, products were still produced under the old brand, so popular was it even in post-revolutionary Russia.

In the early 20s of the last century, the confectionery factory was in crisis, which almost led to its complete closure. New specialists were able to make changes in the production process, and also organized worker control and the fight against theft, which made it possible by 1925 to exceed the figures of 1913.

The Soviet authorities, in addition, allocated funds for the purchase of the latest machines from Germany. It was in those years that such well-known sweets as “Clumsy Bear” and toffee “Kis-Kis” appeared on Soviet shelves.

The father of the main character of our project, Tikhon Lukin, works as a caramel line adjuster at a confectionery factory.

I think that readers of our wall newspaper will be interested to know the history of the Soviet and pre-Soviet (Russian) confectionery industry.

Before the revolution, there were several large confectionery factories in Russia:
Einem's factory (now "Red October"), Sioux (now "Bolshevik"), factory of Abrikosov and Georges Bormann.
Sweet tooth of the project - get ready. In this and other posts I will try to describe the history of these wonderful factories.

The history of the confectionery factory "Einem"

Here he is - Theodor-Ferdinand von Einem (Photo from the end of the 19th century). Really pretty?

So... In 1850, a German subject, Theodor Ferdinand von Eimann, came to Moscow full of hope. In the same year, he opens the production of sawn sugar, but apparently fails in this business, because. already in 1851, he opened a small confectionery on the Arbat for the production of chocolate and sweets!
Only 4 masters worked in this workshop!
During the years of the "Crimean War" of 1853-1956, the confectionery supplied its products to the front, as a result of which it was possible to earn enough capital to expand production and move to Myasnitskaya Street!
In 1857, our hero meets the talented businessman Julius Geiss, whom he takes as a partner.

Here he is - Julius Geis

Together they open a confectionery on Theater Square, order the latest steam engine from Europe, and set about building a factory on Sofiyskaya and then on the Bersenevskaya embankment of the Moskva River.

In the reference book "Factory enterprises of the Russian Empire" an entry was made about this fact: "Einem. Association of steam factory of chocolate confections and tea biscuits. Founded in 1867"

Here is the factory:

The company had awards received at all-Russian manufacturing exhibitions: a bronze medal in 1864 (Odessa), a silver medal in 1865 (Moscow).
The excellent quality of confectionery products, the technical equipment of the factory, colorful packaging and advertising put the factory in one of the leading places in the confectionery industry of that time.

After the death of Einem in 1878, Geis began to manage the factory alone, but he did not change the name of the company, which had become popular with Muscovites.
For every pound of new biscuits sold, Einem donated five kopecks of silver, of which half went to charitable institutions in Moscow, and the other half to the German School for the Poor and Orphans.

The working day in those days was 10 hours. Confectioners, most of whom came from villages near Moscow, lived in the Hostel at the factory, and ate in the factory canteen.
The factory administration provided workers with some benefits:
a school was opened for apprentice children;
for 25 years of impeccable service, a silver name badge was issued and a pension was assigned;
a health insurance fund was established to provide material assistance to those in need;

Working factories:

In 1896, at the All-Russian Industrial and Art Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod, Einem products were awarded a gold medal, in 1900 the company received the Grand Prix at the World Exhibition in Paris for the assortment and quality of chocolate. In 1913, Einem was awarded the title of supplier to the court of His Imperial Majesty.

Photo from the exhibition in 1896:

By the beginning of the 20th century, Einem owns two factories in Moscow, branches in Simferopol and Riga, several stores in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod.

During the First World War, the Einem company was engaged in charitable activities: donating money, organizing a hospital for wounded soldiers, sending wagons with cookies to the front.

After the October Revolution of 1917, the factory was nationalized and became known as the State Confectionery Factory No. 1, formerly Einem, in 1922 it was renamed Red October.

What did the Einem confectionery produce?

The factory produced: caramel, sweets, chocolate, cocoa drinks, marshmallows, cookies, gingerbread, biscuits. After the opening of branches in the Crimea (Simferopol), "Einem" began to produce chocolate-glazed fruits - plums, cherries, pears, and marmalade.

At the factory, special attention was paid to sonorous names and stylish packaging (Geys was once engaged in artistic photography).
What are such names as “Empire”, “Mignon”, “Boyarsky” chocolate, “Golden Label” worth! Boxes with products were trimmed with silk, velvet, and leather. Vrubel, Bakst, Bilibin and Benois worked on the creation of packaging and postcard designs!

Housewives were offered elegant jars for bulk products, decorated with company logos. Excellent geographical maps were issued - with detailed information about the depicted country and with an indispensable company signature.

Composer Karl Feldman, on a special order from the Einem Partnership, wrote "chocolate melodies"
Notes of "Cupcake Gallop", "Chocolate Waltz", "Montpensier Waltz", "Dance of Cocoa" sold out no worse than fashionable treats, especially since they, of course, were accompanied by sweets. The sets were in great demand, especially on the eve of the holidays.

And, of course, they remembered the children - who can resist the request of a sweet tooth to buy at least the smallest candy.
Such chocolate machines were installed in stores. Dropping a 10-kopeck coin into it and moving the lever, the kid caught a tiny chocolate bar weighing 5-6 g that jumped out of the window. was not cheap.

Among the flour products, small pot-bellied salted fish stood out, especially attracting beer lovers. But even children who did not drink beer willingly gnawed at these figurines. Even more entertaining were colored figures made of marzipan, depicting carrots, turnips, cucumbers, and some little animals. They were sometimes hung on the Christmas tree, to the great delight of the little ones.
Among the cakes was a cake with an extraordinary name "Love me" at a different price. Witty buyers said to young saleswomen: “Please,“ Love me ”for three rubles” :)

"I got a bar of chocolate
And I don't need a friend.
Before all I say to people:
“Eat everything. Come on, take it!"

Embroidery for Ladies:

Manufacturer of German origin, founder of the largest confectionery company.

First steps and success in Russia.

Born into the family of a Lutheran priest, he refused to continue his father's work. In Moscow since 1848. Three years later he rented premises on the Arbat, setting up a chocolate workshop there. From 1853 - in the III guild. Moscow merchants, from 1867 - in the II guild. In 1853–56, during the Crimean War, E. completed a contract for the supply of jam and syrups for Russian. army. The state order brought him a significant income. The quality and precision of execution immediately attracted attention. After the war, together with his partners, Colonel Lermontov and collegiate secretary Romanov, who invested 5 thousand rubles each. silver, rented a house in Myasnitskaya for 10 years and set up a confectioner there. a factory that produced 10 varieties of chocolate, chocolate. sweets, pralines.

In 1867, Einem bought a house in the name of his wife Karolina on Sofiyskaya Embankment, opposite the Kremlin. A factory is located in the wasteland behind the house, equipped. a steam engine of six horsepower and a steam boiler. In the process of buying equipment for f-ki E. became close to Moscow. German Julius Geis (1832-1907), cat. offered to coordinate work with wholesale buyers. In 1870, an agreement was concluded under which E. received 60%, and Geis - 40% of the profits.

In 1870, for the production of light biscuit cookies in Moscow (according to English technology and English equipment), a site was bought on Bersenevskaya embankment. In 1871, the Einem factory was the largest of the five chocolate shops. factories in Moscow and produced almost half. products of all Moscow. pr-ty, namely: 32 tons of chocolate, 160 tons of chocolate. sweets, 24 tons of "tea biscuits" (English biscuits) and 64 tons of crushed sugar; in total for the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

Against the background of growing profits, Einem did not forget about charitable activities. For every pound of new biscuits sold, Einem donated five kopecks of silver, of which half went to charitable institutions in Moscow, and the other half to the German School for the Poor and Orphans.

From "Einem" to "Red October".

E. died in Berlin and, according to his wishes, was buried in Moscow. The graves of E. him and his wife are preserved at the Vvedensky cemetery. After the death of Einem in 1886, the enterprise was corporatized and acquired the form of a partnership (equity capital 0.5 million rubles) with collegial. board with the participation of Julius Geis and his sons (Woldemar, Julius, Albert, Oscar, Karl). In 1914, in terms of sales, "Einem" came out on top among the confectioners. firms in Russia. At the World Exhibition of 1900 in Paris, where eight grew. food companies (confectionery, tea and sugar), the Einem company received the highest award - the Grand Prix. In 1913, the "Einem" company received the title of "Supplier of the Court of His Imperial Majesty".

After the revolution in 1918, the Einem factory was nationalized and renamed the State Confectionery Factory No. 1, which emphasized the leading position of the enterprise in the fatherland. confectioner. industry. In honor of the fifth anniversary of the revolution, the factory received the name "Red October", to which was added the "former Einem" until the beginning. 1930s (this served as a win-win password for buyers).