Trout baked in the oven with cream and cheese. Trout in cream sauce

Trout is one of the most popular red fish. It is tasty, fragrant, juicy, incredibly healthy.

This product can be used to prepare a mass different dishes, snacks, sandwiches, but the easiest way is to bake in the oven. Usually steaks are used for this purpose.

Trout steak in the oven - general principles of cooking

Trout carcasses are usually sold gutted. You just need to scrape the skin, rinse the fish, cut it across into slices up to 2.5-3 cm. You can also find ready-made steaks on sale. The size depends on the type of trout. But usually this fish is not very large. The pieces are washed, wiped, seasoned with spices, oil, poured with marinades. The trout is then combined with other products.

What can be added:



All this fits into the form at once or in parts. The fish is baked in the oven relatively quickly. For medium sized steaks, 20-30 minutes is enough. If vegetables are used, the time may increase.

Trout steaks in the oven with vegetables

A simple yet delicious recipe juicy dish from trout steaks in the oven. The number of vegetables can be changed at your discretion.


4 steaks;

2 onions;

1 carrot;

2 tbsp. l. olive oil;

1 small zucchini;


1. Squeeze out the juice from a whole lemon. Rub the steaks first with salt and pepper, then pour over the lemon juice. Put aside.

2. Cut the onion into strips and also carrots, add salt, remember, add stripes bell pepper. Vegetables can be peppered to taste. Season with a spoonful of oil, mix and spread in an even layer in the form.

3. Put the mold in the oven for 10 minutes, temperature 200.

4. Sprinkle the steaks with a second spoonful of oil, put them on top of the vegetables.

5. Put the dish back in the oven. Bake the trout for about 20 minutes, look at the color of the fish. It is important not to overdry the delicate fish.

Trout steak in the oven (in cream with vegetables)

A variant of the most delicate fish. For trout steaks in the oven, it is better to use cream with a fat content of at least 15%.


2 onions;

4-5 small steaks;

2 carrots;

1 st. cream;

1 incomplete glass of fish broth;

1 st. l. flour;

3 art. l. grated cheese;

Garlic, various spices, oil.


1. Shred the carrots into strips, roughly chop the peeled onions as well. Put everything at once in a frying pan with three tablespoons of oil, fry for three minutes. Vegetables can not be brought to full readiness.

2. We rub fish steaks with any spices at our discretion. You can season the trout with only salt and pepper. You can immediately put it on the bottom of a greased form.

3. We spread the browned vegetables on top of the fish and between the pieces.

4. Pour a spoonful of oil into the pan, put it on the fire, fry the flour.

5. Add cream to the flour, stir quickly and add the fish broth. But you can also use water.

6. The sauce needs to be warmed up so that it thickens. Season with spices, throw crushed garlic.

7. Pour the fish and vegetables with a creamy sauce.

8. Lightly sprinkle grated cheese on top. Three tablespoons is enough.

9. We send the trout to bake in the oven. At 200 degrees, it will take 25 minutes.

Fried trout steak in the oven

A variant of very beautiful trout steaks. They are fried in the oven until golden brown, very juicy and tender. It is best to marinate the fish in advance, let it stand for an hour.


4 steaks;

100 ml soy sauce;

1 tsp honey;

0.5 lemon;

1 tsp dry seasonings for fish;

1 clove of garlic.


1. Grind the peeled garlic clove, rub it with dry spices, then add honey, which will give the meat a beautiful color. We grind.

2. Dilute it all with soy sauce, then squeeze out the lemon juice.

3. We wash the trout, dry it and pour over the prepared marinade.

4. Leave for a while. Periodically, you need to turn the fish over so that it is soaked evenly.

5. Tear off a piece of foil from the roll. We put it in a mold, make small sides so that the juices do not flow out.

6. We put the trout steaks in the form. Pour the rest of the marinade over the fish.

7. We heat the oven to 220-230 degrees, send the fish into it for 20-25 minutes, it will cook quickly.

8. As soon as a fried caramel-colored crust appears, immediately remove the dish from the oven.

Trout steak in the oven (with cheese and cream)

Another option for cooking delicious trout steaks in the oven. The fat content of the cream does not matter here.


3-4 steaks;

200 ml cream;

90 g of cheese;

1 clove of garlic;

0.5 tsp oregano;

Pepper, salt.


1. Combine salt and pepper, grate the washed, dried trout. You can immediately transfer to a greased form or leave for a few minutes to marinate.

2. Put in the oven, bake at 230 degrees for 5-7 minutes.

3. During this time, you need to prepare the sauce. Mix cream and garlic, add 30 g of cheese, grated with small chips. Salt lightly, mix well.

4. We take out the trout, which is slightly baked. Drizzle cream sauce on top.

5. Sprinkle all this with dried oregano spice, it blends perfectly with red fish. And fall asleep with dry cheese chips.

6. We return the dish to the oven, bake until golden brown on top for about a quarter of an hour, you can increase the time to 20 minutes.

Oven trout steak with oranges

Original, unusual recipe cooking very tender trout. For the fish you will need orange juice, as well as a whole citrus. It is better to squeeze the juice yourself, as it is difficult to find a real drink in bags.


4 trout steaks;

200 ml of orange juice;

1 tsp with a slide of mustard;

1 tsp honey;

1 whole orange.


1. We combine orange juice with mustard, dilute honey in it, salt it. We stir well. Can be added instead of salt soy sauce, it goes well with oranges, there is also such a marinade.

2. We wash the trout pieces, wipe them, put them in a container or just pour the marinade into a bowl, leave for an hour.

3. Lubricate the form, you can cover it with foil, make sides so as not to stain the dishes.

4. Wash the orange thoroughly, the skin can be brushed through. Cut the citrus in half, then into slices, up to 0.5 cm thick. You do not need to remove the skin, but it is better to remove the bones that come across.

5. Put the trout on the foil, spread the orange slices around.

6. Pour the marinade in which the fish lay.

7. We send the form to the oven, bake for about 25 minutes, large steaks may need half an hour at 200 degrees.

Oven trout steak with potatoes

Variant of steaks with potatoes. It is very important to cut the tubers into thin slices so that they have time to cook. Instead of sour cream, you can use mayonnaise or cream.


5 steaks;

700 g potatoes;

150 g sour cream;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 tsp mustard;

3 art. l. lemon juice.


1. Rub the red fish steaks with lemon juice, mustard, pepper and salt to taste, set aside. Let them marinate.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into thin slices, throw them into a bowl. Squeeze the garlic into it. We put salt and sour cream or mayonnaise, cream. You can add chopped onions in half rings. Mix thoroughly, send to the form.

3. Level the potato layer, stretch a piece of foil on top.

4. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. The potatoes should be half cooked.

5. We take out the potatoes, remove the foil from it, you can mix it gently to raise all the juices and sour cream from the bottom of the mold.

6. Now lay out the trout steaks on top.

7. Re-send the dish to the oven, the temperature does not need to be changed.

8. Cook for about 20-25 more minutes, focusing on the color and aroma of the trout.

Oven trout steak with shrimp and olives

Amazing Recipe holiday dish from trout steaks. Shrimp can be used large or small, the amount of the purified product is indicated here.


3 small steaks;

200 g shrimp;

70 g of cheese;

90 ml cream;

50 g olives;

Oil, lemon;

1 tsp chopped almonds;

Fresh dill.


1. Prepare the steaks and shrimp. We put them in one bowl, add salt, pour a little black pepper.

2. Take a lemon, cut it in half, squeeze out all the juice from the citrus. You can do it all at once in a bowl. We mix. We leave for fifteen minutes.

3. While you can grate the cheese, cut the pitted olives into circles.

4. Spread the foil into shape. Lubricate the bottom so that the dish does not stick.

5. Shake off the marinade, put the trout on the foil.

6. Scatter the shrimp between the steaks.

7. Separate 2/3 of the chopped olives and also scatter between the rest of the ingredients of the dish.

8. Now sprinkle the dish with chopped almonds.

9. We take a spoon, collect a little cream and carefully pour the dish with a thin stream. You can draw a grid.

10. Top everything with grated cheese.

11. You can cover with foil on top, bake under it. Or cook right away. In the second option, the crust will be more fried. In the first version, the dish is more tender, juicy.

12. Roasting time 25 minutes. The temperature for trout in the oven is about 180-190. We decorate the finished dish with fresh dill.

Trout love lemon juice just like any other fish. If there is nothing at home, you can limit yourself to citrus and salt for pickling.

Fish can stick to the foil. Before laying out, be sure to lubricate the sheet.

Did the trout dry out in the oven? Urgently fill the fish with heavy cream, mayonnaise or sour cream, cover with foil and heat for 10 minutes. Then leave for another half hour to soak.

Trout belongs to the salmon family, has pink meat peculiar to them, tender and useful at the same time. There are several types of it that are equally good in taste and are widely used in cooking. A small amount of bones, the presence of a sufficient amount of fat, the almost complete absence of a specific fishy smell makes it possible to prepare a wide variety of dishes from it, including dietary ones, which are made even without the use of oil. But the most tender and juicy is trout in cream, baked in the oven. It is difficult to find a person who does not like this dish.

Cooking features

Trout can be baked in cream different recipes. Often it is supplemented with vegetables and cheese. Small fish are sometimes baked whole. Trout steaks are no less tasty, and you can make a full-fledged dish from its fillet, which will be very convenient to eat. Trout cooking technology cream sauce not always the same. To obtain the expected result, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations accompanying the selected recipe. But there are a few points that will come in handy no matter what recipe you cook trout in the oven.

  • The juiciest trout is fresh. In many supermarkets, it can be purchased chilled. When buying a trout, you need to carefully examine it. In fresh fish, the eyes are not clouded, the gills are red, the carcass itself is covered with thin mucus, but does not shine much. Dryness of the fish or an unnatural glossy sheen indicates that it was not stored or transported properly, was processed chemical composition to enhance its attractiveness. When pressing on the carcass with a finger, it quickly returns to its previous shape. If the fish meat is devoid of elasticity or water is released when pressed on it, it is better to refrain from buying.
  • You can also use frozen trout for baking in cream. It is important to give it the opportunity to thaw in natural conditions, without exposing it to a sharp temperature drop. If the fish is thawed in the refrigerator, it will lose a minimum of liquid and remain almost as juicy as if it had not been frozen.
  • Trout must be cleaned before cooking. So that it does not slip out of your hands, before that it does not hurt to rub it with salt. Clean it with a knife or a special grater in the direction from the tail to the head. If you put the fish in a bag or lower it into the water, the scales will not scatter in all directions. After cleaning, the fish needs to be gutted. To do this, make an incision on the abdomen, carefully remove the insides, trying not to break through the gallbladder. Inside the fish you will find caviar or milk, which should not be thrown away, but rather salted.
  • When baking fish, the whole head can be left, but the gills must be removed. It is also desirable to save the carcass from the fins and tail. All of them can give the dish a bitter taste. The skin is often left on; it is easily removed from baked fish.
  • If the recipe calls for the preparation of trout steaks, the carcass is cut across into portions after it has been cleaned and gutted. Already prepared fish is also cut into fillets, cutting off the meat with a knife from the ridge and removing the bones remaining in it from the pulp with tweezers. After that, you can separate the fillet from the skin with a knife, holding it almost flat.
  • It is usually not necessary to fry the trout and the vegetables included in the dish before baking the dish in cream, but sometimes they are still browned in a pan, and only then they are poured with cream and sent to the oven.
  • Trout does not have an unpleasant smell that needs to be interrupted by the aroma of zest and herbs, but nevertheless it turns out tastier with these components, so they are often included in the recipe.
  • Cream for baking trout is better to choose low-fat (10 percent), as this fish is fatty in itself. However, you cannot replace cream with milk: fish dishes often contain tomatoes, lemons and other acidic foods, due to contact with which the milk will curdle, but this trouble will not happen with cream.

Trout baked in cream served with fried potatoes or mashed potatoes, cooked in any way rice and broccoli, vegetable stew or fresh vegetable salad.

A simple recipe for trout in cream, cooked in the oven

  • trout carcass - 0.5 kg;
  • cream 10% - 0.5 l;
  • breadcrumbs - 50 g;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • dried dill - 5 g (you can replace 20 g of fresh);
  • salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Clean and gut the trout. Remove gills and fins. Rinse the carcass, dry with a napkin.
  • Rub the trout carcass with pepper and salt, sprinkle with lemon juice on all sides, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  • Put the carcass in a baking dish, pour cream.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Send a trout carcass into it. Bake fish in cream for 25 minutes.

The finished trout is laid out on a plate, decorated with fresh herbs and vegetables. The cream remaining in the form is collected in a gravy boat and served separately with the fish.

Trout steaks baked in cream cheese

  • trout steaks - 0.7-0.8 kg;
  • low-fat cream - 0.25 l;
  • hard cheese - 100 ml;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • salt, spices for fish - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a bowl. Mix it with cream.
  • Finely grate the cheese, add it to the cream, whisk the products with a whisk.
  • Cut the trout into steaks. Rinse them, dry them with a kitchen towel.
  • Rub the steaks with salt and complex seasoning for fish dishes.
  • Put the pieces into shape.
  • Cover fish steaks with prepared cream cheese sauce.
  • Send the dish to the oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes. During this time, the cheese should have time to brown.

Serve trout steaks cooked in a creamy cheese sauce with a light side dish of vegetables or rice.

Whole trout baked with vegetables in cream

  • trout (small) - 1 kg;
  • cream - 0.5 l;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • semi-hard cheese - 0.25 kg;
  • salt, spices- taste.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the carcasses by cleaning, gutting and rinsing them. Cut off the heads and tails of the carcasses, cut off the fins with scissors.
  • Rub the trout carcasses inside and out with salt, sprinkle with herbs.
  • Put the fish in a baking dish, pour over the cream.
  • Free the onion from the husk, cut into rings or half rings. Sprinkle fish with onions.
  • Cut the tomatoes into circles, spread them on top of the onion.
  • Grind the cheese on a grater. Cover with cheese shavings.
  • Place the mold in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Prepare the meal for half an hour.

With tomatoes and cheese in a creamy sauce, you can make not only trout carcasses, but also its steaks, as well as fillets. Then it will take only 20-25 minutes to bake them.

The word trout combines several types of salmon. Many different varieties are made from this fish. delicious dishes, including serving it with sauce. To cook such a product deliciously, you need to choose it correctly in the store and follow some rules in cooking.

How to choose a fish?

If a trout is sold in a store as a whole carcass, you can see a silver or purple stripe on its side. You need to carefully look at this fish and pay attention to the eyes and gills, scales, tail and the condition of the carcass as a whole. The eyes of fresh, high-quality fish are not cloudy. There should be no mucus in the gills, the natural color of the gills is bright red. The scales should be evenly spaced and not have traces of mechanical impact, and they cannot be dried out. If some areas on the surface are dry, then the fish was not transported correctly. In dry places, bacteria begin their harmful activity.

The fact that an old product is in front of the buyer may be indicated by a dried fish tail or a general, like a weathered appearance of the carcass. But the glossy sheen of the scales may be an indication that the fish was specially treated with chemicals so that it looked more beautiful on the counter. High-quality trout, when pressed, elastically responds to the touch. There are no dents on the skin. If this happens, and also when liquid appears on the surface, then the fish is either stale, or the seller specifically “pumped it with water” to make it seem heavier.

Normal trout has a light pink meat color with white patches. Intense pink flesh testifies to the artificial cultivation of fish, which was also stuffed with antibiotics. You should not take such trout for the sake of maintaining your own health.

To be sure, the purchased carcass must be checked with water. The bad fish will float, while the good fish will sink to the bottom of the liquid container.

Preparation of ingredients

To cook trout in sauce, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions.

  • First you need to prepare the fish itself. The fish carcass is covered with a layer of mucus, so the trout will have to be washed well. So that it does not jump out of your hands, experienced people advise rubbing it with salt.
  • Scales need to be removed. To do this, use a knife or even a metal grater. The scales are removed carefully so that the layer of skin under it does not suffer. It is necessary to rip it off, moving from the tail to the head. So that the scales do not scatter, the fish is either immersed in water or placed in a bag. Given that the scales are not visible on the light belly, it is advisable to check with your fingers whether it has remained on the fish or not. Such cleaning is a responsible business. If the remains of the scales are caught during the meal, this will spoil the impression of the dish.
  • When the removal of the scales is over, the carcass must be rinsed in water. Then take out the insides. To do this, the abdomen is cut from tail to head and everything is pulled out, including films and blood clots. The gills are also removed, since their contents are harmful to the body and spoil the taste of food. The head can be completely cut off if it is not needed.

  • If only trout fillets are to be used, the skin must be removed first. In a small fish, this is done from head to tail. The skin is removed like a sock from the foot. Then, with a knife, you need to separate the meat from the side of the spine. The carcass will be divided into two halves. Remaining bones will be easier to remove. With large fish, the flesh is first separated from the spine and bones. The carcass will also fall apart into two parts covered with skin. This skin is separated by holding it at the tail. It is easier to remove the skin from a trout that has been frozen. The carcass is poured over with centigrade water, the edge of the skin is picked up and pulled off the fish, after which it remains to remove the fillet.

Subtleties of cooking

When using a small trout, the carcass is used with the head. Only the gills are removed so that there is no bitterness left. Larger fish can be divided into pieces, the so-called steaks, or you can take a loin. For the sauce, fresh cream of different fat content is used, depending on the recipe. Before baking the fish, the oven is heated to a temperature of about plus one hundred and eighty degrees. It usually takes half an hour or more to cook. It all depends on the size of the pieces of trout and the characteristics of the oven.

When cooking trout with cream, you can also use cheese. This will give the dish a special tenderness. For cooking, you need to take semi-hard varieties of cheese. To create special flavors of trout, not only fish spices are used, but also mixtures of different herbs such as basil, which emphasize the taste of this fish. Although without any seasoning, this product turns out to be very tasty, so some people refuse to use any additional ingredients other than cream and salt. When frying trout, you need to use very little oil. You can lower it on the frying surface in the amount of a teaspoon and distribute it over the entire area, for example, with a napkin. When using a container with a non-stick coating, it is not necessary to use oil at all.


Recipes for trout in a creamy sauce may vary, but the result is always pleasing.

To implement a simple recipe for baked fish, you need to have the following ingredients:

  • about three hundred grams of trout in pieces;
  • half a glass of 10-15% cream;
  • one lemon fruit;
  • salt and pepper;
  • butter from cow's cream;
  • olive oil;
  • a teaspoon of flour;
  • greens.

Divide the lemon into two equal parts, squeeze the juice from both parts to marinate the trout. Rinse and dry the fish on a paper towel. Place in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and pepper, drizzle with lemon juice and drizzle olive oil. Leave it like that for half an hour.

Chop dill. Make sauce. To do this, put a tablespoon of butter in a frying pan and wait for it to melt. Add flour, stir. Slowly introduce cream into the composition, at the end - dill. Heat the sauce until it starts to boil, then remove from the stove and close the lid. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil, put fish on it and put in the oven, heated to +190 degrees for half an hour. When ready, transfer the pieces to a plate and pour over the sauce.

In cream, you can bake trout fillets. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • about a kilogram of fish fillet;
  • two glasses of 15% cream;
  • fresh, chopped dill;
  • salt and pepper;
  • four tablespoons of lemon juice.

Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees. Grease a baking sheet with oil. Put fillet pieces on it. Sprinkle fish with dill. Combine cream with pepper, salt and lemon juice. Pour the fillet with the resulting sauce and put in the oven for fifty minutes.

To cook trout fillet in heavy cream, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • half a kilo of fish fillet;
  • a glass of cream;
  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • one bay leaf;
  • four lemon fruits;
  • pepper and salt.

Rinse the trout fillet, rub with salt and pepper and put on the bottom of the baking dish. Substitute parsley and dill under running water, let drain, and then chop. Mix the greens with heavy cream and pour over the fillet with this composition. Put a bay leaf on top and put in a preheated oven for half an hour. After that, get the trout, and pour the sauce into a saucepan and boil it, pulling out the bay leaf from it. Serve the fish with the sauce.

If you cook trout with cream along with potatoes, you get a very tasty and nutritious dish.

To implement the recipe, you need to have ingredients such as:

  • fish fillet weighing about a kilogram;
  • about a kilo of potatoes;
  • cheese of medium hardness - two hundred grams;
  • a glass of cream;
  • a spoonful of butter (from cream) and vegetable;
  • garlic;
  • oregano;
  • salt and pepper.

Peel potatoes and cut into sticks. Divide the fillet into similar-sized pieces. Grate the cheese on a grater with medium-sized holes. Cut two cloves of garlic very finely or squeeze the contents out of the cloves with a garlic press. Grease a baking sheet with oil.

Melt the butter and combine with the garlic mass. Lubricate the potato blank laid out on a sheet with this composition. put on top fish fillet and sprinkle with grated cheese. Stir the cream with salt, pepper and oregano, pour over the products prepared in the pan.

Bake for about an hour until the potatoes are done. To prevent the cheese from burning, you can put foil on the dish and bring to readiness.

Trout with creamy sauce can be cooked in a pan.

To implement the recipe, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • five hundred grams of trout (fillet);
  • a glass of cream of low fat content;
  • one lemon fruit;
  • dill and parsley;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fish seasonings;
  • salt.

The fillet will be divided into approximately equal pieces. Sprinkle each of them with salt and seasonings, sprinkle with lemon juice and let lie for 20 minutes. Heat up a frying pan by pouring oil on the frying surface. Fry the fillet pieces on all sides for three minutes. In a saucepan with thick walls, heat the cream (do not let it boil). Then put the fish in this container and put on a slow fire. After fifteen minutes, sprinkle chopped parsley and dill on top. Keep on the stove for another ten minutes. Switch off. Do not remove from the stove. Serve at the table in twenty minutes.

In a skillet, you can cook trout with onions and cream. To make such a dish, you need to take ingredients such as:

  • trout fillet - about a kilogram;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • two large onion heads;
  • cream - 1 glass;
  • dill;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cut the butter into pieces. Put half into the pan. Divide the fillet into small pieces. Divide the onion into cubes, and finely chop the dill. Put the onion on the oil laid out in the pan, trout on it, and above it - a layer of dill. Pour all this cream, and put the remaining butter on top. Put the pan on a burner with medium heat. When the contents begin to boil, rearrange on a small fire and simmer for 25 minutes.

In a frying pan, you can cook trout pieces with sweet peppers.

To do this, you need to use the following ingredients:

  • 700 grams of trout;
  • half a lemon;
  • onion head;
  • half a glass of cream;
  • one sweet pepper;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Rinse the trout, salt, sprinkle with spices and pour over lemon juice. Leave for ten minutes. Then cut into small pieces, put in a pan and wait for them to brown. Finely chop the onion. Wash the peppers, cut and remove the seeds, divide into long strips. Stew the onion in a separate pan, add pepper to it and continue cooking for five minutes, not forgetting to stir. Add cream and hold for another five minutes, then add the fish, hold on low heat for 20 minutes.

Serving features

Trout is served with fresh vegetable salads and bread. Such a dish can be decorated with cherry tomatoes, lemon slices and fresh herbs. Use caviar for this. Take as a garnish mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, rice or broccoli. It all depends on the gastronomic preferences of family members.

Another recipe for trout in a creamy sauce, see the video below.

I won’t say that this dish is budgetary - after all, not everyone has rainbow trout steaks and a jar of red caviar in the refrigerator every day. But for a festive treat, this dish will be just right - it is prepared quickly and with a minimum of effort. And in general: salmon is difficult to spoil - it will still turn out delicious. So, we cook trout in cream. The recipe is quite simple, and even the most novice cook will cope with the task. But for such "dummies" I will give advice: buy already cut fish steaks. You should not buy a carcass or a piece of it - save yourself the long process of pulling the bones.

Six trout steaks (but you can also use other salmon - salmon or pink salmon) add salt, pepper, sprinkle with juice from a quarter of a lemon. Set the fish aside for half an hour to marinate. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. Finely chop a medium onion. It needs to be fried until "glassy", best of all in olive oil. Mix all this with three tablespoons of sour cream, add a spoonful of dried oregano and basil, salt to taste. We turn on the oven at 200C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and brush it with olive oil. Put the steaks on this sheet, cover them with sauce. We send it to the oven for 20-25 minutes. It is very tasty to sprinkle with fresh dill right before serving.

Trout in cream sauce with cheese

We marinate the steaks, as in the previous recipe, but additionally sprinkle with olive oil. We put one hundred grams of butter and finely chopped 1-2 onions in a frying pan, sauté. Then we transfer the onion to a blender and grind it into a puree. Put it back in the pan, add a soup spoon of flour and stir until the lumps disappear. Pour in 150 ml of cream, bring to a boil. Three chips of one hundred grams of good hard cheese (Dutch or Maasdam), keep on minimum heat, stirring. This must be done until it completely dissolves in the sauce. Salt and season to taste. Further, everything is as in the previous recipe.

Trout in royal cream sauce

Marinate portioned fillets or steaks for half an hour. Then put the fish on a greased sunflower oil baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 180-200C. The sauce is made like this: a teaspoon of flour is fried in a spoonful of butter. We perform this process until the pinkish tint of the latter and the disappearance of lumps. Then 150 ml of cream is poured, kneaded again, dill greens are poured, brought to a boil. We put the baked fish on plates, pour over with hot sauce, decorate with red caviar on top.

Trout in a creamy sauce with vegetables

We marinate steaks or fillets in the way we already know. While the fish is resting, we cut vegetables: leeks - into rings, carrots - on a coarse grater, 1-2 cloves of garlic - into thin plates. We fry them on a mixture of lean and butter, add a few pieces of tomatoes - preferably small ones, "Cherry". Stirring gently so as not to crush the tomatoes, fry the vegetable mixture over low heat for another five minutes. We make sauce. Finely chop the spinach and dill. We heat the cream on minimum heat, add a spoonful of flour, knead, pour in the herbs, bring to a boil and immediately remove. Pour the fat from the pan into the stewpan, in which the leeks, carrots and garlic were fried, followed by the vegetable mixture itself. We put the fish on it, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with hard cheese grated into large chips. We put the saucepan in the preheated oven. Bake trout in a creamy sauce for about twenty minutes (maybe a little more) at 180C.


An ordinary dinner will become royal if its menu includes trout baked in the oven. You can choose any recipe according to your taste. Such a fish is baked under butter, sour cream sauce, under a cheese coat, with assorted vegetables. Consider the most successful version of this dish and listen to the advice of experienced chefs.

Trout is a fish that is not only tasty and satisfying, but also incredibly healthy. Previously, it was considered a delicacy that not everyone could afford. Fortunately, today trout has become available to everyone. And if you come across such a fish, you need to take care to cook it deliciously.

In order for the trout to remain juicy during the baking process, it must first be marinated. This fish has tender meat, so its taste should not be interrupted by a lot of spices and spices. Use thyme, tarragon and basil as seasonings for trout. They favorably emphasize the taste of red fish.

Trout can be supplemented with sauces based on sour cream, kefir, cream. Also, its fillet harmonizes in taste with citrus fruits - lemons, tangerines, oranges, cranberries. And if you want to get a complete dish that does not require a side dish, choose a recipe for cooking trout in the oven with potatoes, onions and carrots. To festive table you can cook fish with an exquisite sauce based on red or white wine. For example, take the recipe for trout with potatoes in the oven as a basis and complement it with sauce.

On a note! It turns out delicious river trout baked in the oven as a whole. You can choose any recipe, even one that is intended for cooking sea fish. The main thing is to sprinkle the trout with lemon juice and leave it for half an hour to rid it of the characteristic smell of river mud.

Whatever recipe for Karelian trout in the oven you choose, the dish will turn out only if the fish is fresh and of high quality. How to choose it? Pay attention to the shape of the carcass. If it is not crooked or curved, this indicates its freshness. When buying a frozen fish, make sure that it does not have too thick ice crust. Excess moisture, which trout absorbs, deprives it of some of its taste and useful properties.

Trout is a fairly fatty and juicy fish, so a large amount of fat, oil or lard is not used in its preparation. If you plan to bake the whole carcass, buy a medium-sized trout. And large fish must be divided into steaks, otherwise it will not bake well. Recipes for cooking trout in the oven in foil are especially popular. And this is no accident. It is the foil (either a baking sleeve or parchment paper) that allows you to preserve the juiciness of the fish fillet.

Trout with creamy sauce in the oven: the recipe is original, but simple

The easiest and fastest way to cook is trout baked in the oven in foil. Its recipe is as follows: prepare the fish carcass, rub it with seasonings and salt, and sprinkle with lemon juice. Stuff the fish with dill sprigs and lemon slices and wrap it in foil. Bake until cooked at one hundred and eighty degrees. The recipe for trout in foil in the oven can be supplemented with onions and carrots. To do this, chop the vegetables, and cut the fish into steaks. Arrange the trout on top of the mixed vegetables, wrap in foil and bake.

We suggest that you complicate the dish a little and master the recipe for trout in the oven with cream. Bake the fish and serve it with a creamy mushroom sauce. Believe me - no gourmet will refuse such a treat.


  • fish steaks - four jokes;
  • purified vegetable oil - three to four tables. spoons;
  • lemon juice;
  • mushrooms - 0.2 kg;
  • onion - one head;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • dill;
  • sifted flour - one table. a spoon;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.


  1. We will prepare the products we need. From mushrooms, we chose champignons, but you can use any others.
  2. Rinse and dry the fish steaks. Rub them with salt and also pepper.
  3. Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice.
  4. Lubricate the steaks with unflavored vegetable oil.
  5. Put the fish pieces in a refractory form.
  6. We heat the oven to two hundred degrees.
  7. Bake trout steaks for twenty to twenty-five minutes.
  8. For now, let's leave the fish and start preparing the sauce.
  9. We clean the onion and chop it finely.
  10. Wash and dry the mushrooms. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices.
  11. We also wash the dill, dry it and finely chop it with a knife.
  12. In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil and lay out the onion. Let's fry it for three minutes.
  13. Now put the mushrooms in the pan.
  14. Stir and fry five to seven. Salt and sprinkle with pepper.
  15. We introduce the sifted flour into the pan.
  16. We stir well.
  17. Then add cream.
  18. We stir our sauce.
  19. Simmer the sauce, stirring until it thickens.
  20. Add dill to the pan, stir.
  21. Cover the pan and simmer the sauce for another three minutes.
  22. Put the steaks on a plate.
  23. Pour them with a creamy mushroom sauce and decorate with green sprigs.

Advice! Take note of the recipe for trout in cream in the oven. Put the steaks, having previously prepared them, in a mold, and then pour in the cream. Cover the form with foil and bake the fish at one hundred and eighty degrees for forty to forty-five minutes.

Culinary secrets:

  • Before baking, the trout must be freed from scales. Remove the scales with a knife, moving from the head of the fish to the tail.
  • If you got an ungutted trout carcass, the insides must be cleaned. Try not to damage the bile at the same time, because then the fish will be bitter. And if, nevertheless, you damaged it, sprinkle the place where it got into with salt, and then rinse the fish carcass thoroughly.
  • Whole trout is best baked in foil. Then it will be both juicy and tender in taste.
  • Garlic cloves complement the taste of trout meat harmoniously. The main thing is not to overdo it with their quantity, so as not to drown out the aroma of the fish.

Trout can become a real highlight of both everyday and festive feasts. Now you know how to cook it deliciously. The main thing is to do it with pleasure! Enjoy your meal!