Do-it-yourself minions cake step by step instructions. Cooking the "Mignon" cake according to the master class

In the form of today's popular "minions". The materials needed are inexpensive and the figurines are easy to make. Show your imagination and perseverance in your work, as well as get acquainted with the ideas presented by our master class. The efforts expended will not be in vain, because with your own hands you will make an exclusive thing that is edible and will delight your baby of any age. You can make mastic yourself, you just need to study what another master class (MK) recommends. However, there are ready-made packaged packages and food colorings.

This master class assumes that you already have a finished cake. Consider decorating this cake at the lowest cost. So, our master class assumes the following materials:

  1. A sharp knife, a spatula and a large substrate.
  2. Large plastic straw.
  3. Sticks with a ball at the end, sticks with cloves.
  4. Very thin brushes.
  5. Packs with mastics of yellow, blue, gray and black colors.
  6. Black and red dyes.
  7. Toothpicks.
  8. Decorative figure for your "jubilee".
  9. Little scissors.
  10. Rolling pin and large cutting board.
  11. Bag for dusting surfaces.

Step by step preparation

To simplify the task, this master class does not contain information about the recipe and technology for making the cake itself.

Start work by making minion figurines for this MK. So that the mastic does not stick to the rolling pin and the board, our master class advises to sprinkle it with starch or powdered sugar, and use an ordinary nylon sock as a bag.

Getting Started:

  1. Form a large piece of yellow sugar mastic in the form of a long sausage and divide with a knife into 5 fragments. Punch each of them so that the slices have smooth transitions. These are blanks for our MK minions, shaped like eggs.
  2. Roll out a piece of blue fondant thinly. Use a knife to cut a profile with a square ledge. This flat piece is a blank for minion panties, and the protrusion will be located on the chest.
  3. Holding the workpiece vertically, cover the lower third of the workpiece with the rolled profile until it completely covers it in volume. Cut off the excess. Pull the profile along the length to the end of the workpiece, crush and pinch off the excess in a circular motion.

The master class draws your attention to the fact that this manipulation resembles packing a round candy back into a piece of paper.

Make the bottom surface of the figure smooth. Now the blank looks like an egg, half yellow, half blue with a ledge. Lightly press the workpiece against the board sprinkled with starch so that the bottom surface becomes flat. Our minion is still without legs, but must stand.

We continue:

  1. From a rolled piece of blue mastic, cut strips of the appropriate length and width to make panty straps. Fix one end of the strip on the top of the ledge, wind the other end and fasten it behind, so to speak, on the back of the minion. Lightly press down the joints of the parts with a ball at the end of the modeling stick.
  2. Using a wide straw, cut out 2 circles and place the top of the ledge where the straps connect to it. It should create the effect that the straps are buttoned up. Poke 2 holes in each with a toothpick.
  1. Cut out an appropriately sized pocket and secure in the center of the ledge. With a toothed stick, apply lines imitating stitching along the edges of the pocket and straps in successive movements.
  2. From small pieces of blue mastic, roll out 2 blanks for the legs with your fingers. And from black mastic, fashion an egg-shaped blank for shoes and cut it in half. The cut surface will be the sole. To connect with the foot, make a recess in the shoe with a stick with a large diameter ball in the right place. The legs are fixed on the body, depending on the pose in which the minion will be.
  3. Form hands in the form of sausages of the desired length from yellow mastic, fasten in the right places (under the straps) and cut the fingers with scissors.
  4. Roll a small ball of white fondant and press firmly over the pocket ledge. Minion got an eye. Frame it with a piece of gray mastic, rolled out in the form of a thin cord.
  5. Cut out a strip of black mastic, fasten in the form of a headband. Secure the points of connection with the eye by pressing with a stick with a ball. Draw a pupil in the center of the eye with black paint. A minion can have two eyes. Our master class emphasizes that the dimensions of all parts depend on the size of the original workpiece.
  6. Form a mouth with a spatula or toothpick. Its size, shape and coloring will determine what mood your minion is in.
  1. To make hair, roll long pieces of black mastic very thinly. A minion can have multiple hairstyles. A master class is also possible for hairstyles. You can make a "hedgehog": with a dozen short cone-shaped hairs, evenly distributed over the entire surface of the head. Or make the strands longer. Arrange them in waves or in the form of bushes of hair of different lengths.
  2. The hands can be covered with a layer of black paint, as if the minion was wearing gloves.
  3. On the pockets of the minions with a thin brush, write the capital letters "H" or "G".
  4. Fashion a dish, on the outer surface of which fix a strip of yellow mastic. On it with a brush, apply the simplest pattern in the form of strokes.
  5. You will need bananas of different sizes: one large, like the minion itself, and several small ones. They are easy to fashion from yellow mastic, applying light touches of black paint for greater resemblance. To make fruits look like they are alive, you should take a master class on this topic.
  6. Our minion - the sloth lay down on the pillow. Sculpt it in the shape of a parallelepiped with rounded edges, on which apply a dotted pattern with a toothpick.

In our case, the master class involves the manufacture of 5 minion figures. The first lay down on the pillow, putting his hand under his head. To achieve the effect of crossed legs, make one of them longer and cover the other with it. The second minion is holding a large banana. The third happily demonstrates the number "5" fixed on a toothpick. The fourth stands and giggles, covering his mouth. A fifth offers a whole platter of bananas.

Our Master Class reminds you that minion figures can be made in advance.


We decorate the finished cake according to MK:

  1. The master class presents an original idea: vertically cut the cake in half and slide its halves relative to each other along the cut line.
  2. The cake will take on a complex shape, and cozy niches will form at the cut plane on both sides, where you will place the figures, as shown in the MC.
  1. Cover the cake generously with cream using a spatula or knife, and smooth the surface thoroughly.
  2. Roll out a large layer of mastic thinly. Not only a master of his craft, but also a novice confectioner knows how to transfer a thinly rolled product so as not to tear it. Carefully wind the layer on the rolling pin and, unwinding, completely cover the smeared cake with it.
  3. Punch down the layer of mastic on all sides so that bubbles do not form. Our master class suggests acting carefully so as not to wrinkle the cake, and at the same time achieve a snug fit of the mastic. Remove the excess with a knife, and wrap the remaining edges under the cake.
  1. To decorate the bottom, you can use borders in the form of lace, ruffles, etc. For simplicity, our master class suggests rolling small balls. Lay them around the perimeter of the cake in the form of beads.
  2. Arrange the minions in any order. Our master class suggests placing two of them at the base of the cake, and three on top.

It is not necessary to place the figures as our master class recommends. Show your imagination and come up with your own version. If you are decorating a cake for a girl, give preference to delicate tones of decoration, try other MK.

Dissolve the gelatin in cold water and let it swell for a few minutes. Then bring it to a homogeneous state, or in the microwave.

Heat honey in a water bath (or microwave) and mix with gelatin mass. Mix thoroughly and leave the mixture to cool slightly.

Sift the powdered sugar. Pour into the liquid mixture in small portions and mix well so that sugar lumps do not form.

When the sugar mass is difficult to mix with a spoon, transfer the batch to a work surface sprinkled with powdered sugar. The mastic is ready when it is no longer sticky to the hands, but still soft.

When the mastic stands a little, it will become harder. Therefore, do not add a lot of powdered sugar to make it denser.

Place the finished sweet mass in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to “rest”.

Using food coloring, color the sugar paste in the desired shades and place it back in a plastic bag. At this stage, it will be necessary to add a little more powdered sugar.

How to make a minion

You can start sculpting minions. Roll a ball out of yellow mastic, then form an oval - this is the body.

You can immediately make a torso for all minions.

So that this part does not change its shape in the future (does not spread in the hands), it must be set aside for a few minutes (5-10) so that it hardens a little.

Roll out a small piece of a blue tint into a layer 2-4 mm thick. The work surface must be dusted with powdered sugar. Cut out a rectangle that matches the size of the torso - this is the detail of the panties. Using a stack (or a toothpick), imitate a stitch along the edge of the part.

Glue the resulting part to the body. To make it convenient to stick the figurine into the cake (for stability), stick a toothpick in the bottom of the base. Half of the toothpick should come out. When sculpting, use a foam frame wrapped in cling film. Cut out two blanks for the sides of the panties, also imitating a seam along the edge.

Glue these blanks to the main figure, leaving the edge free in the central part - the “open pocket”.

Roll out two identical flagella from a piece of yellow - these are hands. Flatten the upper part a little so that the junction does not stand out in the future.

Glue the received parts to the main minion figure.

Roll out the blue mastic mass into a layer and cut out blanks for the front pocket and panty straps. Imitate stitching with a toothpick or tool.

The resulting parts are also glued to the body.

Roll up two white peas for the eyes. Flatten them a little and glue them to the figure.

For glasses, roll up two larger peas, flatten and cut out the middle to form two rings - this is the frame of the glasses.

Glue the resulting blanks to the base, framing the eyes.

Also, from black mastic, make the ears of the glasses - small flagella. Glue black microscopic peas in the center of the eyes and flatten a little. Make the mouth of the minion (push with a tool, imitating a smile) and a protruding tongue from a small piece of pink.

Blind black gloves and shoes: roll up oval blanks and glue to the main figure.

Decorate minions with hair. Imitate "hairs" from thin flagella in black and glue. Sculpt other figures in the same way. Leave the finished figures in a dry room to dry. They will become firmer, and it will be convenient to “plant” them on the cake.

I hope I explained well and showed in this master class how to sculpt mastic figures with my own hands. Decorate birthday cake these sweet products at your discretion.


Minion Cake is the best way to please your child on his birthday. Colorful and bright, tasty and fragrant - it will become a real highlight holiday table. Your kid will definitely be delighted with such a surprise, especially if he likes the cartoon "Despicable Me". However, you should not categorically classify the cake in the form of a Minion to the category of children's dishes. Adults will love it just as much!

If it seems to you that it is very difficult to make such a cake with your own hands and that a confectioner who does not have much experience will not be able to do it, we dare to dissuade you! Its preparation is no more complicated than classic cakes, such as "Napoleon" or "Honey cake", and even easier. Master class with step by step photos below will definitely convince you of this.

As for the components of the Mignon cake, the basis is an airy biscuit cake. Delicate oil cream is used as an impregnation and the main element of decor. In general, this is quite a familiar combination for a cake. It turns out very tasty. And, of course, the original appearance of such a dessert will not leave anyone indifferent.

So, if you decide to make a cake in the form of a Minion with butter cream with your own hands at home, then be sure to study this recipe, equipped not only with the most detailed step-by-step instructions, but also with step-by-step photos. Each of the pictures will help you better navigate a particular cooking process. Let's get started!


  • (150 g for dough + 150 g for cream)

  • (6 tablespoons)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (100 g)

  • (4 things.)

  • (3 pcs.)

  • (220 g)

  • (yellow, blue. black)

  • (3 pcs.)

  • (chocolate, 1 pc.)

  • (1/2 tiles)

  • (or any other to taste)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    First, we need to prepare the base for the cake. To do this, knead the biscuit dough. Let's start with chicken eggs. We carefully and with special care divide them into proteins and yolks. We will beat them separately from each other. The yolks will eventually turn into a yellowish foam, which will be approximately three times larger in volume. As for the proteins, they will also turn into a soft white foam, which will be 4-5 times larger in volume than the original product. Divide the sugar into two parts. We will add one to the yolks and beat the mixture until the sweet crystals dissolve, the other to the proteins. Beat egg whites with sugar until the sweet component is dissolved. Add a third of the whipped whites to the beaten yolks, and then gently mix them, stirring from the bottom up. Slowly fold in the sifted flour into the egg mixture. Mix very carefully, without sudden movements. Then add the rest of the whipped proteins to the mixture and gently mix them into the dough. Lubricate the form for baking the cake with softened butter, and then crush it with flour. After that, pour the biscuit dough into the mold, filling it 2/3. Please note that the cake during baking increases up to one and a half times. We send the mold with the dough to the oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees. We will bake the cake at the same temperature for 35 minutes. Just don't look into the oven while baking! Otherwise, you risk spoiling the biscuit. We cool the finished cake, take it out of the mold, and then give it an oval shape, as in the photo. You can do this by eye or, if in doubt, you can prepare a stencil in advance or find a dish of a suitable shape.

    At this stage, we should prepare the buttercream. To do this, combine water and sugar in a small bowl. Then we send the vessel to the fire. We keep the liquid on the stove until the sugar is completely dissolved in water. Thus, we get a sweet syrup. Separate three yolks and beat them thoroughly, as is the case with the preparation of the biscuit dough for the Mignon cake. Then, gradually add the syrup into the resulting yellowish foam, without stopping the mixer. The mixture should become fluffy. In a separate bowl, beat the softened butter, and then combine it with the egg-sugar mixture. Then beat it all with a mixer. As a result, the cream should turn out to be a homogeneous consistency. Separate half of the butter cream and tint it yellow food coloring. Take the amount of coloring matter depending on the intensity of the color you want to get. Lubricate the body of our Minion with the first layer of yellow cream, and then send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. Then apply a second layer of yellow cream, smooth it with a pastry spatula, and if one is not available, then with a long plastic ruler (should be washed first). Return the cake to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

    The rest of the cream must be divided again. Part of it will go to create an eye for the Minion, and we will tint the second with blue dye. With a blue cream, we will form a jumpsuit for the Minion, as shown in the photo below. We will hide the joint of yellow and blue cream with a strip of melted chocolate, which we will place in advance in a confectionery syringe. And, in general, the jumpsuit will look much more expressive if you circle it with chocolate along the contour. The cake is again sent to cool in the refrigerator.

    Now we need to make an eye for the Minion. For this chocolate chip cookie cover with the rest of the white cream. The pupil will be made using chocolate candy, turning it round base up.

    Now let's make "tasty" glasses with our own hands. To do this, using glasses of different shapes, cut out a circle from toffee. We will smear it with any sweet syrup, and then crush it with coconut flakes or, as in this case, with silver-colored sugar. We raise the eye and glasses to the right place.

    With melted chocolate, draw a string for glasses. We draw a mouth with it. And from the frozen chocolate we make Mignon hair, which will be easy to insert into a soft biscuit cake.

    With the help of chocolates, do not forget to make rivets on the jumpsuit. That's it, the master class has come to an end! Our minion cake is ready. You can serve it on the table!

    Enjoy your meal!

Many kids are crazy about the minion cartoon character. Therefore, preparing a dessert in the form of it is a great way to please and surprise a little sweet tooth. Cake "Mignon" is prepared on a biscuit basis and complemented with cream and decorative elements.

Composition of ingredients:

  • 270 g flour;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 330 g of sugar;
  • 60 g cocoa;
  • food colorings;
  • ½ pack of butter (plus 100 g for cream);
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • 100 ml of impregnation (from water, sugar and cocoa in a ratio of 1:1:5);
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • 1.5 cups of heavy cream;
  • 600 g of mastic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Gradually beat eggs with sugar until white. Add flour with baking powder and cocoa, thoroughly crushed through a sieve.
  2. Boil the butter with milk and combine in several stages with the main batch.
  3. Cover a rectangular shape with parchment and pour the base of the cake. Bake at 180 degrees until toothpicks dry.
  4. Cut the cooled biscuit into 3 cakes and give them the shape of a minion.
  5. For cream, whip cream and combine with condensed milk. You should get a dense structure.
  6. Soak each cake with chocolate syrup and grease with butter cream. Then collect them in a pile.
  7. Separately, beat 100 g of butter with powder for 6 minutes and smooth the structure of the cake with the resulting oil base.
  8. The mastic is divided into several parts. Color most of them with yellow dye, a little less will need blue. You will also need some white, black and pink plastic mass.
  9. Form the base of the cake from yellow mastic, with the help of blue mastic the hero's pants are formed. White and black fragments are needed to create the eyes, pink - for the mouth. After completing all the design work, the mignon mignon cake is ready.

Children's dessert with gingerbread

Composition of ingredients:

  • 500 g of ready-made gingerbread cookies (you can cook yourself);
  • mastic;
  • food colorings;
  • black pastry marker.

Cooking method:

  1. Form the base of the gingerbread dessert.
  2. Find and print template character drawings.
  3. Divide the mastic into parts, leaving 2 large pieces. Add yellow dye to one, and color the second blue. You will also need a white and black composition.
  4. Form all parts of the face from colored pieces and connect them on the finished product.
  5. Draw the hair of the minions with a food marker.

The recipe is good because it allows you to create minions of different types. If desired, small gingerbread characters can be used to decorate holiday children's cakes.

How to do with edible picture

Any home cake can be decorated with food photo printing. The basis is sugar or wafer paper, on which edible paints are applied. You can order a similar decor in confectionery workshops or through the Web.

Composition of ingredients:

  • any ready-made homemade cake covered with white mastic;
  • a sheet of wafer or sugar paper with a printed pattern of minions;
  • decorative food gel.

If desired, a cake without mastic is suitable as a base. However, its surface must be even and smooth, otherwise defects will appear in the figure.

Cooking method:

  1. Make a cake with your own hands or buy a finished product. If it does not correspond to the A4 format, then the printed drawing must be cut into the necessary fragments. It is convenient to do this with a clerical knife.
  2. Cover the bottom of the paper with gel and fix it in the right place on the cake. If the base of the pattern is waffle, then it is smeared on both sides.
  3. Smooth the picture with your hands or a special iron.

Cream cake "Mignon"

If you don’t want to resort to using mastic, you can make a mignon cake from cream.

Composition of ingredients:

  • 3 biscuit cakes;
  • 600 ml of custard (can be replaced with cream) for a layer of cakes;
  • 600 ml butter cream for decoration (400 g butter + 2 cups powdered sugar + ½ cup milk);
  • 20 g of mastic;
  • food colorings.

Cooking method:

  1. Biscuit cakes give the shape of an oval. Form the legs of a minion from scraps and cream.
  2. Fold the cakes in a pile, not forgetting to generously miss each custard. Attach the resulting biscuit "legs" to the bottom of the product. Lubricate the workpiece on all sides with the remnants of the cream.
  3. Prepare buttercream. To do this, beat softened butter with a fat content of 82.5% with a mixer. Gradually add powder and milk to it.
  4. Divide the butter cream into parts and add the dye of the desired color (yellow, blue and black) to each.
  5. Using a toothpick, carefully draw a contour drawing on the cake.
    6. Put blue cream into a pastry syringe and draw pants for the minion. Then make the main background of the cake yellow.
  6. From mastic to form eyes.
  7. Draw glasses with black oil cream, and then hair.

From chocolate dough

Composition of ingredients:

  • 600 g chocolate biscuit (you can use ready-made or make it yourself);
  • fruit for the filling (4 kiwi and 3 bananas);
  • 250 g chocolate fondant (chocolate bar and 50 g butter);
  • 2 cans of boiled condensed milk and 150 g of butter for cream;
  • 100 g marshmallows;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice;
  • 400 g of powdered sugar;
  • 30 g butter;
  • a couple of tsp turmeric and cocoa.

The recipe is good because it allows you to completely eliminate the presence of artificial colors in baking. Cocoa and turmeric will give color to the product.

Cooking method:

  1. Bake a biscuit and make 4 rectangular cakes out of it.
  2. Beat the condensed milk with butter and coat the cakes with the resulting cream.
  3. Put kiwi slices on top of the first missed cake.
  4. Cover the second greased cake with banana slices.
  5. Alternate the fruit layer on 3 and 4 cakes. Collect cake.
  6. Round the corners of the product and cover it with chocolate fudge.
  7. Prepare the mastic in the standard way, divide into 2 parts. Tint the first with cocoa, the second with turmeric. Leave a little colorless mastic to form the eyes.
  8. Roll out layers from it and cover the cake with them. Cut off the excess part, and hide the edges under the product. Before planting the mastic on the finished dessert, it should be moistened with water. This will improve adhesion to the base.
  9. From the remnants of brown and white mastic, make eyes for the minion. Additionally, you can form a pocket from brown mastic and use a spoon to make an imitation of the seams on the pants.

Children's minion cake

Composition of ingredients:

  • 100 g flour;
  • 4 eggs (plus an additional 3 yolks for cream);
  • food colorings;
  • 100 g of dark chocolate;
  • 3 pcs. sweets "Truffle";
  • 220 g butter;
  • 300 g of sugar (150 for dough and 150 for cream);
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • 6 art. l. water;
  • 1 PC. chocolate biscuits;
  • sweets "Iris" and coconut flakes to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. To make a cake in the form of a minion, you need to make a biscuit base. To do this, separately beat the whites and yolks with sugar. Mix the egg mixture with the sifted flour and bake a biscuit.
  2. Dissolve sugar in water. Separately, beat 3 yolks and gradually pour syrup into them. In parallel, beat soft butter and combine it with eggs.
  3. Pour part of the cream into a separate bowl and tint with yellow. Decorate the body of the minion with it and send it to the cold for half an hour. If necessary, duplicate the coating.
  4. From the blue-dyed cream, make a jumpsuit. Circle the junction of yellow and blue colors with melted chocolate using a syringe.
  5. Cover chocolate cookies with white cream, use Truffle candy as a pupil. Set the eye in the place allotted for it.
  6. Make the frame of glasses from toffees. Dip it in syrup, roll in coconut flakes and place around the eye.
  7. Finish the mouth and the strap of the glasses with chocolate. From the remaining sweets, make an imitation of fasteners on overalls.

How to make figurines from mastic with your own hands

It is not at all necessary to decorate the cake completely in the form of a minion. You can show a little more imagination and make a whole installation of a scene from your favorite cartoon on the baking surface.

Its basis will be figures from mastic, which are easy to make with your own hands. And it can be not only minions, but also their favorite delicacy - bananas and other decorative elements.

Composition of ingredients:

  • mastic;
  • food colorings.

The number of components depends on the scale of the planned decor.

Cooking method:

  1. Form ellipsoids from yellow mastic.
  2. Using a knife, cut out the outlines of the mouth and remove the excess base.
  3. Make a mouth with pink and white mastic.
  4. From black and white mastic, cut out eyes, pupils and eyelids.
  5. Make a jumpsuit from blue mastic and decorate it with pockets and straps.
  6. From the black base, make the frame of the glasses and the hair of the character.
  7. Separately mold the arms and legs and fix them already on the finished product. The minion figurine is ready.

Decorating a cake for a children's party in the form of a minion is an interesting idea that a little hero of the occasion will definitely appreciate. Unlike other Disney characters, the performance of this one-eyed merry fellow does not require special artistic skills, and therefore even those cooks who cannot boast of the ability to beautifully sculpt or draw can do it.