Ossetian pies with mushrooms: the best recipes. Ossetian pie stuffed with cheese and mushrooms zokojin Ossetian pie with potatoes and mushrooms

From this article, dear reader, you will learn how to make an Ossetian pie from puff pastry with potatoes and mushrooms.

The fillings for the Ossetian pie are very different. We will make from what is in any store.

But the dough for it is traditionally used yeast. I had puff, so I will make from it.


yeast puff pastry

potatoes - 4-5 pcs.

hard cheese - 150 g

suluguni cheese - 200 g

champignons - 300 g

milk - 1 glass

butter - 50-70 g

greens - 1 bunch

salt, black pepper


First of all, peel the potatoes and put them to boil.

While the potatoes are cooking, fry the mushrooms. They will cook for 10-12 minutes. Salt a little.

We rub coarsely hard cheese and suluguni, measure them.

When potatoes are cooked, mash.

It is better to crush the potatoes than to grind them with a blender. The difference is that it is not choked with a brander, but finely chopped. And the puree is not so tender.

So, we begin to crush the potatoes with a pusher, pour milk in portions and add butter. Salt, pepper.

By the number of potatoes, we need the same amount as cheese.

Add mushrooms to puree.

Now cheese and finely chopped greens.

We mix everything well.

Now you need to take the required amount of test.

And put stuffing on it.

It is better to make the shape of the dough round

We form a bun from the filling, put it on the dough and make a bag.

Such a bag is similar to khinkali, only much larger.

Now with our hands, slightly crushing, we begin to form a cake. From the center to the edges. It turns out such a round cake.

It's a bit like how lobiani is made, only without a rolling pin and not so thin.

Poke a hole in the middle of the pie so the pie doesn't puff up like a bubble.

We send it to the oven heated to 180-190 degrees.

Fifteen minutes, and the cake will be ready, do not miss it.

Now you need to grease it with butter and let it stand for a while.

The remaining blanks are enough for one more pie.

We form another “bag”, crush, form and put in the oven.

Or you could make small pies, like pies with cheese and herbs, and bake them in the oven.

Okay, that's next time.

Now bon appetit!

I was looking for something here and accidentally found this recipe, girls, I'm sorry (I'm Ossetian, I know what I'm talking about) this is anything but Ossetian pie! I don’t want to offend anyone, I myself am offended that they distort in such a way that for Ossetians it’s not only food, but something more. Three pies are prepared for prayers. It's a whole ritual. They could not even be tasted during cooking (this is if they are preparing for some kind of holy holiday) and not every Ossetian knows how to cook them. The top cake symbolizes God, the middle one is the sun, the bottom one is the earth. Anyone who is interested can look here http://ossetians.com/rus/news.php?newsid=989. Now everything has been simplified to the point of being impossible. Fillings in Ossetian pies: cheese (at what it should be made on cow's sourdough), potatoes, beet leaves with herbs, cabbage, wild garlic, beans, beef and only it (pork taboo), cherry, pumpkin. Neither mushrooms nor fish are used in Ossetian pies (although I saw this in Moscow, which I already twitched with indignation) I can immediately tell from the photo that you overexposed the pie, it dried up. The baking temperature is somewhere around 275-300 degrees, so not everyone succeeds, because. Not all technology is capable of this. Bake for 7-10 minutes but, again, depends on the oven. With meat longer and the pace is slightly lower. And no rolling pin, ever, everything is done by hand. You need to spread the cake with the side on which you put the filling, i.e. it should be on top. I will cook, I will try not to forget to fix the whole process and post it here. Sorry, didn't mean to offend anyone! Photos of Ossetian pies in the photo reports tab.

I will not argue with you after reading your claims, but for the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space, the expression "Ossetian pie" has become a stable expression, meaning "a flat pie with a filling (most often cheese)". And no one wants to offend you with this expression, and even more so with a recipe. To be offended by this is as stupid as it would be absurd for Italians to be offended by people who bake open pie called pizza...
I look forward to your authentic Ossetian pie recipe, with your (not downloaded from the Internet) photos and step-by-step explanations!
And further. You made several mistakes: "at the time" is written separately, this is a noun with a preposition, the emphasis is on the syllable "re"; "cooking" is a noun in R.p.; "some" must be written with a hyphen; the adverb "utterly" is written together; union "moreover" is written together; "again" is written with a hyphen. I’ll just keep silent about punctuation ... I don’t want to offend anyone either, girls! But cooking Ossetian pies can only be learned from Ossetian housewives, but the Russian language is taught everywhere.

Ossetian pie - a traditional dish Caucasian cuisine. His popularity today has gone far beyond the North Caucasus. Baking is a closed pie with a wide variety of fillings (vegetables, cheese, meat, mushrooms). The dough for its preparation is mainly used only yeast. At the same time, it should turn out to be very thin and tender. Today we will tell you how to make a delicious Ossetian pie with chicken and mushrooms, we will offer you a recipe for an excellent dough.

The filling can be not only chicken with mushrooms, the pie can also be prepared with potatoes, cheese, meat, cabbage, and various berries. It all depends on your taste. Secret proper cooking of these pies lies, first of all, in the correct kneading of the dough. Ideally, its volume should be equal to the volume of the filling. This is very important if you want to end up with a true pie from Ossetia. All vegetables used for the filling should be crumbled into small pieces. If the recipe requires it, then undergo heat treatment (frying, boiling). Cheese is often used to make Ossetian pies, the most suitable varieties are cheese, Ossetian, Adyghe or feta.

dough recipe

There are many different recipes dough for Ossetian pies. Today, most housewives use only yeast kneaded on dough.

Cooking dough

To prepare the brew you will need:

  • flour of the highest grade - half st. l.;
  • granulated sugar - half st. l.;
  • milk - 0.1 l;
  • sachet of fast acting dry yeast

Combine yeast with flour and sugar. The resulting mixture is diluted in warmed milk, mix well. After that, we remove the dough in a warm place, wait for the yeast to begin to act (foam should form on the surface). When it is ready, you can proceed directly to the preparation of the dough itself.

Cooking the dough


  • dough;
  • premium flour - 1200 g;
  • milk - 0.2 l;
  • salt - 1/3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 70 g (butter);
  • kefir - 500 ml.


  1. Sift the flour twice into a deep bowl.
  2. We make a recess in it and pour in the dough.
  3. Then add all the other products: butter, kefir, milk, salt. Butter must first be melted, milk must be heated.
  4. We knead our dough well.
  5. We send it to a warm place so that it fits well. A preheated oven can be used. It is best to let the dough rise several times.

The indicated proportions will allow you to get the amount of dough, designed for two Ossetian pies. Therefore, we propose to make a couple of different fillings.

Stuffing Recipes

Since there are two pies planned, we will prepare a different filling for them. The first recipe for making an Ossetian pie will be with chicken and mushrooms, the second with potatoes, mushrooms and cheese.

Recipe 1

For the filling you will need:

  • chicken meat (breast) - 350 g;
  • mushrooms (fresh or dried) - 300 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Boil chicken meat in lightly salted water, then cut into small pieces. We also chop the mushrooms, cut the onion into cubes. Then we fry it in a pan along with our mushrooms. Mix the fried vegetables with chicken, salt. The filling is ready.

Recipe 2


  • potatoes - 3 - 4 pcs.;
  • champignons - 250 g;
  • cheese - 250 g (Adyghe, Ossetian, cheese, feta);
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.

We clean the potatoes, boil, mash them into a puree. Saute onions with mushrooms for 10 minutes over low heat. We cut the cheese into small cubes. Combine all ingredients, mix well, add salt to taste. The filling for the second pie is also ready.

Cooking Ossetian pie

The dough and filling are ready, let's start cooking our pies.

  1. Divide the risen dough into two equal parts.
  2. Next, you need to lay baking paper on the work surface.
  3. We spread the first part, with our hands without using a rolling pin we form a large cake.
  4. When it is ready, we send our first filling to it, then we collect the edges of the dough over it. It should be a kind of bag.
  5. Then we begin to gently straighten everything again into the shape of a cake. The thinner it is, the better.
  6. Place the resulting cake with baking paper on a baking sheet with the seam down.
  7. We cut the second part of our dough in the same way with a different filling.
  8. Bake pies in the oven for 25-30 minutes. Set the temperature to 180 - 200 degrees.
  9. After the time has elapsed, remove the treat from the oven and brush with butter.
  10. Serve baking preferably hot, you can cut it into several pieces.

Ossetian pies: What is changing?

Recently Ossetian cuisine became very fashionable and popular in the cities of Russia. More and more often people order hearty and healthy Ossetian pies instead of fatty and high-calorie pizza, hamburgers and other fast food. The peculiarity of Ossetian pies lies in the following things: fresh and organic products, natural spices and seasonings, special preparation thin dough, the diligence of the cook and his love for the dish. Often, housewives are afraid to cook Ossetian pies on their own, referring to inexperience or lack of time, and therefore they order real Ossetian pies only from people who have been tested by time and quality. Such pies become a real decoration of the festive table at any event. They give the celebration a special Caucasian flavor. But there are housewives who prefer to try, experiment and cook dishes on their own, with their own hands, without worrying about the result. So for them we decided to lay out recipe Ossetian pie with cheese and mushrooms at home.

Since ancient times, the main filling for the Ossetian pie has been such products as: meat, cheese, beet tops, greens and potatoes. But time flies. Ossetian cuisine is improving itself, new ideas appear that give rise to regular culinary masterpieces. Previously, they would have been nonsense for the Ossetian traditional cuisine, but now they have replenished the culinary range of Ossetian pies and are called Zokodzhin. The pie is prepared quite simply and all products are easy to get in the store, the main thing is not to be afraid to try to cook Ossetian pies at home, on your own.

Recipe for Ossetian pie with cheese and mushrooms Zokojin

  1. Traditionally, Ossetian pies begin to be prepared with the preparation of fragrant and lush dough. We heat kefir to 40 - 45 degrees and dissolve dry yeast in it. Stirring all the time, add the flour and add a little salt - half a teaspoon will be enough. Knead the dough thoroughly. It should become elastic. At the very end of kneading, add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough. Knead the dough a little more. We roll the dough into a ball shape, cover with gauze or a towel and put in a warm place for 1 hour to ripen.
  2. While the dough is ripening, let's take a look at the filling for our Ossetian pie with cheese and mushrooms. We clean the champignons and wash them under the pressure of cold water, put them in a colander and let the excess moisture drain. Cut into small cubes. Porcini crush in a separate bowl to a powder state.
  3. Heat 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a deep and wide frying pan. We spread the mushrooms in it, mix, make the fire smaller and simmer under a tightly covered lid. As soon as the champignons are slightly fried, add dried mushrooms, thyme. Salt and pepper. Mix and taste. If everything suits you, we continue to simmer the mushrooms with spices until the liquid has completely evaporated with the lid half closed. Do not forget to stir from time to time, otherwise the mushrooms will burn and turn into coals. In the finished mushroom filling, only butter and no other liquid should remain. Remove from heat and let mushrooms cool.
  4. The dough ripens, the mushrooms cool down, and we move on to another component of the filling for Ossetian pies with mushrooms - Suluguni cheese, if there is none, then take another, easily melted cheese (Imeretinsky, Ossetian, etc.). We rub the cheese on a grater with a large grate. Add the grated cheese to the mushrooms and mix well all the components of the future filling for the pies.
  5. We preheat the oven to 220 degrees, and while the oven is warming up, let's move on to the ripened dough. Divide the dough into 3 parts and roll into a ball shape. Leave it alone for another 30 minutes.
  6. Further, with the help of hands, if there is not enough skill, then with the help of a rolling pin, we roll each bun into cakes, the thinner the cake, the tastier pie but don't overdo it. Carefully place 1/3 of the prepared filling in the middle of each cake. Now, lifting the edges of the cake, we try to pinch the edges of the dough, as a result we get a small bag of dough with a filling inside. We do the same with the other two cakes. We stretch the resulting bags and roll them into a flat thin cake, trying not to tear the edges so that the filling does not fall out. Make a hole in the middle of each cake. During cooking, excess moisture will escape in the form of steam through the hole. We spread the cake on a frying pan or other baking dish and put it in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes. Lightly oil the bottom of the baking dish to prevent the pies from burning.
  7. Fragrant juicy Ossetian pies with cheese and mushrooms ready. Pies should only be served hot. We spread them on a wide tray, and while they are hot, grease the top with butter, cut into 4-6 parts. Pies are served not only with your favorite drinks, but also with spicy sour-milk Caucasian sauces, which are able to subtly emphasize the unusual taste of Ossetian pie with mushrooms and cheese.
Enjoy your meal!

Material genre: "Article"

Exquisite food for sophisticated guests

If you have never tried Ossetian pies, you have lost a lot. This is an amazing dish - you will lick your fingers, besides it is healthy - not an ounce of cholesterol and preservatives.

The recipe for making Ossetian pies, like heather honey, is passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. But, fortunately, the recipe for Ossetian pies has not been lost, like the recipe for heather honey. Imagine how beautiful it is to put pies of amazing beauty and munching on the table - this symbol of the hearth, comfort, love and abundance.

Ossetian pies with potatoes and mushrooms are the main dish during Ossetian feasts. If three pies are served on the table, they act as a symbol of the three-dimensionality of the universe, the components of which are God, the Earth and the Sun. During the funeral feast, only two pies are served on the table. The absence of one cake - the sun symbolizes the frailty of being.

The filling of Ossetian pies can be not only potatoes and mushrooms, but also meat, grated cranberries or pumpkins, cabbage or wild garlic with cheese, and even beet leaves.

It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to cook Ossetian pies at home without knowing the exact recipe. But it is possible to please yourself with an exquisite dish if you order pastries from professional confectioners.

Delicacy should be made only from fresh products, carefully observing the addition of products to the dish. Make a mistake for a few minutes and that's it - the dish will not work, there will be some other pie, by no means Ossetian. The dish must not be heated in a microwave oven or cooked on modern kitchen equipment, otherwise the spirit, the history of the cake will be lost. Of course, Ossetian pies should be served hot, but the dish will also be popular cold. On the festive table will plug the most refined and expensive delicacy into the belt.

When ordering Ossetian pies, pay attention to the reputation of a cafe or confectionery that offers such a service. Only Ossetians can teach how to cook a dish! Pay attention to how long the cafe or restaurant has been operating, who the company's customers are, whether the company provides catering services (food delivery to offices, corporate parties). By choosing the right chef, you will get incomparable pleasure!

Recipe for Ossetian pie with potatoes and mushrooms

Dough Ingredients:

  • kefir - 0.5 liters,
  • flour - 500 g,
  • dry yeast - 1 sachet,
  • salt,
  • vegetable oil.

Filling Ingredients:

  • potatoes - 2-3 pieces,
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
  • champignons - 200 g,
  • onion - 1 medium onion,
  • butter- 3 tablespoons,
  • thyme,
  • ground black pepper.

To prepare the dough, it is necessary to dilute the yeast in heated kefir, add flour, salt and thoroughly knead the resulting mass. Then add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, wrap with a film or cover with a towel and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour.

Peeled onions and washed champignons cut and stew in a frying pan under the lid. Add thyme and salt to the mushrooms and cook, stirring occasionally, until all the liquid has evaporated.

Boil potatoes, mash them in puree, add sour cream, ready-made champignons, salt, pepper and mix well.

Divide the dough into three parts, form donuts, let them rise for 20-30 minutes and roll them into cakes. Put a third of the filling on each, connect the edges to the center and pinch.

Flatten the resulting bags and stretch into large thin cakes. Make a hole in the center for steam to escape and bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. Remove the finished pies and grease generously with butter.

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